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Best Content Editing Tools in 2020

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, May 18, 2020
In the early generations, there were only paper and pens that can be used in writing. Years after, there were typewriters that were simple to operate and manage. But due to technological advancement over the years, people invented computers not only for creating a report but also to make it much easier to gather the information that you will need without going to a library. Well, this all depends on how you will use the services that the internet can offer.

Writing has always been a part of our culture. It is always involved in the professional and academic sectors. As time passes by, writing tools have been created. The purpose of these tools is to have a proper sentence structure, good grammar, correct formatting, and other factors that can contribute to producing a more credible essay or report.

There are editing tools you can use when you are in the process of producing a dissertation report, a book, or any type of writing. These tools are important especially if the work should be thoroughly edited quickly to have the perfect output.

Top 10 Best Content Editing Tools

Meanwhile, here are the best content editing tools you might want to check throughout the editing process. Probably, they will help you to have an error-free outline.


Grammarly is one of the best content editing tools before finalizing a report. It is normally used not only for grammatical technicalities but it also works like a spell checker tool like Google Docs and MS Word.

But what makes this different is that you can install it as an add-on to your web browser whenever you want to write. Meaning, whenever you access your Facebook, Twitter, or create an email through your Gmail account, this tool will check if there are errors that need to be corrected.

This tool also offers vocabulary word suggestions that will best fit your sentence. I have earlier written a great piece on Grammarly review and if you think it is costly, then Grammarly alternatives.

Grammarly doesn’t offer a free trial to the individual users but you can use Grammarly free for the basic uses. Use the below link to use Grammarly free-

Cliché Finder

A cliché is an overused phrase or expression that can cause you to lose the meaning of your written content. The Cliché Finder is a tool that highlights these phrases and is mindful of it. However, using cliché is not always unacceptable. But if you decide to use them, you should be sure that it will be useful for your paper.
It is a basic tool and can be used to look for basic errors in the content. All you have to do is, just paste your content in the text box and click on the “Find Cliches” button. This will show you the overview results like whether it has any spelling mistakes, word choice, etc.


ProWritingAid has a free and paid version. Of course, the paid version will give you the whole services that this tool can offer while the free version has only limited services. Regardless of the place where you are writing, this tool can conveniently be used which can proofread and scan your report thoroughly to detect any mistakes.

It has the same feature as Grammarly that it also offers word suggestions that will enhance every sentence. You can use this as Grammarly alternatives or can be used as free online proofreading tools. Similar to Grammarly, ProWritingAid also offers the free Chrome extension which you can use to write error-free content in real-time.

Even ProWritingAid is available for more platforms compared to Grammarly. You can use ProWritingAid with Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, Windows Desktop app where you can write the content as well, Google docs, and MacBook.


Hemingway is an application that will make your writing more clear and comprehensible. It is one of the top editing tools for writers that will help them to detect and fix mistakes which can make their written output much better. It has really useful features such as word count, detects which sentences are hard to read, and readability score. Hemingway is a top digital tool for students as well.

But its general use is the word suggestion on your written content. It can highlight the sentences that were hard to comprehend by an average reader. It can also identify the wrongly used adverbs, passive voice, and other common errors that any writer can encounter.

If you are looking for a simple app just to check the basics of the content for free, you can use Hemingway. You can either use it online or download their desktop application. Even when we wrote about new technologies in writingHemingway had it's secured place.


Copywritely is an easy editing app that has a feature called Duplicate Content Checker. It is a feature that is very useful especially if you are into SEO or an online marketing strategy. You can just copy and paste the content to this tool and it will show you if there are sentences that are plagiarized. It can verify if your content or edits were very similar to others over the Internet.

In this way, you can prevent the risk of possible identical content. Before making some edits, it is still your common sense that will prevail. There are always advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages were it is convenient to use, has a free plug-in on Google Chrome, and it is reliable for blog content and SEO editors. Well, one disadvantage is it can only check 500 words at a time.

The best thing about Copywritely is, it has a set of tools for different purposes and you can use those. Copywritely is a premium content editing tool and so you need to subscribe to their plans.

Wrapping it up!

