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When Do I Need To Hire Experienced NESTJs Programmer?

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, May 4, 2021
NestJS was developed by Kamil Myśliwiec and other contributors as an open-source platform having a modular framework for creating scalable, reliable, testable, flexible, and efficient backend applications which is why individuals and companies want to hire NestJs developer for their projects. Nest.Js support databases like MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

The framework provides a mix of components and elements of object-oriented programming (OOP), functional reactive programming (FRP), and functional programming (FP). Nest.Js uses HTTP Server frameworks with Express as the default but it can also be configured to use Fastify as well.

Presently, the fastest-growing Typescript framework in Node.js is Nest.js and it is influenced by React, Vue, and Angular, that’s why many companies are looking to hire experienced NestJs programmers or a team of programmers.

When do I need to hire experienced NestJs programmers?

Whether to develop an application from scratch or an existing project, hiring experienced Nest.Js programmers is important if you want the development of your app to include;


Nest.Js is a highly scalable framework. Scalability is the ability of a tool or system to maintain its reaction time, efficiency targets and increase its capabilities as the demand for software functionalities grows. It can adapt to overhauls, upgrades, changes while remaining stable without diminished performance.

As earlier discussed, Nest.Js combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FRP (Functional Reactive Programming), and FP (Functional Programming. The scalability can be Vertical scaling (the size of your server determines how big you can get) or Horizontal scaling (which gives you the capability to scale wider to accommodate traffic).
To scale up (vertical) more power is added to your existing machines with hardware and tools while to scale out (horizontal) more machines are added to share processing and memory workload.

Automated Testing

Testing is a process of evaluating the performance of a software application to discover if the software meets the specific requirements it was produced to meet and to find out if there are any bugs in the software and for improving the software generally. Most times to do this developers have to execute a testing system.
By building using the Nest.js development framework, this testing system is simplified as it comes with a default testing environment and tools. Test suites or individual tests are replicated easily and with speed. With this, you will be assured that the product will meet the requirements of quality, efficiency, and performance.

Same Frontend and Backend Language

JavaScript is the most commonly used language which is what Nest.js uses and having it used for your whole application, frontend and back end makes it more flexible. Using the same language for your user side and server-side means tasks relating to both sides can be easily carried out. This reduces the tools and time needed to develop your application since programmers can reuse codes, communicate easily on different parts of the system at both ends.

In-Built Exception Filters

Nest.js framework comes with an in-built exceptions layer that handles exceptions that the application code does not catch across an application and then returns an appropriate user-friendly response automatically. This is executed by a global exception filter that handles HttpException and its subclasses. A string is taken as a first argument and a status code like a second argument which when thrown into the controller the layer catches it and returns a response according to the specified status code.

Optimize Search Engines for increased traffic

Hiring an experience Nest.js developer can make your website rank higher in search engine optimization making it more visible and generating organic traffic. Using the Nest.js framework will make your website crawlable by offering crawlable content for search engines and you can choose either to prerender your website or do a server-side rendering.
Adding metadata to your website helps search engine crawlers understand the content of your pages and Next.js adds most metadata automatically including the content and viewport type of metadata. It also helps to have a sitemap so that search engines can index your website properly and although it is not easy to create a sitemap when you hire experienced NestJs programmer, Nest.Js can be used to automate the process to an extent.

5 Advantages Of Using Linux Over Windows For Your Business

By Ashutosh Jha → Sunday, March 31, 2019
Are you trying to figure out if Linux is a viable alternative to the Microsoft ecosystem?

5 Advantages Of Using Linux Over Windows For Your Business
Linux has already taken over a large amount of the business server market, but is it viable as a desktop alternative? With Linux in better shape than ever, there isn't a better time to try it out.
linux vs windows market
The numbers even become more interesting when you look at the popularity in the top ranking websites.
You are probably wondering what benefits switching to the underdog operating system can bring. This post was made to show you just that.

5 Advantages Of Using Linux Over Windows

Keep reading to learn the advantages of Linux over Windows and how it can help improve your business.

1. Save on Licensing Costs

Software costs a lot of money. Wouldn't it be great if there were free alternatives available?

With Linux, that is not only possible but encouraged. It is one of the greatest sources of free and open source software available today. The operating system itself is free.

How much is your business spending on Windows 10 licenses?

That isn't the only savings. Here are a few typical applications that will run your bill up.

Photo Editing

Adobe Photoshop is the defacto standard for graphics work. It isn't the only option available though.

GIMP is a full-featured editing application that has all the same features as Photoshop. The workflow will be different, but once learned you could accomplish anything in it that you could achieve in any editing software.

Word Documents and Spreadsheets

Microsoft Office and Windows are a common pairing. You won't get the desktop version of Office with Linux though. For that, you should check out Libre Office.

Libre Office is the Linux equivalent and contains the same suite of applications Microsoft Office provides.

2. Improve Your Office Security

Security is a concern with any business. This concern has a lot of companies looking for other options so they can keep their business safe from threats that would cost them money.

