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What Methods of Website Promotion to Choose in 2021

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, June 18, 2021
The strategy of website promotion has always been among the focus points of any business that aims to be successful in the recent decade. The truth behind the importance of making one’s site noticeable on the Internet is simple. How frequently do you go further than the second page of Google search results displayed?
Even ten years ago, when there was the need for me to hire someone to do my homework, I preferred to pay all my attention to the top-5 pages and not more.

Website promotion methods in 2021

So, if your business is present online, it exists. But if it is present among the top search results of your users, then it’s, most probably, prosperous. See six website promotion methods relevant for 2021 to improve your project’s effectiveness the most.

#1 Search Engine Optimization aka SEO

The use of SEO measures is a vital part of any website’s promotion. No matter what ways you are going to choose besides it, SEO is the core solution. It’s been relevant since the very first day of appearance, and actually, SEO specialists became wanted by small and large businesses.

The evolution of methods came along with the development of search engines themselves. It’s important to admit here that nowadays, nobody would recommend you using so-called Black Hat SEO methods to pump your website’s positioning. Those are inappropriate choices that raise your page to the top extremely quickly (that’s why they are most popular among fraud companies), but then your website gets permanently banned by the search engine operator (Google, for example).
To come up with effective SEO, one should use only allowed and acceptable solutions. They will take more time to bring the result, but that result will become your long-term asset bringing huge profits.

#2 Social Media

SMM serves as one more perfect promotion instrument for many website owners. Shareable posts are your key solutions to make social media users like your content and post links to your website in their profiles, which will impact the way search engines perceive and rank your site. The more shares and clicks your link gets, the better is your website’s overall quality becomes for Google.

The point is, SMM requires a thorough approach towards the choice of contents, target audience, and, of course, the network itself. For example, you won’t be successful with the promo campaign if you focus on entertaining content and pick LinkedIn as your main marketing platform. So, stay attentive here.

#3 Google My Business

Google My Business (aka GMB) is an instrument that can promote your brand even if you don’t have a website. It allows controlling the information about your company in a search system and Google Maps. With a functioning website at hand, that personal profile of your business available at Google becomes a powerful tool to attract even more traffic, especially that generated by local clients. 

Additionally, this effective promotional instrument requires minimum investments. Potential clients will be able to get trustworthy first-hand info about your business without the need to google things a lot, and a well-designed Google card will let you stand out from the crowd of competitors.

#4 Contextual Advertising

Contextual ads look like text and picture banners. Search systems show it on their own pages and the websites belonging to their partnership network. It is you who chooses the target audience that will see your context ads. This promotional method has a lot of benefits to offer. Among its features, there are high effectiveness, control and result tracking flexibility, and the opportunity to start a campaign quickly.

#5 Pay Per Click Ads

This one partially refers to the contextual ads, as they mostly use the PPC model. Those are ads published to the target audience and taking money away from your marketing account only after a potential client clicks the banner and gets transferred to a website you promote.

That means, here, you pay only for target actions the user commits. It’s how you get the traffic that is highly possible to convert from regular visitors to real clients. PPC advertising is an excellent way to optimize your promo expenses.

#6 Guest Blogging

The most common causes of guest blogging are articles (or other types of content) published by a company at third-party websites and containing backlinks to that company’s page or blog. It became much popular within the recent decade, and there are clearly understandable reasons for that.

The key moment is that the guest blogging practice brings benefits for the article’s author and the third-party resource publishing it at a time. The author has the opportunity to promote their website almost for free, generates new traffic, attracts new users, and gets a better search engine ranking.

In turn, the third-party publisher gets a unique, high-quality article for free. That’s not only the additional interest from their readers but a couple of new pages in search indexes. Profit!

How To Promote Business On Social Media In 2021- Best Tips

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Social media is a powerful tool in today’s world, especially when it comes to marketing a business. Whether you’re just starting a small business or you own a huge corporation, social media can be a beneficial tool for any type of company.

Not every business is utilizing social media correctly, though. We have seen numerous examples of companies getting it wrong over the years, especially as brands attempt to tap into new audiences and garner interest on new platforms.

