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Five-minute interview with Peter Krumins - Creator of Online Tools

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, January 22, 2018
Today in our five-minute interviews segment we have Peter Krumins. Peter is a Silicon Valley pirate and a hacker based out of San Jose, USA. He’s the CEO of Browserling, a cloud-based cross-browser testing service. He recently launched an online tools network to help thousands of developers to quickly get things done. We’ll chat with him about it.

Five-minute interview with Peter Krumins - Creator of Online Tools

#1 Hi Peter, how are you? Welcome to!

Ashutosh, doing great, thanks for inviting me here!

#2 Browserling is a successful startup now, how and why you started it?

Thanks! Browserling has a long history. A short introduction for this 5-minute interview is that we created technology that allows users to interact with virtual machines from their browser without installing any additional software. To make revenue we created Browserling that lets users interact just with the browsers.

Before Browserling, to test their web applications, web developers had to install 10 different virtual machines with different browsers and different browser version. At Browserling we run all these different browsers in the cloud and offer quick access to them. It’s been a success and according to Alexa web statistics, Browserling is one of the top 50k websites in the world and quickly accelerating.

#3 Is Browserling profitable? And what is the current employee strength?

Yes, Browserling quickly got profitable and now we have a bunch of employees who are working to take Browserling to the next level. We’re now a medium sized company and my plan is to grow the company to 100+ employees in the next few years.

#4 What is the new online tools network that you’re launching?

Often to get things done you need to break the problem you're solving into many smaller subproblems, then use many tiny helper programs to solve these subproblems, and then merge results back to solve the original problem.

These tiny helper programs often just do one tiny task such as extract, convert, format, and filter data. I used to google for tools like "url encode" and "convert json to text" all the time and I would end up on garbage websites filled with ads, popups, blinking download buttons or tools that don't work.

I hated this so much that I allocated resources at Browserling and put several of my team members to build a network of online tools without ads, useless configuration options, or other garbage.

Each site in the network focuses on one and only one tool category. Each tool does one and only one thing. Each tool is well documented and has examples so users can quickly understand how to use it and what it does. There are currently seven websites in the network:

  • Online JSON Tools (Tools for Working with JavaScript Object Notation data)
  • Online CSV Tools (Tools for working with Comma Separated Values files)
  • Online TSV Tools (Tools for working with Tab Separated Values files)
  • Online XML Tools (Tools for working with Extensible Markup Language documents)
  • Online YAML Tools (Yet Another Markup Language configuration files)
  • Online String Tools (Tools for working with strings)
  • Online Random Tools (Tools for working creating randomness)
Browserling Tools
There are many more sites that are in the development phase and very soon you will find that life. These include:

  • Online IMAGE Tools (Tools for working with images)
  • Online BINARY Tools (Tools for working with binary data)
  • Online BROWSER Tools (Tools for web developers)
  • Online CRYPTO Tools (Cryptography tools)
  • And 15+ more sites!

#5 Why does every website have its own domain? Why not have a single website with all the tools?

I like when things are isolated. If I need JSON tools, I know that they are on JSON tools website. If I need XML tools, I know they’re in XML tools website, etc. It’s also easier to keep track of which tools have been added and which still need to be written.

#6 How are you marketing and promoting these tools?

I only announce them on my blog and send out a single tweet. That’s it. Then I let people decide if they’re any good. If they’re good, people will visit the sites, share with their friends and make a habit to use them. But if they’re not good, then people don’t return.

#7 Are the tools you mentioned are paid or free?

All tools are free. Not only they are free, we also give a discount to Browserling if you use them. We added a secret message to every tools site. You’ll have to find it to get a discount.
Browserling Deals

#8 Well, as these are the free tools then how you are generating the revenue?

These tools are a gift to the developer community by the Browserling family. As I mentioned in one of the previous questions, I got tired of stupid websites filled with ads and blinking buttons and decided to make free tools for everyone that do things well.

#9 Great to know your thoughts on these tools! Is there any API available for these tools so that the developers can integrate and use?