Windows is widespread, and that makes it the center of attention. Most of the viruses created explicitly target it.

For Linux users, it isn't as big of an issue. Most viruses and malware require you to execute .exe programs on your computer. Linux doesn't run these and can't install these programs.

Linux also is designed secure out of the box. Unless you configure it securely, Windows allows default users to do anything from the beginning. With the Linux security model, the default user is required to enter their password anytime something essential needs to happen.

This system makes securing a Linux system an easier task than a Windows computer.

3. Move Your Business to the Cloud

The days of desktop software dominating the market are dwindling.

Today, you can find replacements on the web for almost every desktop software available. Web-based software comes with some advantages.

With it, you aren't tied to your operating system since you only need a web browser to access the software. You can choose your environment, and location of choice to get your work done.

Here are some alternatives you can try for your business.

Office Suite

Microsoft Office is a staple in the business world, but it isn't the only player in the game.

Google has its office suite available called Google Docs. It is a web-based document suite that has close to all of the functions Office provides for word processing, spreadsheets, and creating presentation slides.

If you are set on Microsoft Office though, even Microsoft offers a web version of their software. No desktop software is required.

Cloud Storage

File servers have been a staple of businesses for a long time now. There is a problem with them though.

You need to be at the office to access them.

When you move to a cloud storage solution like Dropbox or Google Drive, you can access your files anywhere.

Privacy Concerns

Do you have security concerns? If you are in healthcare or another business with more privacy issues, then you have more laws and regulations to comply with.

With Linux, you can set up a private cloud server for people to use that you host onsite.

NextCloud is a piece of software that provides cloud capabilities hosted on your servers. Doing this allows you to secure your data based on whatever laws apply to you.

4. Make Your Desktops More Reliable

Isn't it a great feeling when you buy a new computer, get it home, and get it running without any problems?

The problem here is you are getting an out of the box store experience, and that doesn't typically last with a Windows workstation.

A properly configured Linux desktop will run for years.

5. More Out of the Box Hardware Support

There was a time where Linux had trouble supporting hardware. This hardware trouble is mostly not a concern anymore.

Linux out of the box supports more hardware than Windows does. It has this support because of the Linux kernel.

The Linux kernel is what makes everything tick under the hood. Windows has its own, but it does not include a lot of hardware support built in. It needs to go out and grab the software it needs.

The Linux kernel, on the other hand, has these drivers built in and supported from the beginning. It makes getting it up and running on a variety of hardware configurations less of a hassle than with Windows.

This support works excellent in conference settings where you may not know what to expect. Click here for more information about venues that you could be presenting in.

Advantages of Linux over Windows: Final Thoughts

Now that you see a lot of the advantages of Linux over Windows its time for you to make your choice. Do you make the jump and experiment with something new, or stick with what you have been doing?

There are enough potential upsides to give it serious thought. If you aren't ready to commit to a full workstation test yet, then put a copy of Linux on a USB drive and take it for a test run before committing to anything.

Are you looking for more business advice? Check out our business section for more great ideas you can use for your business.

Software Testing 101: 7 Tips for Troubleshooting Your Code

By Ashutosh Jha → Thursday, March 14, 2019
Software bugs cost the US economy almost $60 billion every year, according to estimates.

The trouble is, with software becoming more and more complex, the chances of a bug slipping through the cracks will only increase.

All of which means that software testing is more essential than ever. And it is vital that you test your software the right way. 

7 Software Testing Code Troubleshooting Tips

So read on as we look at 7 practical software testing tips to help you to troubleshoot your code.

1. Test to Find Bugs

The most important thing is to start out with the right mindset.

If you're going into software testing expecting your software to sail through with no issues, the chances are very high that you're going to be disappointed. But also if you're not expecting bugs, you might actually end up missing some of them.

Instead, you should approach testing with a mindset of actively seeking bugs. That means that every bug you find will be a job well done, not a disappointment. And it means you are more likely to keep hunting until every bug is found and fixed.

When you reach the point where you really can't find any more bugs no matter how hard you try, then your software is probably ready to go.

2. Do a Functionality Test 

Software testers will put your work through its paces, trying every combination of clicks and inputs they can looking for a flaw.

But before it reaches this stage, it's always worth running a very simple functionality test to make sure that every part of your software works as you would expect. You don't need to try every option or test every aspect. Just go through the front end ensuring that every button does what it is supposed to, and every text box accepts the appropriate amount of text.

The reason for this is that there is little point getting someone to test your software if it's going to fall at the very first hurdle. Make sure everything is in good enough shape. Finding bugs should be a challenge for the testers, not a simple task.

3. Don't Test Your Own Code

It's all too tempting to want to test your own code to a much higher level before passing it on to the testers.

After all, this is your work that they will be scrutinizing and the fewer bugs there are when you pass it on, the better your work will look. But testing your own code at too rigorous a level is not a good idea.

As a developer, you know what you want the software to do. So you may not consider some of the things that a person new to the software would think to try. It's also not an efficient use of your time; testers are being paid to do this work and you are not.

