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Study Motivation 101: Stay Focused and Dismiss Your Distractions

By Ashutosh Jha → Thursday, January 24, 2019
It can be difficult to maintain study motivation and block out distractions. Studying can seem like a real grind when you're struggling to to focus. Does this sound familiar to you?

Even though you understand the importance of studying, it can still be hard to get going. This is especially true if you participate in a lot of other activities and have a busy schedule. If you have no motivation to study, maintaining your concentration is tough.

Do you need some tips on how to be motivated to break out the study materials? We've got you covered. Read on for some great ways to boost your motivation to study.

Customize Your Study Space

Our mental state is heavily influenced by our surroundings. Your study environment can have a huge impact on your ability to focus.

To increase your chances of successful studying, create a space that facilitates your learning style and minimizes distractions. Make sure that everything you need for your study session is already in place.

It's also a good idea to reduce clutter as much as possible. Tidying a messy study area can boost your mental clarity, making studying much more productive.

Be a Goal-setter to Maintain Study Motivation

Goals serve a very important purpose in life. They give us something to work toward so we're not stumbling around in all directions. This is big when it comes to finding the motivation to study.

Without set goals, studying can seem like an overwhelming task with no end in sight. To make the process less daunting and more rewarding, set achievable goals for:

  • How long you'll study for each session
  • What you will cover in each study session
  • What you wish to cover in the long run
Setting both short term and long term goals is essential. Short term goals help you break down a lot of material into chunks that can be covered gradually. Long term goals keep you on track for what you wish to ultimately accomplish.

Goals should be challenging, yet realistic. This will ensure that you're working diligently to build your education without becoming overwhelmed or burned out.

Put Yourself On a Schedule

Having a solid study schedule is just as important as setting study goals. Schedules help studying become a regular part of your day. Instead of procrastinating and then cramming, schedules transform studying from a chore to a healthy habit.

Time management is a valuable skill that can benefit all areas of your life. When setting a study schedule, you'll also be evaluating your time allotment for all of your activities. Schedules ensure that you've got a dedicated time slot for everything that needs to be done.

Studying is less of a grind when it's accomplished in smaller daily increments. You'll also learn more and retain information better this way.

Get Your Timing Right

Not everyone can focus at the same time of day. Are you a morning person, or do you find your mind wide awake in the evening? It's critical to your success to match your study time with the time of the day that you tend to be more alert.

A night owl will find it nearly impossible to effectively study early in the morning. Conversely, early risers may struggle with a sluggish brain in an evening study session. Your study time should be set when your brain is ready for action.

If you're finding it difficult to maintain study motivation and nearly impossible to focus, you may need to adjust your schedule. Simply picking a time that you know you're alert can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your studying.


Study motivation is hard to muster when you have some rough experiences. The stress of a situation can quickly overshadow the feelings of accomplishment that came from completing your task.

Consider starting a study journal that documents your goals and final achievements. Write down anything that was particularly difficult or rewarding about the process. This will serve as a helpful reminder that you accomplished what you set out to do, even though it was challenging.

A study journal is great to look back on when you're feeling frustrated or stuck. It reinforces that you're capable of meeting goals that you set.

Stimulate Your Mind with Music

For some people, study music can be very motivating. You can use music to wake up your mind and then put it into laser focus.

A good way to incorporate music into your study routine is to listen to energizing music first. Find something that makes you feel alert and ready to take on anything.

After you've gotten your energy surge, switch to music that helps you keep a calm, steady focus. Instrumentals that are flowing and harmonious are the preference for many while studying. The melodies are stimulating without the distraction of words.

If you find that music makes your mind wander while studying, simply save it for your breaks to keep your mind motivated.

Vary Your Resources

You don't have to slog through the same old books for hours. If you need inspiration, check out new resources for the information you're covering. You might find a fresh perspective on ordinarily dry material.

Reward Your Efforts

Studying can be tough. Figuring out how to be motivated to study is nearly impossible when it always seems like a task with no reward.

Have you worked hard in your study sessions? Did you accomplish the goals that you set? If so, take some time to reward yourself.

Studying is generally an independent effort and no one will understand how hard you have worked except you. Treat yourself to something that makes you feel good, whether it's a nice meal, a trip to the theater, or some new shoes.

Pick Your Strategies for Study Success

It's easier to find study motivation when you have a few tricks up your sleeve. Try these study strategies to see which one works best for you.

If you found this helpful, you'll want to check out our other great content. Explore our posts for more information today.

7 Things Which Are Stopping You to Continue Blogging

By Ashutosh Jha → Sunday, May 20, 2018
Blogging has become a business now and people earn many multiples of regular income in blogging. If you are frequent to social media, you must be seeing so many success stories people write about the success like they earn $10k/$20k per months. That’s true. But you will hardly find any stories of failure. No doubt the online industry has full of potential and money but it’s not that easy.

Many people who are not in online marketing/industry might be thinking what these guys do with just a laptop. But earning online is that easy? No.