No. There will never be an API for these tools. All tools work inside of your browser and they can’t have an API by their design. All tools are written in JavaScript and there is no server-side component at all. You can only have an API if you can make a request to the web server but since nothing runs server-side, that is not possible.

#10 What do you mean by “no server-side component?” How do they work without a server?

Sorry about not being clear. What I mean there’s a web server that sends you the entire site and that’s it. The server doesn’t compute the answers. All answers are computed with JavaScript inside of your browser. This means we don’t have a scaling issue. We can have 1 or 1 million users use our tools and serving them is as simple as sending an HTTP response.

#11 What technologies did you use to build online tools?

We didn’t use any technologies. We’re huge modern web and framework haters at Browserling. Not only there are no server-side components but there are no frameworks, no unnecessary dependencies, no package managers, no bundles, no unpublishable modules, and no other stupid modern web crap. Just year 1995 style JavaScript that runs in your browser and gets work done.

#10 Is there any prerequisite to using these tools?

No, there are no prerequisites. You just go to any of the tools sites, such as, and get results instantly. I hate waiting and I hate complexity. All tools just produce answers and save your time. All tools work the same way: Load input, get a result.

#11 What apart from Browserling and these online tools?

I refuse to do anything outside of Browserling. Browserling is life.

#12 What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

Learning how to learn was the hardest. It took me a good 15 years to learn how to learn.

#13 So what is the best way to learn?

I learned that letting randomness dictate what and when you learn was the right way to learn.

#14 In one of your other interviews you said you didn’t go to technology conferences. Why?

Why go to technology conferences when you can watch all the talks you’re interested in on YouTube at 2x speed, on your own terms, in the comfort of your room?

#15 How do you manage your time?

Just like I like randomness dictate what I learn, I let randomness dictate my time.

#16 Interesting. And final question, what kind of advice you would like to give to your followers?

Harness the power of randomness. Keep a solid focus on your goals but let randomness play the outcomes.

Thanks Peter for taking the time for the chat. I wish you a successful time ahead with online tools and Browserling!

Neil Patel Interview: Meet the Multi Millionaire of the Web

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Howdy Guys,

Hope you all are doing great. Today we have an amazing guest with us and I am lucky enough to get few of his minutes from the very busy schedule. Yes, I am talking about none other than one of the top most influencer of the web, Mr.Neil Patel.

I don't think he needs any kind of introduction in the blogging and internet marketing world. Whenever anyone starts blogging or search for similar kinds of stuff, I am sure at least once they would have come across Neil.

Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Kissmetrics, Quick Sprout and Hello Bar with his personal blog Neil Patel. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP, and Viacom grow their revenue. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 online marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies in the world.

He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 35 by the United Nations. Neil has also been awarded Congressional Recognition from the United States House of Representatives.

Neil Patel Interview

In this short chat with Neil, I have tried to cover the basic queries that most of the bloggers and Internet marketers have like me. Hope you will enjoy the Neil Patel interview. If you have any quires, please comment.

Neil Patel Interview

1. How you are managing so many organizations at a time with great turnover?

Neil: I have been managing and running companies from an early age so I have become quite savvy at finding the best employees and tactics to grow a business. I also like to keep things lean and I track everything -- metrics are important if you want to grow and thrive as a company.

2. While starting any new venture, how you are selecting your partner/co-founder. Also, tell us little about how one should go ahead to start their company.

Neil: One of my longest running partners is, Hiten Shah, It wasn't hard joining forces with him because he has the same growth mindset, are self-motivated and have been in the business. It also helps that he is my brother in law :)

When finding the right partner make sure that you find someone who compliments your talents and isn't afraid to tell you when you're wrong. Also, find someone who is level headed and willing to compromise.

3. You are also an angel investor. What you look first in a start-up before funding.

Neil: I look at a number of things -- one of the most important metrics I focus on is growth. Have they shown marked growth from the time of their founding to the time I analyze them? Also, I look at the pieces in place organizationally. Having a great company culture and chemistry is important.

4. I am a consistent follower of your blogs and marketing tips. How you are managing to write almost around 2k+ words articles with great images and infographics.

