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10 Tips to Reduce Blog Load Time Fast [Detailed Guide]

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Since the time search engines have started giving much importance to the blog load time, it has really become to reduce blog time.

According to a recent Akamai research, the loss of the number of visitors to a site follows the radioactive first order decay from 4.001 seconds to 30 seconds. Immediately after four seconds there is a loss of one-third of the visitors who abandon the site.

So, you can understand the importance of blog load time which does not only affect the SERP but also affect your business. So now it’s you who will have to decide whether to reduce blog time or not. I am sure you will definitely want to reduce blog time.

If you are on Blogger then you have bit less option to reduce blog load time but definitely you have great options to reduce blog load time fast if you are with WordPress. In recent days, mine blog’s blog load time is also bit more but I am working very hard and I am sure very soon I’ll get rid of it.

Here is an interesting research done by moz on how blog load time affects the search engine ranking. The ideal load time for any website should be less than 3 sec. As per Google,
A search result for a resource having a short load time relative to resources having longer load times can be promoted in a presentation order, and search results for the resources having longer load times can be demoted.

So here in this article I am going to take you through the complete stuff about blog load time like how to reduce blog load time fast, how to check blog load time and how to test the web page load time. So let’s start with how to reduce blog load time fast.

How to Reduce Blog Load Time Fast

Here are some of the best tips using which you can reduce blog/website load time quickly. Hope after implementing these tips you would be able to reduce blog load time quickly. Definitely these tips are for all the users no matter on which platform you are like Blogger, WordPress or it is coded HTML. You can apply majority of the tricks and can reduce website or blog load time.

1. Remove Unused Plugins

This is really a great stuff to decrease blog page load time. Usually we have regular practice to install and active too many plugins in our WordPress dashboard. Yesterday, I was checking one of my WordPress site and found around 40 plugins installed and when I checked how many I am actually using then it was just 17 so I removed the remaining. Definitely it will help me to reduce blog load time by at least a second or couple.

Similarly you can do it as well. There is no hard and fast rule to keep a fixed number of WordPress plugins but keep only those which you are actually using.

This is still a matter of discussion that how many plugins you should actually use in WordPress but definitely go for those which you use. Also, if you are not sure about that you can keep those inactive. So for better practice, you should follow the below 2 options.

a. Disable Temporary unwanted plugins

Suppose you have installed a plugin which you need right now and may be in future but you are not using frequently then it is good to disable that plugin once the work is over.

For example, you have installed a plugin to hide backlink and after sometime you don’t want to hide those so you can disable it till the further use. By this practice you can definitely reduce blog loading time.

b. Remove Unwanted Plugin

You should definitely remove those plugins which you are not using and not have any plans in near future as well to use.

Ok…honestly tell me how many of you are really using the Dolly plugin that comes by default with WordPress?

I am sure many of us DON’T. And now how many of us keep it as it is? I am sure many of us. But why? 

Remove such plugins so that your blog loading time can be increased.

2. Use a Fast Loading Theme/Template

Theme plays a major role while reducing the blog load time. You should use the fast loading themes for your blog. You can check my detailed article, how to choose effective template for your blog.

If you are a WordPress user, definitely go for My Theme Shop themes as they have really amazing collections of highly optimized themes. Their themes doesn’t have unnecessary codes or files which increase the blog load time. So definitely go with My Theme Shop WordPress themes.

It is the themes and templates which decides how much your website will convert apart from the blog load time. As said, first impression is the last impression and so theme should make an impact on the visitors.

Many times we find that people use some theme which is good for adsense but not looks cool. You should avoid such scenarios as there are multiple adsense optimized wordpress themes which you can use for both design and adsense earning.

3. Use a Good Hosting

This point is applicable to WordPress and other custom website users. Apart from the plugins and themes, it is the hosting which, majorly affect the website load time. In order to reduce blog load time, you should definitely use a high quality website hosting.

We recommend BlueHost for better speed and up-time. BlueHost really provides amazing services in terms of website loading time, customization, security and many other stuff which can reduce website loading time.