In 2013, there were more than 152 Millions of Blogs online which is growing rapidly. But are all successful? No because there are something which stops those bloggers and so they are not. When it comes to successful bloggers there are hardly few..maybe thousands. You can check an interesting Infographic shared by BWHGeek on blogs.

Blogging Statistics Blogging is a platform which people choose to express their feeling and once they attract visitors, it starts making money. There are n number of examples where people from completely different professions have come to blogging and have done extraordinary.

But at the same time there are huge numbers who got failed. It’s not that people don’t want to or don’t try but there is something which stops them to peruse further. Today I will talk about the top 7 reasons those stop you to continue blogging.

Top 7 Reasons – Those stop you to Continue Blogging

1. You don’t have interest anymore

why bloggers fail
This is the main reason why bloggers leave blogging. It has been seen that majority of bloggers leave blogging as don’t find interest anymore.

And if you don’t have interest, you can’t do that thing. So now what? What should you do to make interest? Below are few points which you should consider-

• Blog only on the topic which you like
• Blog to the niche which admire you.
• Don’t simply blog! Do it passionately.
• Start selling from first day itself. Once money will come automatically you will find a reason to continue :)

Also Read: 10 Things to Know Before Starting a Blog

2. Don’t find an Idea to Write

why bloggers fail
Again the same thing as above. If you don’t have enough knowledge and passion on some particular topic you can’t blog for more time. No doubt you can write 20-30 posts but what after that? So to overcome on this, you may follow the below-

• Blog only on those niches which you like and admire you.
• Suppose you like entertainment niche but don’t find enough earning (which is not the case) then you can start a blog on profitable niche but hire someone to write the content for that as that’s not your expertise.
• Participate on forums to get an idea about topic. You may write on the questions people ask. What can be better than that?
• Ask your followers about which topic they want you to write etc.

Also Read: How to Maintain growth of Blog when You're too busy?

3. Your Younger bloggers are doing better than you

This is human tendency to keep checking others. You may find many bloggers who are younger than you but are doing better. You may feel shame in front of them and get depressed. When I started blogging last year found there are many bloggers who are making thousands and are just in schools/colleges and I was college pass out. But I took that positively and thought if they why I can’t?

You should also remove such thoughts that your youngers are performing better. Take this in a positive way as if they can do why you can’t. They might be working harder than you and so you should too.

Also Read: Earn $25 right now!

4. Google Doesn’t Like you

why bloggers fail
I am mentioning Google here as Google has highest market share compare to other search engines. More than 70% of searches are done on Google. You can find the statistics below about the search engine market share-

Google - 70.23%
Bing 10.33%
Yahoo - 9.54%
Baidu- 7.06%
AOL - 1.11%
Ask - 0.19%
Lycos - 0.02%
Excite - 0.00%

So if your blog is performing well in Google means you are 90% successful and just you need to convert that traffic further to make sell.

To remove the spams and low quality contents, Google keep on bringing updates which gives benefits to good quality blogs where as low quality blogs get penalized. There may be several reason of this –

• You may be writing copied content
• Your content quality id very poor
• You don’t provide quality to the users
• Your SEO strategy is incorrect and many more

But remember one thing here- Goggle doesn’t bring updates (panda, penguin etc) to harm blogs rather they save themselves. Suppose spammers take their blogs at high ranking but doesn’t provide quality and when you search anything you visit that blog which doesn’t have quality at all and this is coming repeatedly..then whether you will search that term again in Google? May be not as you may think Google is not displaying good result and the business of Google will go down.

So to protect themselves and to maintain quality Google brings updates. You should blog in a way that should be to solve the issue of needy person as well as search engine friendly also. Got my point?

Also Read: List of Do's and Don'ts for Bloggers

5. Drop in Your Earning

why bloggers fail
Money is the top most motivational factor..agree?

When I started this blog in around Nov’14, I didn’t earn a single penny since Feb’15. My first earning was $35 through a sponsored post. Since that time I am growing. But it’s not that my earning has only increased. It has down graph as well but this doesn’t mean I will get demotivated.

3 Tips To Brand Your Blog Through The Use of Voice

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, November 16, 2016
It takes a lot to build a successful business blog. Most companies who have found success with online blogging didn’t just come by it by accident; they worked hard for it.

They spent hours and hours researching and writing and planning and tweaking and networking and promoting to get to the position they’re in now. And while all that work was very intentional, there may be one very important part of their blog that wasn’t quite as intentional: their voice.

Finding a voice for your writing can be difficult, especially when your blogs are for business purposes and not personal purposes. However, this distinction by no means minimizes the importance of having a strong voice in your business blog writing.

So, to help you find this voice for your blog and use it to your commercial advantage, here are three tips for branding your blog through the use of voice.

Know to Whom You’re Writing

Blogging for a business typically gives you a good general idea of who you’re writing to because that’s also who your customers are. However, because good business blogs should be more about education than promotion, the ideal person you’re writing to could be someone who isn’t even a customer of yours yet.

