Best Content Editing Tools in 2020
By Ashutosh Jha →
Monday, May 18, 2020
In the early generations, there were only paper and pens that can be used in writing. Years after, there were typewriters that were simple to operate and manage. But due to technological advancement over the years, people invented computers not only for creating a report but also to make it much easier to gather the information that you will need without going to a library. Well, this all depends on how you will use the services that the internet can offer.
Writing has always been a part of our culture. It is always involved in the professional and academic sectors. As time passes by, writing tools have been created. The purpose of these tools is to have a proper sentence structure, good grammar, correct formatting, and other factors that can contribute to producing a more credible essay or report.
There are editing tools you can use when you are in the process of producing a dissertation report, a book, or any type of writing. These tools are important especially if the work should be thoroughly edited quickly to have the perfect output.
But what makes this different is that you can install it as an add-on to your web browser whenever you want to write. Meaning, whenever you access your Facebook, Twitter, or create an email through your Gmail account, this tool will check if there are errors that need to be corrected.
This tool also offers vocabulary word suggestions that will best fit your sentence. I have earlier written a great piece on Grammarly review and if you think it is costly, then Grammarly alternatives.
Grammarly doesn’t offer a free trial to the individual users but you can use Grammarly free for the basic uses. Use the below link to use Grammarly free-
It is a basic tool and can be used to look for basic errors in the content. All you have to do is, just paste your content in the text box and click on the “Find Cliches” button. This will show you the overview results like whether it has any spelling mistakes, word choice, etc.
It has the same feature as Grammarly that it also offers word suggestions that will enhance every sentence. You can use this as Grammarly alternatives or can be used as free online proofreading tools. Similar to Grammarly, ProWritingAid also offers the free Chrome extension which you can use to write error-free content in real-time.
Even ProWritingAid is available for more platforms compared to Grammarly. You can use ProWritingAid with Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, Windows Desktop app where you can write the content as well, Google docs, and MacBook.
But its general use is the word suggestion on your written content. It can highlight the sentences that were hard to comprehend by an average reader. It can also identify the wrongly used adverbs, passive voice, and other common errors that any writer can encounter.
If you are looking for a simple app just to check the basics of the content for free, you can use Hemingway. You can either use it online or download their desktop application. Even when we wrote about new technologies in writing, Hemingway had it's secured place.
In this way, you can prevent the risk of possible identical content. Before making some edits, it is still your common sense that will prevail. There are always advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages were it is convenient to use, has a free plug-in on Google Chrome, and it is reliable for blog content and SEO editors. Well, one disadvantage is it can only check 500 words at a time.
The best thing about Copywritely is, it has a set of tools for different purposes and you can use those. Copywritely is a premium content editing tool and so you need to subscribe to their plans.
Both the ways it works, either you can write the content and use any of the above content editing tools or get the service outsources. Which one are you currently using? Let me know in the comment.

There are editing tools you can use when you are in the process of producing a dissertation report, a book, or any type of writing. These tools are important especially if the work should be thoroughly edited quickly to have the perfect output.
Top 10 Best Content Editing Tools
Meanwhile, here are the best content editing tools you might want to check throughout the editing process. Probably, they will help you to have an error-free outline.Grammarly
Grammarly is one of the best content editing tools before finalizing a report. It is normally used not only for grammatical technicalities but it also works like a spell checker tool like Google Docs and MS Word.
But what makes this different is that you can install it as an add-on to your web browser whenever you want to write. Meaning, whenever you access your Facebook, Twitter, or create an email through your Gmail account, this tool will check if there are errors that need to be corrected.
This tool also offers vocabulary word suggestions that will best fit your sentence. I have earlier written a great piece on Grammarly review and if you think it is costly, then Grammarly alternatives.
Grammarly doesn’t offer a free trial to the individual users but you can use Grammarly free for the basic uses. Use the below link to use Grammarly free-
Cliché Finder
A cliché is an overused phrase or expression that can cause you to lose the meaning of your written content. The Cliché Finder is a tool that highlights these phrases and is mindful of it. However, using cliché is not always unacceptable. But if you decide to use them, you should be sure that it will be useful for your paper.
ProWritingAid has a free and paid version. Of course, the paid version will give you the whole services that this tool can offer while the free version has only limited services. Regardless of the place where you are writing, this tool can conveniently be used which can proofread and scan your report thoroughly to detect any mistakes.
Even ProWritingAid is available for more platforms compared to Grammarly. You can use ProWritingAid with Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, Windows Desktop app where you can write the content as well, Google docs, and MacBook.
Hemingway is an application that will make your writing more clear and comprehensible. It is one of the top editing tools for writers that will help them to detect and fix mistakes which can make their written output much better. It has really useful features such as word count, detects which sentences are hard to read, and readability score. Hemingway is a top digital tool for students as well.
If you are looking for a simple app just to check the basics of the content for free, you can use Hemingway. You can either use it online or download their desktop application. Even when we wrote about new technologies in writing, Hemingway had it's secured place.
Copywritely is an easy editing app that has a feature called Duplicate Content Checker. It is a feature that is very useful especially if you are into SEO or an online marketing strategy. You can just copy and paste the content to this tool and it will show you if there are sentences that are plagiarized. It can verify if your content or edits were very similar to others over the Internet.
The best thing about Copywritely is, it has a set of tools for different purposes and you can use those. Copywritely is a premium content editing tool and so you need to subscribe to their plans.
Wrapping it up!
These were some of the best content editing tools. But if you still find it difficult to write creative and appealing content, availing writing services is a good choice. You might want to try to check to prevent the hassle in creating, editing, and revising your works.Both the ways it works, either you can write the content and use any of the above content editing tools or get the service outsources. Which one are you currently using? Let me know in the comment.