No matter how many times someone searches online for a bargain or gets their gaming fix on sites managing to balance its top rewards and the level of risk: 9 masks of fire slot RTP, a horrific tweet or an ill-informed Instagram post can spread like wildfire and damage a business and its reputation no end. It’s important to get it right, that’s for sure.

In fact, some businesses have struggled to come back after making a blunder on social media. To make sure your company uses the likes of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook correctly here is a look at some basic ways to promote it on social media in 2021.

Make sure you choose the right platform

Not every social media platform is suitable for every type of business. In terms of a target audience, some platforms are better than others too. For example, TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform for young people at the moment, therefore making it utterly pointless for a business targeting adults to join it.
Assess the type of audience your company wants to tap into, the platforms those people are most likely to use, and then plan your content accordingly. Perhaps look into what other businesses in your area are doing, too. You don’t need to sign-up to every social media platform, though. Join the social media sites most suited to you and your business.

Create a content calendar

In order to make sure your social media profile is interesting and informative, be sure to produce a regular content calendar. If you are disorganized and tend to come up with last-minute posts or take rushed pictures, it will show on your profile. As a result, you could lose many followers and harm what should be a vibrant community hanging on your every tweet.
Low-quality content shows, which is why it’s a necessity to plan all of your posts with a simple content calendar. All you need to do is plan out your posts in advance, add any relevant hashtags, images, or videos, alongside any other useful content you think is suitable. Keep your content fresh and original.

Don’t become spammy

A social media account filled with promotional posts isn’t going to appeal to many people, let alone the masses. All businesses online need to promote the service it offers and share various products, but if your brand is only known for hard selling, then it could harm it moving forward.
Nobody wants to be inundated with spam. To avoid losing your community of followers, consider using the one-in-seven rule. Essentially, the one-in-seven rule means that for every one promotional post, the next six should be content-based. Promotional posts are important but don’t overdo them.

Share video content

Video content is massively powerful in today’s world. When scrolling through a timeline, people tend to notice video content a lot more than a post filled with text. Video content is generally easier to digest, too, making it hugely important to get right. If your business can create an interesting, narrative-driven video, then it could reap the rewards from it.

How to Promote Your Website and Get More Visitors

By Ashutosh Jha → Thursday, November 14, 2019
Your website might look great, it might contain excellent content, and it might even be focused on a sought-after niche. However, if it's not getting any traffic, it's all for nothing.

The question is, how do you get traffic to your website? How do you get people to notice that your website even exists?

How to Promote Your Website and Get More Visitors
Successfully promoting a website isn't the easiest of tasks, but it's most definitely possible. The key is in focusing on the right advertising techniques. Without further remark, here is how to promote your website and get more visitors. 

Here's How to Promote Your Website

There is a lot that goes into promoting a website. In order to secure optimal traffic for your website, you must:

Focus on SEO

If you really want to drive traffic to your website, you need to prioritize SEO or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a process in which you optimize your website so that it ranks high for specific keywords on search engines such as Google and Bing.

So, what's involved with SEO? Well, a little bit of everything. In addition to publishing quality content on your website, you must also utilize appropriate keywords and on-page SEO practices.

There's a fairly steep learning curve associated with becoming an SEO master. It couldn't possibly be explained in one blog post.

For this reason, if you're not well-versed in SEO, you might consider hiring an SEO company such as JSA Interactive. Companies such as this have studied SEO for years, and know exactly how to optimize their customers' websites.

Take Advantage of Social Media 

While SEO might be the most important promotional tool for advertising websites, social media is arguably the second most important. If you aren't advertising on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other such social media platforms, you're missing out on huge swaths of potential traffic.

Social media is terrific for websites because it allows them to get up close and personal with potential visitors. Sharing content, engaging with other social media accounts, and posting important updates will all help you to attract more visitors to your website.

Note, though, that the key to social media is consistency. You can't use it once a week and expect results. You must be engaging with your audience on a daily basis.