These were some of the best content editing tools. But if you still find it difficult to write creative and appealing content, availing writing services is a good choice. You might want to try to check to prevent the hassle in creating, editing, and revising your works.

Both the ways it works, either you can write the content and use any of the above content editing tools or get the service outsources. Which one are you currently using? Let me know in the comment.

5 Helpful Writing Tips for Beginner Bloggers

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, August 26, 2019
A lot of people are looking into blogging as a way to monetize their talent in writing. However, blogging isn’t just about writing and publishing texts on a website, hoping for the best. There’s more to it than just inspiration.

You have to learn about what to write and when to post to entice your readers and make them come back. Don’t forget that you also must be discoverable. That means impressing search engine bots and the algorithms to keep your content on top of search engine pages (that’s SEO).

So, how can you juggle all these? Read on as I show you excellent writing tips for beginner bloggers!

Writing strategically matters the world for blogging, especially with today’s competition. Whether you’re here to monetize, build your personal brand, or you just want to reach wider audiences, spread awareness and advocate for the cause, here are some helpful tips to follow:

5 best Beginner Bloggers Writing Tips

Here are some of the top beginner bloggers writing tips which can help you add some value along with ranking in the search engines.

1. Don’t Fake It and Write In Your Own Voice

The first thing you should know as you start out as a blogger is NEVER to fake interests. Don’t fake love for your blogging niche just because you think it’s a lucrative and unexplored opportunity. Otherwise writing will become a chore and you will end up outsourcing texts to services like MyAdmission, rather than writing inspired opinions in your own voice.

Instead, find a niche you’re truly passionate about, be it car design, health and fitness, or anything else! The niches and industries are limitless and you can write anything your heart desires while still having a target audience interested in your work. What you should do, however, is to find a unique focus.

Once you’ve settled with a niche, always write in your own voice. Don’t copy someone else’s style, otherwise, you risk becoming just another generic droplet in the sea of competitors.

2. Write Freely, Optimize Later

When it comes to writing, it’s better to let the words flow freely. While you do need to edit your piece according to SEO requirements and clear formatting, that can wait for later. These factors can get in the way of writing in your natural voice, which affects the content quality.

Write as you would speak, without any restrictions. Once you’re done writing your piece, make sure that you edit it for grammatical correctness and structural elegance to improve your audience reading experience. When that is done, you can begin tweaking it according to SEO and other requirements.

3. Headlines and Meta Descriptions Are Important

First impressions matter and what’s the first thing your readers see? Headlines and meta-descriptions from search engine results!

Users often skim through content, reading only headlines and short descriptions to see if the text is worth reading in full. That’s why it’s important to come up with catchy headlines and attention-grabbing descriptions. However, avoid clickbait tactics, when your title is misleading and your text has only a loose connection to it.

4. Mind Your SEO

Content is king when it comes to attracting readers and improving your SEO ranking alike. The trick is to make these two work together. Ensure that you optimize your content according to what works both for SEO and for readers.

Do your keyword research, create a good, readable text with a clear structure, add inbound links to your own texts that readers might find useful and outbound links to quality resources out there. Don’t neglect meta-tags and image descriptions – when done properly and according to guidelines, they can boost your search ranking as well.

5. Get Feedback and Adapt, Rinse and Repeat

It makes sense not only to write new material regularly but also to update your previous posts adding fresh and relevant information to spruce up your content.

Ask for feedback to see what interests your audience and how else you can improve and grow as a blogger. Don’t be afraid of constructive criticism and adapt to if needed. Apart from improving your content, it can also enhance your relationships with readers.

Last but not least, finish your content with calls to action, encouraging people to share your piece with their contacts on social media. Be patient, as becoming an experienced blogger with a large readership base does take time!

Wrapping It Up

Blogging isn’t just a job or hobby, it’s a lifestyle! So I hope that these tips on writing as a beginner blogger helped you to get some idea of it. If you have any questions or want to share your own blogging tips – comments are welcome below. Your thoughts are much appreciated!