For our users, you can get a free domain with 50% off on BlueHost Hosting. So invest some amount while selecting the hosting and don’t go by considering only money as they harm your site. Here are the average loading time for some of the major hosting companies-

You can also try Siteground hosting. Check Sitegound coupon code discount.

4. Use Optimized Codes

This point must be taken care by custom coded sites with the WordPress and Blogger users. You should have optimized codes if you are making any changes to the themes in WordPress or Blogger and of course in custom HTML design.

Also, try to avoid the inline CSS codes for styling. Instead make a separate style sheet in your file manager (in case you are a WordPress user) or in Google drive or any shared drive (in case you are a Blogger user). This affect a lot when it comes to reduce the blog load time.

As we all know there are three kinds of CSS used-

• Inline CSS
• Internal CSS
• External CSS

All of these are having their own advantages and disadvantages. You can check more details about those here. But for SEO point of view, try to avoid much of inline codes.

The HTML users should use minimal codes that can fulfil your need. Also, you can take help of any external tool to compress your written code. You can take help of Textfixer for such help. I was using this tool when I used to be a web developer :)

Also, there is a plugin called autooptimize in wordpress which helps you to optimize your CSS codes. This is a free plugins and is a great help to keep your codes compressed.

5. Used Optimized and SEO Friendly Images

Here from the word optimized mean, you should use an image which is search engine friendly. Many times we uses may find royalty free images in Google or may be using the free/premium images from stock images sites or the custom images but if we are not compressing or optimizing those images, those are not going to benefit what it was supposed to be.

No doubt images increase the visuals of the web page but should be optimized properly. If you are a WordPress user, you should follow the below three tools before using the updated images in your blog post in order to reduce blog load time.

• Use SmushIt wordpress plugin to decrease the size of the images without losing the quality of the image.

• For PNG images, use TinyPNG to compress without affecting the quality.

• Want to be smarter? Why not? Yes, you can load the images only when users are reaching out to that place else not. You can achieve this using LazyLoad wordpress plugin.

10 Best SEO strategies in 2021 for Better Ranking

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, June 7, 2021
In the world of digitization, taking your business to the online world is crucial.

But just getting online is not sufficient and you should do all that you can to get the most out of the online world.

Best SEO strategies in 2018
[Image Source: Third Party]
If you are maintaining all the flavors of professional websites also, it is incomplete without the traffic. And what can be better than organic traffic?

Although you can get online traffic in multiple ways, but organic traffic works best for any business as those are the targeted traffic for you. Again, due to changing Google search engine algorithms, it has become difficult to maintain the ranking with the same logic we used to get earlier.

So, I decided to write a detailed guide on the best SEO strategy in 2021 which works and helps increase the keyword ranking. These best SEO strategies will definitely help you boost your keyword ranking and you will rank higher in the search engine.

I am also using the same SEO strategies and finding it useful with many of my websites. Below you can see how using the below discussed best SEO strategies, I am consistently increasing my traffic.

TricksRoad Traffic Overview
And so, you can also play with the same SEO techniques 2021 and get some quality and free traffic which will be highly useful for your business. Either you can do all these yourself or even you can take the help of some trusted SEO agencies who follow all the white hat techniques to rank your business online.

10 Best SEO Strategies in 2021 for better ranking in a search engine [proven tricks]

Let’s see what all are the best SEO strategies in 2021 you should follow for the best ranking in search engines. Also, once you will start implementing these SEO techniques in 2021, you should keep track of the ranking of keywords in Google.

#1 User Experience is the hot ranking factor

If you will look into the top SEO trends 2021, user experience comes among the top position. Search engines are emphasizing a lot on the user experience and so, the better user experience you will provide, the better your keyword will rank in the search engine.

From the first click on your visitor on your website, you should treat them as your customer and serve accordingly. Think like they are your real customer and how best you can serve them.

10 Best SEO strategies in 2018 for Better Ranking
It’s well said that:


Here UX is user experience and so you can think of how user experience is an important SEO ranking factor. Here SEO targets the search engine whereas UX targets the user experience and together fulfills the common goals of better keyword ranking. And below are the factors search engine checks when it comes to user experience-

  • How easy the website is to navigate from a user point of view
  • Whether proper heading tags (H1-H6) have been implemented or not. We have discussed more heading tags in our on-page SEO techniques which you can check for reference.
  • Site structure should be good and easy to access
  • Should have the best experience irrespective of the devices being used
  • Speed should be good, we will discuss this factor later in this best SEO strategies as well
  • Color-combination, fonts, responsiveness are also among the top factors

#2 Make your website super fast

No website user wants to wait for too long!