Neil: Practice and habit. I have been writing for years now -- it's all just second nature at a certain point. I also, read a ton so I have a lot of knowledge and information at my fingertips ;)

5. Neil, you have seen many ups and down in your journey during your initial days. According to you why any business fails?

Neil: I have seen a ton of ups and downs -- it's a natural part of success. I look at failure as a stepping stone to success. It shows you what you have to do to get to the next level. I think businesses fail because failure to execute. If you can't move fast you won't win.

6. How to deal with the competition and go ahead?

Neil: I always do my research -- sometimes you'll find that your competition really isn't your "competition" . They may compliment your product and provide valuable insights into how you can grow as well. The key is to just build what your customers want as fast as possible.

7. What are some content marketing strategies that people can implement today?

Neil: Just start blogging and writing about topics that you are passionate about. The first step is to get started -- it seems simple but a lot of people get caught overthinking it. Once you start writing make sure you are consistent. If you don't publish content on a regular basis, your content marketing efforts won't provide the results you want.

8. You have worked with many fortune 500 companies and have generated an excellent result. What are the challenges you see while working with those big companies?

Neil: I actually like working with them a lot because they tend to have fewer barriers. By barriers I mean their budget constraints aren't as limited so it's easier to experiment and find the right formula for success. The biggest challenge is that they tend to move slow even though they want results fast.

9. Anything special you would like to mention for your lac of followers (of course including me) about how they should plan in internet world to get success ☺

Neil: Just work hard and don't look back. That's how I got to where I am now ;)

Thank you so much, Neil, for taking time out of your busy schedule.

Hope you all enjoyed this chat with Neil Patel. Do share your feedback on this in a comment and also please consider it for sharing.

Top 10 Most Famous and Inspirational Bloggers from India

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, November 24, 2014
Many people start blogging but are all really successful? Definitely not. But what is the reason behind this? It’s been seen that many bloggers leave their journey in the initial phase itself. And this initial phase is not much more than 4-5 months. The main reason behind this is, they start blogging just either for money or they think it’s easy to live an online life. But it’s not true. A lot of hard work and dedication needed to live an online life.

Also Read: Top 17 ways to earn from Blogs

You should have a few necessary qualities to become a successful blogger like ‘Hard work, Knowledge of Niche and Patience’. These three are mandatory but not sufficient. You should also avoid a few common mistakes that many bloggers make at the start.

But I’ve seen many bloggers quitting blogging although they were having these qualities, but why?

They failed due to lack of Inspiration. Yes, inspiration is the most essential thing people have, not only for the blogging but for every aspect of life. If you’re not motivated, you can’t continue your journey any longer. This inspiration may come from different sources like people, books and many other ways. In my life also there are many people who keep me motivated and inspired to continue my journey.

Today I’ve listed a few Top bloggers from India who have motivated thousands of bloggers including me and gave a trick to make a new way apart from regular 9-5 shift job. These are pro bloggers and have shown a way where you can think of making an online life. So here is the list of Top 10 bloggers from India who have inspired the blogging community most.

List of Top 10 Most famous and Inspirational Bloggers from India

Here is the list of most influential bloggers from India. This list has been prepared based on their influence, earning, quality of blogs they run and the quality they provide.

1. Amit Agarwal- Digital Inspiration

The very first name in the list is of Amit Agarwal from Digital Inspiration. Mr. Amit Agarwal is undoubtedly the king of Indian blogosphere and is known as the first professional blogger from India. He writes about science and technology at Digital Inspiration. His India blog school is the true blog guide for the newbie.

Name- Amit Agarwal
Blog- Digital Inspiration
Alexa Ranking #3192
Alexa India Ranking #503
Page Rank #5/10

2. Harsh Agarwal- ShoutMeLoud

Harsh is a New Delhi based blogger and is one of the most famous bloggers from India. I’ve found if you’ll search anything related to blogging, you’ll find a name named Harsh Agarwal. So you can think of this young entrepreneur. Harsh writes at ShoutMeLoud and few more blog under his network. He is a true inspiration for newbies. Within a short span of time, Harsh has earned a lot and now living a complete online life. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing and Technology.