6 Tips on Writing an HKU Personal Statement

By Ashutosh Jha → Sunday, April 21, 2019
Writing a personal statement will be one of the most important essays you will write in your life. It is the motivating factor to get you into the college or university of your choice. A hku personal statement is not very different from other schools. There are requirements you need to read through, but the rules to write a good one is fairly similar. It takes time and dedication to come up with a killer personal statement.

6 Tips on Writing an HKU Personal Statement
A lot of students estimate the amount of work that goes into this essay. It seems fairly simply because it is based on yourself. This actually makes it more challenging. It’s not just about writing down all your accomplishments. There needs to be thought put into it and you have to be balanced with your strengths and weaknesses. It’s also more than just good writing and perfect grammar.

6 HKU Personal Statement Writing Tips

These tips will help you write the best personal statement and help you achieve your goals and get accepted.

1. Read the requirements

Every school has a set of requirements you have to adhere to when writing your personal statement. It is important that you familiarize yourself with the requirements before you put pen to paper. We waste a lot of time doing something that is not required. Your personal statement is just an essay, but you still need to adhere to any rules and suggestions given by the school you are applying at.

2. Brainstorm

Take some time to brainstorm a bit and understand what it is you want to write down. This is a crucial step that is often overlooked. We just want to start writing as soon as possible and it is understandable. When you write a custom thesis you first brainstorm. The same applies to a personal statement. Just because it is in an essay form, does not mean you should take it for granted.

3. Talk about shortfalls

You need to celebrate your achievements in your personal statement, but don’t forget to discuss the shortfalls. Sometimes there are motivations behind certain issues on your application. This is an opportunity to address these. This shows that you understand why you have these shortfalls and there is reasoning behind it. Otherwise, you leave it all up to assumptions. You might not have another opportunity to explain.

4. Get feedback

When you are happy with your personal statement, ask for some feedback. You would be surprised to hear what others think about it. Also, you might have missed some important information that you should add. You can ask feedback from people who know you well enough to give some input. This is not to say that you have to include everyone’s suggestion. It is just a good idea to know what the feedback is and then using it wisely.

5. Story telling

Your life is the story of this essay and it needs to show. When you write a hkust thessi it is all about facts. Your personal statement should include facts of your life. It should also read like you are telling a story. This is a great way to engage the reader and give you a higher chance of success. If the person reading your personal statement becomes bored, it is not going to end the way you want it.

6. It’s enough

One of the biggest hurdles people face when writing a personal statement is that they don’t believe their story is interesting enough. This is a misconception and you should not fall for it. You cannot lie and make up stories, but everyone’s is enough. It all depends on what the school is looking for.

Finals tips on writing a personal statement

The rules to writing always applies. You have to check for grammar issues and spelling errors. There is no getting away from it. Make sure you proofread and edit this personal statement until you are happy with it. Start as early as possible to give yourself sufficient time to do all of this.

Once you know when the deadline is, start working on your essay. It is an important one and you want to get the results you are hoping for. For more such tips, please check our writing section.

7 New Technologies to Help You in Writing an Aussie Essay in 2019

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Writing an essay starts with proper planning. If you don’t plan your essay, there is a likelihood that you will be jumping all over the place in your content. An Aussie essay is the same as any other essay written elsewhere. With that being said, we have to understand that there is a cultural element that comes into play.

Having someone else write it for you is an option that some people don’t know exist. With this, you want to hire someone who has some knowledge on writing for an Australian.

7 New Technologies to Help You in Writing an Aussie Essay in 2019
We turn to the internet for a lot of help and you can do the same for your essay writing needs. Having access to so many tools can often leave a person confused. We will try and eliminate some of that confusion by listing only the best new tools you can use to help you complete your essay. Anyone can string a few words together, but it needs to make sense and be within context. Having helpful resources is always going to be welcomed by struggling students.

1. Global Scholar

Having access to tons of information on schooling is perfect for students. You can find help with a lot of your assignments on here, as well as essay writing. Building a custom essay seems like an easy task. The truth is, it can take a while to write a compelling essay. This resource can help get it done.