Just put yourself in the visitors’ place and see how much time you can wait to get a certain page when you have thousands of alternatives available. And so, it becomes very important to reduce blog load time.

Especially, if you are starting a new blog from scratch, you must take care of the website load time. For this, you can use some highly SEO optimized themes or you can also do further customization and optimization.

It’s no more a secret and Google has publicly announced how website speed is an important search engine ranking factor. If you will look at the website load time report on my blog, you will find it’s not the best but yeah, it’s good.

TricksRoad Speed Test
Most of the business lose their potential customer while their website is loading and that’s the reason, Google has started giving preferences in terms of devices also. For example, you must have seen Accelerated Mobile Pages in the Google mobile search result for the best and fast user experience.

Google AMP Result
These results load quite faster in the browser and users won’t even have to wait for seconds before these AMP-enabled pages load. So, definitely, these results increase the page speed as well as increase the user experience.

Google AMP Facts
As you can see how a bad loading website can impact your business and so, being a website owner, you should definitely keep the website loading time among the top priority.

Now the question is, how to reduce website load time?

Here are some of the techniques using which you can easily decrease the blog loading time fast-

Use Optimized Image

Images or any multimedia files contribute the maximum in website loading time and so, make sure you are using highly optimized images. Again, if you are like me who uses lots of images in the blog post then it became again necessary as it is one of the best SEO strategies in 2021.

I personally use, TinyPNG to optimize the image from a web browser or Smush image compression plugin while working with WordPress blogs.

Image Optimization for SEO
As you can see TinyPNG has optimized my four images size to 67% which is a great value. The best thing is, these plugins or tools optimized the size without compromising the quality of the images.

8 Best Putlocker Alternatives

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, January 1, 2021
If you’re a movie lover then you must have come across this amazing site Putlocker. But as you might be knowing the original Putlocker site is down and so people have started looking for Putlocker alternatives.

In this post, we’re going to talk about the best Putlocker alternatives sites. These sites like Putlocker will help you watch and download unlimited movies in HD.

Best Putlocker Alternatives
Most of these Putlocker alternative sites don’t require registration and so you can download and watch movie hassle-free. We’ll also share the current Putlockers for you to download and enjoy online movie streaming.

Is the old Putlocker site down?

I have kept on seeing this kind of query all over the internet. And in a single word, the answer is Yes.

The old Putlocker site is down and no longer available to access. But the good news is there are many Putlocker alternatives which you can use which are quite similar to the old Putlocker. These current Putlockers are having almost a similar interface and features. Also, they are new and updated and so you can expect better collection and experience.

If you’ll try to access the old putlocker site there are high chances that you will get the error like below-
putlocker down?
But as said above, there are many new sites which act like putlocker alternative and has filled the gap.

Putlocker New Site

As we talk about the putlocker new site but one thing that you should check is it should be original. What I mean to say is there are many sites which claim to be the original putlocker but they’re not.

And so, you need to be careful before blindly following any putlocker site to be the original. For example, if you check the they’re currently getting redirected to a new site. But that site is not the original putlocker site.

Earlier what was happening whenever one torrent site was getting banned, their developers used to replicate the site on some other domain. And that site like putlocker was the original and just the domain name was changed.

But nowadays anyone simply buys a new domain which is similar to the original and start the movie download site. And you need to be careful while deciding on that.

10 Best Putlocker Alternatives: Sites Like putlocker

Now let’s start and see some of the top alternatives to putlocker which allows you to see movies online. Along with that, you can also download movies free using these sites like putlocker.

Also, all these alternatives to putlocker sites are real and original. And so, you can be assured of free from any issue. These sites are real, free from any malware, and contains very minimum ads.

1. SolarMovies

Solarmovies new site:

SolarMovies is one of the oldest torrent movies downloading site. Although the main domain is no longer working but still the new SolarMovies site is available and is managed by the same team. The new SolarMovies site is The new site is almost similar to what we had on earlier.