Name- Harsh Agarwal
Blog- ShoutMeLoud
Alexa Ranking # 2695
Alexa India Ranking #284
Page Rank #3/10

3.Harleena Singh – Aha-Now

Harleena is the most famous and successful female blogger from India. She is also a full-time blogger and writes at Aha-Now. She writes about personal development which includes all the aspects of one’s life – personal, social, and professional. In the blogging community, Harleena is known as a commenting Superstar.

Name- Harleena Singh
Blog- Aha-Now
Alexa Rank #18333
Alexa India Rank#2857
Page Rank 3/10

4.Imran Uddin- AllTechBuzz

Imran is one of the very famous bloggers in the Indian blogosphere and is the founder of AllTechBuzz. Apart from Alltechbuzz, Imran manages 100+ more blogs and websites. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing and technologies. He is considered as one of the top Niche bloggers.

Name- Imran Uddin
Blog- AllTechBuzz
Alexa Ranking #11706
Alexa India Rank #993
Page Rank #3/10

5.Kulwant Nagi- BloggingCage

Kulwant Nagi is a full-time blogger from Haryana and is the founder of BloggingCage. He is an Internet Entrepreneur, blogger, and writer. Kulwant writes about Blogging, Blogging resources, SEO and technologies. His blogger's interview series is very famous.
Name- Kulwant Nagi
Blog- BloggingCage
Alexa Rank #16132
Alexa India Rank#1511
Page Rank #3/10

6. Faisal Farooqui – MouthShut

Faisal is a well-known person in the Indian blogosphere. MouthShut is not exactly a blogging site but it’s a consumer research and service web portal. This site helps the consumer make informed about shopping decisions. Reviews of products are great at MouthShut.

Name- Faisal Farooqui
Blog- MouthShut
Alexa Rank #4788
Alexa India Rank#370
Page Rank # 5/10

7.Jaspal Singh- SaveDelete

Jaspal is a very famous name in the technology niche blog. Jaspal is the founder of SaveDelete. This blog deals with full of technology. SaveDelete was founded in 2009 and very soon it became popular in the blogging community.

Name- Jaspal Singh
Blog- SaveDelete
Alexa Rank #49000
Alexa India Rank #5000
Page Rank # 4/10

8.Sujoy Dhar – WideInfo

Sujoy is the founder of WideInfo along with few other blogs too. Sujoy writes about information technology. He’s a great impact on the newbie blogger and is a reputed name in the blogosphere.

Name- Sujoy Dhar
Blog- WideInfo
Alexa Rank #16205
Alexa India Rank #1500
Page Rank # 4/10

9.Amit Bhawani- AmitBhawani

Amit is also a very famous name in the tech blogging community. He is the founder of Amit Bhawani and writes mainly on technology, blogging and news updates. He is also managing a few more blogs.

Name- Amit Bhawani
Blog- AmitBhawani
Alexa Rank #97908
Alexa India Rank #12970
Page Rank #4/10

10. Ankit Singla- Bloggertipstricks

Last but not the list, Ankit Singla a well-known blogger from India. He is the founder of Bloggertipstricks, a very popular blog in the newbie. Ankit writes about Blogging Tips, SEO, Social media and Internet Marketing. He started his blogging career in 2013 and very soon became one of the famous names in the blogosphere. His Social media tips are very famous.

Name- Ankit Singla
Blog- BloggerTipsTricks
Alexa Rank #16344
Alexa India Rank#1705
Page Rank #1/10

Final Words

This list doesn’t end here. There are lots of bloggers who truly admire the blogging community. If I’ve left anyone which you think should be in the list, please let me know through comments. I’ll definitely try to include in the above great list. Blogging is a very nice thing which enables you to live an online life apart from the hectic 9-5 job. Just what you need is the dedication, Inspiration and hard work.

I hope this list will inspire you to make your online life successful. If you liked this post, please do share on your social profiles. You can also subscribe us for the latest updates of blogging tips. Keep visiting!!