2. Project Gutenberg

Finding the correct information in your research phase is crucial. You are going to need multiple sources for information. On this website you can find more than 20 000 books and it is definitely worth going through. You no longer have to go to find books from the library and all over the internet. This is like your stop to finding most of what you are looking for.

3. Essay Punch

We are not all natural writers and some of us need some time and practice. You can use this website to help you improve your essay writing skills. There are some great tests you can take and information to help you through the process. Finding necessary help on a project you are working on is always helpful.

4. Memonic

Writing a great essay is all about finding information to base it on. If you do not research correctly, it can all fall apart. We always read interesting facts, but never remember where to find it again. This tool helps you save these resources on one platform. If you want to reference it in your essay at a later stage, it’s all there.

5. Hemingway Editor

If you cannot find an essay writer Australia, there is help on the way. This editor is like having a professional writer on your side. You get more than just grammar checks. When you are not a natural writer, it is difficult to distinguish between good and poor writing. This tool will tell you exactly where your areas of concerns are.

6. Essay Writing Checklist

You can find various checklists to help you complete your essay. There are times when we doubt ourselves and having a checkpoint is helpful. Knowing where you are in the process and where you need to go is important. Find a good checklist online to help you stay on track.

7. Outsourcing

This is growing in popularity as students find themselves buried under a mountain of work. You do not have to spend all of your money on a good writing service. There are affordable ones available. Do your research and find a service provider who works with Australia locals. You can also ask for samples of previous work done to ease your mind.

Do you have resources to help with essay writing?

We all need a little help from time to time. There is no shame in it. Students are busy and hardly have the energy to invest in extra projects. Use helpful resources or technologies to ease the process. It can take time to find your flow, but stick with what works. Before you know it, you would have completed a winning essay.

10 Ways for Writers to Improve Their Grammar Skills

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, February 26, 2019
It’s hard to underestimate the importance of good spelling and grammar. Studies say bad spelling influences everything from how much you make to whether you get that date. People may even make judgments about you based on the way you write an email or a text.

If you are a writer or want to be one, good spelling and grammar are a must. While you can always team up with proofreaders to watch your back, even they can’t catch everything. Getting it right in the first place is a better plan.

There are some tricky grammatical structures in English. Even the brightest of us sometimes mess it up. That doesn’t mean you can’t strive for perfection.

10 Steps To Improve Grammar Skills for Writers

In fact, you should be striving for the best. If you’re ready to give your writing a real polish, check out some of these ten tips. They’re guaranteed to help you improve your grammar skills.

1. Read, Read, and Read Some More

Great writers are often avid readers too. Reading is a great way to learn proper grammar since most published material is edited and polished. You shouldn't assume every sentence is correct, but most follow the basic rules.

You should read a wide variety of materials. Certain types of materials and authors have different styles. An academic paper might use long sentences, but your favorite author uses short ones.

Either way, you’ll be exposed to a wider range of grammatical use.

Even reading material with poor grammar can help you, since it can show you why something isn’t working.

2. Consult a Grammar Handbook and a Style Guide

Here’s a secret your editor won’t tell you. Your editor isn’t a grammar-correcting robot. They’re looking up most of the trickier grammar too.

You can borrow a page from their book and keep a few grammar handbooks on your shelf. These guides will walk you through the right way to handle different constructions.

If grammar seems like a boring subject to have a book on, don’t worry. Many authors try to make it fun, sometimes by using a quirky theme or pop culture examples.

You can also consult what’s known as a style guide. These books are often issued by trusted sources, like the University of Chicago, the Associated Press, or Oxford University. While they go over much more than grammar, they do contain plenty of information.

3. Remember That Practice Makes Perfect

If you want to improve your grammar, one of the very best things you can do is write. It doesn’t matter if you write a little or a lot, but writing every day will help you improve.

This writing practice is a great way to incorporate what you’re learning through other tools. Take what you learn in your reading or a grammar course and play with it during practice writing.

When you’re writing, don’t worry too much about spelling and grammar. This is all for practice, and mistakes help us learn.

Instead, focus on being playful and creative with the language at this stage. Combine sentences or try to mimic your favorite author’s style.

4. Read Your Work Aloud

Once you have a few practice writing pieces, read them back to yourself out loud. Are there places you stumble, or sentences that sound awkward?