The site is clean and has an almost similar interface that we had earlier. You’ll have a search bar where you can look for your favorite movie. And at the top, they have categories through which you can browse through the movies.

The best thing with SolarMovies is, along with the movies, you can watch and download TV series. When you’ll open any movie, you will have the option to either stream the movie in HD or can download it in HD. The only drawback of this site is, for some movies you may have to buy a premium plan which starts with $5 per month. And if sometime this solarmovie doesn’t work, you have always the best solarmovie alternatives.

2. 123movies

123movies new site:

123movies is another old torrent site for movie streaming and download. Initially, the original domain was live but due to various reasons, the site was banned. And since then the team changed the domain name multiple times. Sometimes even the domain got blocked while many times the domain is blocked in some specific location.

123Movies, GoMovies, GoStream, MeMovies, and 123movieshub were the series of sites operating from Vietnam allowing users to watch and download movies free.

If the domain is blocked just in your location then you may check how to unblock the blocked site to access it. Else you can use the new 123movies site which is which you can use. This new 123movies also has an almost similar interface and features. You can check for the different movies and TV series. Just click on your favorite movies or TV shows and start watching. Still, if someday this new 123movies also doesn’t work, do check some of the best alternatives to 123movies.

3. WatchMoviesFree

WatchMoviesFree new site:

WatchMoviesFree is another best alternative to putlocker which allows you to watch movies online for free. The site is clean and easy to navigate.

You can directly go through any movies and TV shows and watch those online. Also, the best thing about WatchMoviesFree is, it is ad-free. There won’t be any advertisement on the site which makes this one of the best putlocker alternatives.

The new WatchMoviesFree site is Once you open any movies and TV shows it will take you to the movie page where either you can watch those or download in different quality.

4. Fmovies

Fmovies new site:

Fmovies is also a site like Putlocker which allows you to stream and download movies free. The site makes the premium quality content and video for free for everyone.

This putlocker alternative site clean and very easy to navigate. You can download and watch all those for free.

The new Fmovies site is which has a great collection of movies from old to new. On the site, you can watch and download all kinds of movies and TV shows free in HD. You can also find the country-specific movies, Genre specific movies, and most viewed movies.

There is no ad on the site which makes your experience even better. Once you click on any movie, you can find the details of the movie along with the link to download.


YIFY New Site:

YIFY Movies is also known as YTS movie and has been one of the favorite sites for movie lovers. YIFY torrents is a peer-to-peer release group for distributing large numbers of movies that allow free download through BitTorrent.

YIFY Movies
Like any other torrent site, YIFY movies’ original site was closed and now the new YIFY site is This is the working site and is similar to the original YTS site. So, if you’re looking for sites like putlocker, YIFY movies are the solution for you.

What I found great about YIFY is, it allows you to download HD movies in the smallest size. They use some technique to keep the size as small as possible in high quality.

6. Rainierland

Rainierland New Site:

Rainierland is another site like putlocker. This putlocker alternative site allows you to browse and watch through all the old and new movies for free.

You can also get movies that have just been released and are in the theater. And the best thing is you can also request movies from the admin of the Rainierland.

Rainierland allows you to download and stream all kinds of TV shows, TV episodes, and movies free. When you click on any movie or shows, all the details around that will be shown and a link to stream and download. The site has some ad but those are not annoying.

7. LosMovies

LosMovies New Site:

LosMovies is also a great site for movie lovers. You can find all genre movies here free from any advertisement. You can click on any movie and the details page will be displayed to you. Here you will have various links to play the movie or download in different quality.

LosMovies currently holds more than 2000 shows and also displays the IMDB ratings for all the movies.

8. Popcornflix

Popcornflix new site:

Popcornflix is a big platform where you can browse, watch, and download unlimited movies without spending a single penny.

The site guarantees that users can access any content for free and that’s true. The site has ensured that every user is getting the proper content and delivery.

It has all the flavor from comedy to action to horror. And in the case when you’re not sure of what to watch than the category on the site can help you.