Create Engaging Blog Posts  

A big part of increasing web traffic is maintaining the traffic that your website already has. If you can't get anyone to stick around for more than a single visit, you're not going to have any success at all.

How do you get visitors to stick around? Perhaps the best way is by maintaining a blog on your website.

And it can't just be a blog about anything. It needs to focus on a specific subject, and it needs to provide value to those who are interested in that subject.

One of the most successful methods in blogging is to answer specific questions within blog posts. If readers find that they can learn from your website, they will almost certainly come back.

Make Informative Videos 

When it comes to social media, video often reigns supreme over the written word. Not only are videos easier for online users to consume, but they also feel more personal. This is why, if you have the capability, you should create informative videos which relate to the subject of your website.

Your videos don't have to be elaborately planned or impeccably edited. In fact, a simple video of you sitting in front of a camera and explaining something can get the job done just fine. The primary points are to teach your audience and to make your website more recognizable in the process.

Place Paid Ads 

If you have the money to spend, you could consider placing paid ads. Paid ads have proven time and again that they are capable of bringing in substantial amounts of traffic.

The best platforms for paid ads are Facebook and Twitter. Placing ads on these platforms will get your website noticed by thousands of people in a very short amount of time.

Post on Forums 

Another website marketing technique is to post in forums while adding links to your website. If you're adding value to the forum discussion, and are not just spamming links all over the place, you will almost certainly attract some new visitors. Not to mention, you'll build on your SEO efforts through backlinking.

The goal is to target forums which are relevant to your website. For instance, if your website is about WordPress, you would be wise to apply this technique in WordPress-related forums.

Network, Network, Network 

It's impossible to overstate the importance of networking as it pertains to promoting your website. The more relationships you make with fellow webmasters, the more opportunities that open up for your website.

Attend blogging conventions. Follow popular bloggers on Twitter. Join relevant groups on Facebook.

Whatever you have to do to make more connections, do it. You have to stick your neck out there in order for your website to get noticed.

Write Guest Posts 

One of the best ways to increase website traffic is by writing guest posts for other websites. Writing guest posts is beneficial in two different ways.

On one hand, guest posting will get you and your website noticed by readers of other websites. On the other hand, because guest posting provides your website with valuable backlinks, it will also improve your SEO ranking. Because of this, your website will become easier to find through Google and other such search engines.

Securing guest posts isn't too difficult. All you have to do is find the "write for us" section on a website that you like and then follow the guidelines. While not every website will supply you with a guest posting opportunity, one of them eventually will.

Need Help Promoting Your Website?

Still not sure of how to promote your website? Looking for a little help with the task? If so, TricksRoad can help.

Utilizing social media marketing, content marketing, and other online marketing techniques, we not only help clients to attract more web traffic but to convert more sales as well.

Contact us now for a free consultation! 

7 Local Advertising Ideas to Help You Grow Your Business

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, January 28, 2019
It's easy to forget traditional marketing effectiveness is when digital overshadows the conversation. Yes, digital marketing is important for modern business. But, there are many benefits of tapping local advertising ideas.

What are these benefits of traditional marketing?

For starters, there's less competition as many new businesses stick to digital platforms. You'll also find traditional platforms lowering prices as they compete with digital alternatives. Finally, we're still consuming old media despite our change in consumer habits. 

What you'll find in this article is an overview of unique marketing ideas you can perform on a local level. The article shares why they work. And, how you can begin exploring the opportunities to help grow your brand.

1. Meetups and Events

Meetups and events place a face to your brand.

Your participation adds transparency to the business operations. People use interactions when placing a value on the brand -- be someone they like and it applies to the business. Your brand is easier remembered when it's tied to a pleasant experience with its owner or team.

Where can you find meetup and events?

  • Meetup/event roundups
  • Industry newsletters
  • LinkedIn mentions
Use the event to create a rapport with leads and business pros. Try giving branded gifts to make it a memorable experience. Then, do a follow-up with those you traded business cards and soft pitch your offers.

2. Word-of-Mouth Referrals

Did you know? People are 4x more likely to buy something when it's referred by a friend. This is the power of word-of-mouth marketing!