This is a great test of your grammar. If it doesn’t sound natural when you read it out loud, there’s likely a problem with the sentence. Read it out loud a few times and see if you can identify the problem.

Once you know where the issue is, you can try fixing it. If you’re not sure why it doesn’t sound right, consult with a grammar book or another resource.

Reading out loud is also a great way to spot errors, such as missing words. Our brains tend to fill in missing pieces in our own work, because we’re so familiar with it. Reading out loud forces us to slow down and consider what’s on the page.

Don’t worry though. You don’t need to have an audience present for your reading.

5. Use the Sentence Combining Strategy

This is a fun game you can play while improving your grammar. Write some short sentences. Then try combining them in different ways.

Some of these combinations will work very well. Others won’t work quite as well.

Take a few minutes and think about why certain sentence combinations sound correct. For those that sound awkward, see if you can identify the reason they sound a little off. It’s usually the grammar.

6. Take a Class at a Local School

If you’re feeling the need to brush up a basic grammar skill, it might be time to head back to class. Refresh your memory on the basics before you tackle these other tactics.

Check out your local college to see if they provide English language classes. There may also be adult education programs offered in your area. These courses may be more affordable.

If you can’t access in-person classes, there are plenty of options on the Internet that you can consider. You may be able to sign up for distance education classes. Another good option is a short webinar or a series of tutorial videos.

Online learning options may also be more affordable. Some are even free.

Finally, taking a class can be a much easier and faster way to gather knowledge. It will probably take less time than trying to look everything up on your own.

7. Use an Online Grammar Tool to Check Your Work

The Internet gives you access to all kinds of free tools. This makes it easier to brush up your grammar skills.

Some of the best ones include browser extensions. There are even downloadable apps. Some free checkers let you copy and paste your text right into your browser, then perform the check.

Others offer innovative services. For example, Virtual Writing Tutor offers a pen pal service. You can sign up and start an online forum for exchanging notes.

8. Play Games to Improve Your Grammar Skills

You’ve heard word games can improve your vocabulary and your spelling. There are some games that can help you improve your grammar too.

We already talked about one kind of game, which is combining sentences. You can take it a step further and map sentences. Another idea is to combine random words into sentences.

Grammar quizzes can also be a fun way to test your knowledge.

You can often play online for free. If you’re on the go, try searching for free Android or iOS apps. Your boring commute to class or work just became a great space to practice your grammar skills.

If you’re in class or have an online group that wants to improve their writing, you can also play games with them.

9. Use Other Online Resources for Improving Grammar

There are still other online resources you can access to work toward better grammar. You could follow a few grammar bloggers to get daily grammar tips.

There are also plenty of YouTube videos and infographics out there. They can walk you through some of the trickier parts of English grammar. If you’re stuck on a particular grammar point, a video might have the answer you need.

There’s also a wealth of online practice exercises. These cover almost every grammar point under the sun. You can often find exercises appropriate for almost any level of grammar too.

10. Ask for a Helping Hand

When in doubt, ask for a helping hand with your grammar. A friend may be willing to look over your work. If you’re in a writing group, ask trusted peers for constructive feedback on your writing and grammar.

Relatives, teachers, and colleagues can also be helpful.

Another option you have is to work one-on-one with a tutor. Although this can be somewhat like taking classes, a tutor will work with you to meet your schedule. They’ll also help you focus on the aspects of language that you struggle with most.

You can always look for a tutor in your area. The Internet offers more options for finding a tutor who may be able to meet with you online.

Be sure to ask for feedback on what you could be doing better. It’s one thing to have someone catch mistakes and fix them. It’s another to have them explain what needed to change and why.

Give Your Grammar a Brush-up

Writers should strive to improve their craft, but they’re not the only ones who benefit from a grammar brush-up. Whether you’re texting a friend or writing a letter to your boss, your grammar skills are important. Good written communication is essential for success, whether you're blogging or writing emails.

Wondering what other skills you need to succeed in the world of business today? Take a look at our blog. Our helpful articles will help you learn about the skills that will lead you to success.