These were the top 8 alternatives to putlocker. These sites like putlocker allow you to stream and download any movies, TV shows, and TV episodes for free.

If you have come across any better site which you think is a similar site like putlocker then do let us know.

Top 6 Grammarly Alternatives

By Ashutosh Jha → Thursday, December 3, 2020
As a quality, the article should be error-free. For this, you can use some proofreading tools like Grammarly or others. But if you are not much satisfied with Grammarly than this Grammarly alternative post is for you. Here in this post, I am going to list a few top Grammarly alternatives which you can use to write a quality article.

Grammarly Alternative

Grammarly is an online proofreading tool using which you can write an error-free article and can make quality content that will be loved by the reader and search engine both. You can check my Grammarly review here.

But there are a large number of people who don’t like Grammarly may be due to some factors like-

• The cost is high. The monthly cost is $29.95
• Maybe not satisfied with the quality they produce

So, if you are looking for some other options for the proofreading tool, then here are some top Grammarly alternatives to writing high-quality articles.

Grammarly Alternative: Top 6

Here are the 6 software like Grammarly which you can use in daily practice for error-free content. Some of these are free Grammarly alternatives while others are paid. So let’s start with software like Grammarly.
1. Ginger
2. GrammarBase
3. PaperRater
4. SpellCheckPlus
5. Slick Write
6. Writer

Now let's discuss all these Grammarly alternatives one by one in detail.

1. Ginger

Ginger is software like Grammarly and is a solid competitor of Grammarly in terms of market and features.

Ginger is a free online proofreading tool to check the grammar and spelling and help you to write error-free articles for websites and blogs. Below are some of the features of Ginger.
Grammarly Alternative

Basic features of Ginger are completely free while if you want to use their advanced features like “Text Reader” and “Personal Trainer” then you can go with their premium plan which just starts at $4.10 per month and is far much less than Grammarly.

2. GrammarBase

GrammarBase is another solid alternative of Grammarly which is a premium tool and checks the following stuff while scanning your articles for error-

Grammarly Alternative

  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Style
  • Plagiarism
  • Contextual Spelling

So as you can see from the above features, it not only checks for the error in the content but also for plagiarism which ensures your content is unique and will not get affected by any search engine updates.

The cost of GrammarBase is $15 per page which can’t be good for those who are looking for the cheap Grammarly alternative.

3. PaperRater

If you will talk about the best Grammarly alternative, I would prefer PaperRater due to many reasons-

Grammarly Alternative

• Basic plan is completely free for up to 5 pages
• Premium plan just comes at $7.95 per month which is far less than Grammarly.

Here are some of the features of PaperRater-

  • Plagiarism Detection
  • Auto Grader
  • Spelling and Grammar Check
  • Style and Word Choice Analysis
  • Readability Statistics
  • Title Validation
  • Vocabulary Builder tool

4. SpellCheckPlus

This web-based tool allows you to put your text in their content checkbox and then it will highlight all the mistakes like spellings, grammar, and many other things which you can correct in order to make a better article.
Grammarly Alternative
Spell Check Plus is a free online tool with a limit of 250 words; however, the full access can be accessed by registering to the portal.

5. Slick Write

Slick Write is also one of my favorite tools to check grammar and spelling online. It is powerful to check your writing for grammar errors, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Below are some of the features of Slick Write-

  • The grammar checker is lightning fast
  • It provides customizable feedback to suit your audience and style
  • Add impact to reports
  • Improve your grades
  • It's free

6. Writer

Lately, the Writer is being called as best Grammarly alternative to business. It is an AI business writing assistant helping the enterprise write error-free and impressive content, email, and other content.

The writer is available for Google Chrome, Google docs, and Microsoft Word which fulfill almost all kinds of writing needs. The best thing about Writer which makes it even better than Grammarly for enterprises are-

  • You can build your own custom style guide and white label it
  • Check your content against your organization's style guide
  • Brand voice alignment which is very important in communications
  • Gender bias flagging
  • Qordoba follows SOC2, security, and HIPAA guidelines as well

The Writer provides two pricing structure and their starter plan costs $49 per month where 5 users are included and $9 per will cost for additional users. They also offer a 14-days of free trial which you can use to test the solution. There is no credit card required to avail of the free trial.