4. Be Highly Organized

The more complex software becomes, the more complex software testing becomes and the more people become involved in the process.

All of which means that if you want your software testing to be efficient, you need to be highly organized. Everyone involved in the process needs to be up to speed on naming conventions, communication protocols, filing structure and the like.

Every member of the team should know where to find the right files, who they need to keep informed, and what the next stages of the project are going to be. And all of this needs to be agreed and put in place from the very outset of the project.

5. Use Detailed Bug Reports

When testing takes place and you find a bug, it needs to be reported properly.

And this means including as much detail as possible. You should log key information such as the environment that was being used, how to reproduce the error, and what the expected behavior should have been.

And keep your target audience in mind when you're writing a bug report. Whilst a few words may make a lot of sense to the rest of your software development team, it might be complete gibberish to someone in management. So make sure you write your bug reports clearly enough that they make sense to everyone attached to the project.

Beware of the danger of writing too much, however. Keep to the pertinent points but don't get bogged down in too much technical detail.

6. Analyze Your Code

A software tester can find bugs by using your software and finding instances of where the software does not behave as expected.

But this is only testing how the software functions, and not how strong or secure the code itself is. There are programs that can analyze your code for any hidden risks and vulnerabilities, which is vitally important as part of your digital transformation.

And this type of software analysis can also pick up any slips in coding standards which would not be picked up by user testing.

7. Don't Forget Single-User Testing

Load testing is an important part of the software testing process.

It determines how well your software will run under real-life load conditions. In other words, how well it will run when it is being accessed by a large number of users at once.

And whilst this is a key part of the testing process, it is all too easy to forget about single-user testing. Your software may run perfectly adequately when put under heavy load. But how does it work when only one person is using it?

If it doesn't run as quickly as you might expect then you'll need to track down the reason.

Want to Know More About Software Testing and Development?

If you're interested in more great articles on software testing and development, then you're in the right place.

We have a ton of great content covering all aspects of software. They include everything from tips and tricks and how-tos to software reviews. We also have a wide range of articles all about how to set up and earn money from a blog.

Feel free to take a good look around.

5 Benefits of Coding for Entrepreneurs

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, March 12, 2019
We get it. You're a BIG DEAL.

I mean, you run your own business, manage your own schedule, and stay inspired day after day.

You're what everyone wants to be these days...

An entrepreneur!

You've polished your charm and perfected your strong handshake. You've got big ideas and you're making them happen. You sign all the checks, make the calls, and take the fall if things go wrong.

5 Benefits of Coding for Entrepreneurs
But what are you going to do about all that ugly, nitty-gritty, technical stuff?


Believe it or not, taking the time to learn how to code can add to your leadership skills. (It's not just for scrawny nerds!)

Keep reading to learn why coding for entrepreneurs is an important and growing trend.

5 Benefits of Coding for Entrepreneurs

Here are some of the benefits of coding for Entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneurs you need to be ready for all kind of work starting from product development to the marketing and sales of the product. Let's start and see some of the top reasons why an entrepreneurs should code.

#1 You'll Understand What's Possible

Having a basic understanding of code will help clarify an otherwise daunting world for you.

Entrepreneurs who learn to code can ask for what they want in more detail. They know when they're asking too much, and what a realistic deadline is for each part of a coding project.

#2 Never Get Overcharged Again

You'll have no clue if you're paying too much for your website, app, or digital project without a bit of coding know-how.

You know how business owners think, you are one! So can you blame freelance web developers for asking for more if they think they can get away with it? If you speak their language, you'll have more bargaining power.

Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

 The very nature of building code requires you to exercise critical thinking.

Coding helps you exercise creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and logic. It teaches you to see connections you never would have thought of before.

What do all these traits have in common?

They're essential for running an amazing business.

#3 Build Your Own Products

Can't find the right person to bring your digital vision to life?

Or, more likely, you probably won't have much funding to put towards innovative web design if you're running a brand new business.

No sweat.

When you're fluent in code yourself, you don't necessarily have to hire anyone to build your next big product for you. Plenty of young entrepreneurs today build their own apps from scratch and sometimes sell them for millions of dollars.

#4 Hire Better Techies

Let's say you've got the funds to hire more people, and you need a solid technical team.

If computers scare you and HTML looks like Chinese, there's no way you'll know who to hire. To hire some amazing coders, you'll need at least a general understanding of coding languages and what good code looks like.

#5 Coding for Entrepreneurs, SEO Consulting, and More

You don't need to become a full-time engineer to take some coding classes.

Product design, troubleshooting, and coding for entrepreneurs could be a business school requirement in the future—it's that beneficial.

For even more helpful posts like this one, check out more posts from our blog.

And if you're ready to take your small business to the next level, consider talking to a consultant.

Wrapping it up- Benefits of coding for entrepreneurs

These were some of the top benefits of coding for entrepreneurs. You should learn some top programming skills in order to manage situations. You may also go through some of the top programming blogs to get updated with the technologies.

If you're not sure which technologies they should go for, you may go for psychometric test for leaders and identify the best cases for them.