To help narrow this down, you can ask yourself a series of questions that will help you pinpoint who you’re writing to. Use these questions to uncover the gender and age of your persona, marital status, hobbies, goals, desires and more.

By getting as specific as you can, even going so far as to give your ideal persona a name, you may find it much easier to write with a distinct voice because it’s like you’re writing to an actual person.

Match Your Blog’s Personality with Your Brand’s Personality

Even if you’re unsure about the voice and personality of your blog, you likely already know the personality of your brand. And to have a perfectly branded blog, your voice here should match the voice and personality of the rest of your business.

To ensure you’re doing this,the advise is writing down a handful of key personality traits that your brand embodies. Once you have these defined, try to transfer those traits into your blogs as well. If you’re able to do this effectively, you should be able to match the personality of your blog and the personality of your brand very well through the use of voice.

Research and Practice

If you’re still having a hard time creating a consistent voice throughout multiple blog posts, we recommend reading pieces from writers you’ve noticed that have a distinct voice and trying to pick up some tactics from them. It also doesn’t hurt to practice writing in a consistent voice through free writing or other exercises that allow you to focus on voice and voice alone.

When done correctly, the voice of your blog will emphasize and underscore the brand in which it represents. Use the tips mentioned above to find your voice and use it to your brand’s full advantage.

Neil Patel Interview: Meet the Multi Millionaire of the Web

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Howdy Guys,

Hope you all are doing great. Today we have an amazing guest with us and I am lucky enough to get few of his minutes from the very busy schedule. Yes, I am talking about none other than one of the top most influencer of the web, Mr.Neil Patel.

I don't think he needs any kind of introduction in the blogging and internet marketing world. Whenever anyone starts blogging or search for similar kinds of stuff, I am sure at least once they would have come across Neil.

Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Kissmetrics, Quick Sprout and Hello Bar with his personal blog Neil Patel. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP, and Viacom grow their revenue. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 online marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies in the world.

He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 35 by the United Nations. Neil has also been awarded Congressional Recognition from the United States House of Representatives.

Neil Patel Interview

In this short chat with Neil, I have tried to cover the basic queries that most of the bloggers and Internet marketers have like me. Hope you will enjoy the Neil Patel interview. If you have any quires, please comment.

Neil Patel Interview

1. How you are managing so many organizations at a time with great turnover?

Neil: I have been managing and running companies from an early age so I have become quite savvy at finding the best employees and tactics to grow a business. I also like to keep things lean and I track everything -- metrics are important if you want to grow and thrive as a company.

2. While starting any new venture, how you are selecting your partner/co-founder. Also, tell us little about how one should go ahead to start their company.

Neil: One of my longest running partners is, Hiten Shah, It wasn't hard joining forces with him because he has the same growth mindset, are self-motivated and have been in the business. It also helps that he is my brother in law :)

When finding the right partner make sure that you find someone who compliments your talents and isn't afraid to tell you when you're wrong. Also, find someone who is level headed and willing to compromise.

3. You are also an angel investor. What you look first in a start-up before funding.

Neil: I look at a number of things -- one of the most important metrics I focus on is growth. Have they shown marked growth from the time of their founding to the time I analyze them? Also, I look at the pieces in place organizationally. Having a great company culture and chemistry is important.

4. I am a consistent follower of your blogs and marketing tips. How you are managing to write almost around 2k+ words articles with great images and infographics.

Neil: Practice and habit. I have been writing for years now -- it's all just second nature at a certain point. I also, read a ton so I have a lot of knowledge and information at my fingertips ;)

5. Neil, you have seen many ups and down in your journey during your initial days. According to you why any business fails?

Neil: I have seen a ton of ups and downs -- it's a natural part of success. I look at failure as a stepping stone to success. It shows you what you have to do to get to the next level. I think businesses fail because failure to execute. If you can't move fast you won't win.

6. How to deal with the competition and go ahead?

Neil: I always do my research -- sometimes you'll find that your competition really isn't your "competition" . They may compliment your product and provide valuable insights into how you can grow as well. The key is to just build what your customers want as fast as possible.

7. What are some content marketing strategies that people can implement today?

Neil: Just start blogging and writing about topics that you are passionate about. The first step is to get started -- it seems simple but a lot of people get caught overthinking it. Once you start writing make sure you are consistent. If you don't publish content on a regular basis, your content marketing efforts won't provide the results you want.

8. You have worked with many fortune 500 companies and have generated an excellent result. What are the challenges you see while working with those big companies?

Neil: I actually like working with them a lot because they tend to have fewer barriers. By barriers I mean their budget constraints aren't as limited so it's easier to experiment and find the right formula for success. The biggest challenge is that they tend to move slow even though they want results fast.

9. Anything special you would like to mention for your lac of followers (of course including me) about how they should plan in internet world to get success ☺

Neil: Just work hard and don't look back. That's how I got to where I am now ;)

Thank you so much, Neil, for taking time out of your busy schedule.

Hope you all enjoyed this chat with Neil Patel. Do share your feedback on this in a comment and also please consider it for sharing.