These were some of the best Grammarly alternatives. You can use any of these tools if you are looking for software like Grammarly. Some of these are a free Grammarly alternative while others are paid.

Which Grammarly alternative you liked most? Which one you use to write error-free articles?

12 Best Safe ROM Sites to Download ROMs

By Ashutosh Jha → Saturday, October 3, 2020
If you have been looking for the best ROM for your game to play on emulators, then this is the right place. Here we will talk about some best safe Rom sites using which you download safe ROMs. This best safe ROMs sites 2019 will provide you the best ROMs for all your favorite games.

All these safe Rom sites have been checked carefully and are free from any kind of virus or malware. And so, freely you can download safe Rom from these sites.

12 Best Safe Rom Downloading Sites [Best Safe ROMs Sites]

Let's start and see some of the best Rom download sites. As said above, all these sites are safe to use and download. You can download all stuff related to game Rom for free.

#1 Gamulator


This is the best safe ROM site currently available. Also, Gamulator is currently the best featured ROM site and emulator. They also keep on expanding their library with the new games regularly.

Gamulator allows you with two kinds of downloads-

1. Managed based download
2. Direct download

No matter which download you’re using both is safe and secure for you to download. The website lists the major ROMs like GBA, Mame, Sens, NDS, NES, and more.

#2 Romsplanet


Romsplanet is another great addition to our list of best safe ROM sites that allow you free download GameCube, GBA, WII, SNES, PS2, PSX, N64, and more. Along with the safe ROMs, Romsplanet also offers free emulators and games to you. The platform helps you reimagine the best hits of 80s and 90s on your computer and smartphones. Romsplanet offers clean files for both emulators and ROM software for you to download and all these are completely free to use.

#3 DopeROMs

DopeROMs is another best safe ROMs site which has a huge library of ROMs to be downloaded. It is also a site for interactive video games and allows you to play backups. And then you can play these backups of games on either on your mobile phone or computers as you want.

DopeROMs is having one of the largest libraries of thousands of ROM to download in a safe and secure environment. Even by category if you’re not finding the desired ROM, just use the search bar at the top and get the desired safe ROM.

#4 ROM Hustler


ROM Hustler is another best ROM site having a huge library for both ROMs and Emulators. You can also find a lot of games available on the site. You can find the ROM just by providing the keyword or by selecting through the console.

The site ensures that your device will be free from malware and any kind of virus. The listed ROMs and Emulators listed here are based on user reviews and votes. Also, they have a mobile version site which is also quite helpful.

#5 CoolROM


If you’re looking for the best ROM 2020, CoolROM is the solution for you. It is also one of the safest ROMs available. CoolROM has more than thousands of emulators and ROMs available on the site.

All the major ROMs are here available for downloads like Atari, Neo, Sega, and more. The site also lists the top 25 ROMs and also top 25 Emulators. From here also you can select the best suitable ROMs for you.

#6 Romania


Romania is a professional site offering the best ROMs download. The site offers the best ROMs, Emulators, and BIOS. You can also play these online. Either you can select the safe ROM from the list or can use the search icon to search the best ROM for you.

Romania also lists the top 100 games to be played. Once you’ll browse the site, you’ll come to know why Romania is the best ROM downloading site.

#7 Retrosic


With 51 consoles, 83000+ ROMs, and 383 emulators, Retrosic is one of the best ROM sites. Just name the popular ROM or emulators and you’ll get there.

The best thing about Retrosic is, it offers you the safe download link and doesn’t allow any .exe file. All you have to do is, just browse through the game you want and start playing in no time. If some game is not working, you can select the emulator available which can help you play those games.

#8 The Eye


The Eye is a kind of repository where you can find all kinds of files related to ROM and Emulators. The eye holds ROMs for more than 60 consoles which cumulatively make 3 TB+ storage. The best thing about The Eye is you can find almost all the ROM sites for almost all the consoles you can think of.

#9 Emuparadise


Emuparadise claims to be the biggest retro gaming website on the earth and somehow this makes sense as well. A properly arranged site with proper categories to download safe ROM fast and secure.