You can encourage word-of-mouth referrals in many ways:
  • Offering a unique and helpful product or service worth sharing
  • Interacting with locals and creating a pleasant experience
  • Simply asking for referrals from your already passionate followers
Creating excitement for your brand and its offers kick start consumer interest. A small nudge through referral incentives can get the word out.

Try adding a referral system at your business, offering rewards for leads. Or, keep it simple by having new customers mention the referer. You can wow the new patron and continue the referral chain through a stellar experience.

3. Radio Advertising

Radio (AM and FM) reach more than 228-million Americans every week. This reach is more than television, apps, and online video! Thus, radio advertising gives you one of the largest consumer pools imaginable.

What makes a good radio ad?

  • A strong hook to catch their attention
  • A short but sweet message and value proposition
  • A time-sensitive call-to-action to get them engaged
You can work with ad providers to find the best spots for your work. Try placing an ad during relevant talk radio shows covering your market. Or, use the ad to build brand awareness to funnel listeners to other platforms like your site.

4. Television Advertising and Public Access

TV spots aren't only for the rich corporations. You'll find channels open to advertising during prime-time like the nightly news! Likewise, your town/city may offer public access spots you could use to promote the business.

Like radio, you'll want to keep the ad short and punchy. For public access, try theming the show or use engaging content as a way to pitch your offers.

Try creating TV ads or public access shows with these tools:

  • HD camera
  • Video editing suite
  • Video templates
  • Royalty-free music
Learn to edit video by taking an online class or hand it off to a professional. You can later use the video in your online advertising campaigns, too! Or, embed the long-form features as business blog posts for added traffic generation.

5. Print Media and Canvassing

There are countless ways to explore print media:

  • Business cards
  • Flyers
  • Brochures
  • Signs
  • Pamphlets
  • Billboards
...and the list goes on!

Print media is ridiculously inexpensive thanks to online print shops. Many print shops, like VistaPrint or UPrinting, offer free templates and great discounts. Try your hand at print design or send it out to freelancers.

The added benefit of print? It lets you:

  • Get out and get face-to-face with prospects
  • Reuse the work in other campaigns and media
The print items like brochures are a perfect entry at local events and meetups. The interaction builds to word-of-mouth referrals. And, becomes media items published on the business site or tapped for online ads!

6. Local Listings and Classifieds

Believe it or not, lots of people prefer their local paper vs reading the news online. This means you can reach a subset of your market through local listings and classified ads! You'll likely find local papers willing to make ad deals, lowering your ad costs.

Try this:

  1. Create a local ad for TV and radio
  2. Strip the best images and transcribe the audio
  3. Rework the message into digestible local ad/classified

You could create an ad "ecosystem" by referencing your ads on different platforms. This builds the brand awareness, offering more leads!

7. Contests and Promotions

People love freebies and you can use this to build awareness and sales. You could use the contests to gather leads or funnel users to your social profiles. A promo in tandem with local ads can define your brand in the targeted market.

How could you hold a contest or promo?

  1. Check with your local commerce organization for events
  2. Buy-in to a booth at one of these local events
  3. Brainstorm a great offer you could giveaway or raffle
  4. Attend the event, collect entries, and distribute prizes
  5. Do a follow-up, seeing if you could generate backend sales

Again, this puts a face to your brand and creates referral opportunities! Your local efforts homogenize toward the common goal of growth.

Own Your Space with Local Advertising Ideas

The rush to create a global brand has many forgetting the power of owning one's local space. Successful placement, even in a small town, can have a monumental impact on growth.

Owning your space offers:
  • A closer connection to customers via face-to-face interactions
  • A smaller competitive pool usually comprised of industry laggards
  • A unique opportunity to refine your brand before expanding
So, don't forgo local advertising ideas because digital is cutting-edge. Explore every option your business gets to grow. Create the groundwork via traditional means, then explore digital adds to its effectiveness.

Ready to scale-up? See our best money-making guides to challenge your business savviness. Expand on what works, and dominate the local scene.