Emuparadise also has a community where you can discuss any requirement or any kind of issue. Along with the safe ROMs, you can also download games, ISO, video games, music, guides, and more. Emuparadise also allows you to play the games directly in the most secure environment.

#10 Emulator Zone


Emulator Zone is one of the oldest ROM sites available. The site provides all the details about the ROM, Emulators, updates, download links, games, and more. All the top-level games like Nintendo, Sony, Sega, and more are available here.

#11 Vimm’s Lair


Vimm’s Lair is another safe ROMs site in 2020 and is available since 1997 and is considered as one of the oldest ROM sites. The site provides us classic ROMs and Emulators. The site has almost all the classic games released in the US with more than 10 different game consoles. All the ROMs have been categorized nicely and you can even use the search criteria to find some.

#12 ROM World

Looking for one place where you can get the best safe ROMs for Atari, Nintendo, Sega, and Sony and all their models and platforms?

ROM World is the solution for you. A simple site dedicated to ROM where you can find the console for all the major players in the market. Even if you’re not getting the ROM you were looking for or not in the language you were looking for, just send them an email and they will update quickly.


These were the best safe ROMs sites. You can use any of these sites to download ROMs and emulators as required. We have a separate post for iOS emulators for windows also which you may check if looking for specific emulators.

16 Best AdSense Optimized WordPress Blogging Themes

By Ashutosh Jha → Thursday, May 21, 2020
As you have searched for Best AdSense optimized WordPress Themes, you must be either thinking to start earning online or increasing your revenue to few folds. Definitely like we look for SEO optimized WordPress themes. Similarly, we should also use AdSense optimized WordPress themes for better output.

Ultimately you are not doing any extra work and in response getting your income multiple folds. Definitely, you can use AdSense plugins for WordPress but there are many AdSense optimized WordPress themes, and you can use those directly instead of installing many plugins which will just increase your blog loading time.

These themes have intentionally designed to get you more CTR and hence with the same traffic your AdSense revenue will get increased. You can also check our 12 super tricks to increase AdSense income.

These Best AdSense Optimized WordPress Themes provides great CTR and have enough spaces to place your ads and even in the demo of themes, it will show you, what are the best places to place your AdSense ads for maximum revenue?

In this article I have gathered around 16 Best AdSense optimized WordPress themes for you so that you can increase your AdSense revenue. Some of these themes I have used for my niche blogs while others are based on the user's review and what company claims.

Best AdSense Optimized WordPress themes for better earning

Here is the list of best WordPress theme for Google AdSense. If you are not using AdSense optimized WordPress theme and your primary source of income is Google AdSense, I would suggest you move as fast as possible to any of these best WP themes for AdSense.

1. Newspaper

This is the perfect theme I found after many times and I am really loving it. No matter if you are running a news site having multiple categories like Business, Entertainment, Technology, etc. or a simple blog, Newspaper theme is the perfect choice for you.

It is a WordPress AdSense theme created primarily for newspapers, news and publishing websites but definitely due to its highly customizable feature, you can use it for any site.

It is not only AdSense optimized WordPress theme but also SEO optimized theme for great use. It has separate space for ads, videos, social signals and much more which make your job easy. The design of Newspaper theme is very eye pleasant and will attract your visitors for sure.
Price: $59

A Complete Guide on Blog Post Interlinking

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Many of us just run behind making backlinks here and there and usually don’t much focus on interlinking blog posts. There may be plenty of reason behind this like you don’t know why you should interlink blog post or why you should do internal linking and what are the benefits of blog post interlinking.

Blog Post Interlinking

So if you are among the above or want to know how to interlink blog posts, then this article is for you. Here I am going to share each and everything of Blog Post Interlinking.

Let me quickly summarize, what all I am going to cover in this post-

1. What is blog post interlinking?
2. Benefits of Blog Posts Interlinking- Why you should interlink blog posts?
3. How to interlink blog posts in Blogger and WordPress

That means I am going to cover each and everything about Blog Post Interlinking. But before that let me ask a simple question-

Benefits of NoFollow Backlinks

By Ashutosh Jha →
If you are an SEO guy or a webmaster or blogger, you must be knowing much about SEO. I am not going into the basics of SEO as you must be having sound knowledge of that. The off page SEO nowadays matters a lot and backlinks are one of the main constituents in off page SEO.
Benefits of NoFollow Backlinks
As we know, backlinks are of two types-

  • DoFollow Backlinks
  • NoFollow Backlinks
It is the “rel” in hyperlink tag that decides whether the link will be of nofollow or dofollow. For example, the first link below is nofollow while the second is dofollow.

  • <a href= rel=”nofollow”>TricksRoad</a>
  • <a href= rel=”dofollow”>TricksRoad</a>

No doubt, to keep yourself away from spams and Google Penalty, you must create a proper ratio of nofollow and dofollow backlinks. We all know the benefits of dofollow backlinks as it helps much in the off page SEO but what about nofollow?

Does nofollow backlink help?

Well, nofollow also helps a lot in SEO. Here in this post, I will talk about the benefits of nofollow backlinks. But before talking about the benefits of nofollow backlinks, let’s see what nofollow backlinks are?

What are nofollow backlinks?

In very simple words, nofollow backlinks are those backlinks which don't pass any link juice. This type of links says the search engine that doesn't follow/count this link. These kinds of links are just for reference purpose but still value a lot.

E.g. <a href="" rel="”nofollow”">TricksRoad</a>

Though nofollow links don't provide any link juice but still much valuable for the SEO and several other benefits which I am going to talk away right now. So here are the advantages of nofollow backlinks.

5 Benefits of NoFollow Backlinks

1. Make your site NATURAL

This is one of the main benefits of nofollow backlinks. Though Dofollow links provide link juice if you will make an excess of dofollow links, Google will treat that as spam and maybe your site can get outranked.

So it is necessary to keep a good ratio of nofollow and dofollow backlinks. Usually, a 50/50 ratio of nofollow and dofollow is considered impressive. More than 10% can be managed, but more than that of dofollow links may cause penalty for your site.

2. Traffic...what else you want?

Traffic is the most important thing for any website. We have talked a lot about TRAFFIC in the past as how it help in blogging or any online venture.

Nofollow links help you to get good and quality traffic. Suppose you have commented on some blog, and you are getting traffic from it. So this traffic will be your targeted traffic as you have commented on the blog which is in your niche and their traffic can be beneficial for you as well.

I remember once I commented on a blog (which had good social signal) and almost every month it was giving me around 500-600 traffic. This was not much but was quite good as I had to do nothing and was targeted. I received it for around 3-4 months.

So this is the power of nofollow links. I am not saying that dofollow can’t bring traffic, but most of the site from a similar niche provides nofollow links, and we should not ignore that.

3. Help You to have AUTHORITY

If you are writing a quality post. Here quality post means the post which has been written for the users, not for the search engines.

For example, you have written a high-quality post, and it has been linked my few sites so just think about how much referral traffic you will get. Also, as some good site will link you so, it will also help you to increase your authority which is very much necessary to be in the game. These are very powerful tips to increase links and hence authority.

4. Increased PA and DA

As we know Google has stopped updating PR and so a couple of things those have come into the picture to estimate the quality of blogs/websites are-

Now advertisers check the quality of the site through Alexa rank and DA. Lower the Alexa and higher the DA, the high is the quality of your site and the more amount you will get on advertising something.

So by getting recommended by some of the authority blogs through a link, you can increase the domain authority of your website easily.

Also, through blogger outreach campaign you can increase nofollow links and referral traffic.

5. You will never get penalized

This is another beauty and benefits of nofollow backlinks. If your domain has 100% nofollow backlinks also, you will never get penalized. This is due to the reason that the search engine considers nofollow links as just a reference and doesn’t pass any link juice and so no harm to your website.

However, if you have 100% dofollow backlink, you will undoubtedly get hurt from search engines.

So, it’s safe to have nofollow backlinks.

Over to you
No doubt both dofollow and nofollow backlinks have their importance and benefits. Dofollow helps you to rank well in search engines whereas nofollow gives you several other benefits as explained just above.

So you should make a good ratio of dofollow and nofollow backlinks. I hope I was clear enough to explain the benefits of nofollow backlinks.

If you have any other benefits of nofollow backlinks, please share with us.