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10 Tips to Reduce Blog Load Time Fast [Detailed Guide]

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Since the time search engines have started giving much importance to the blog load time, it has really become to reduce blog time.

According to a recent Akamai research, the loss of the number of visitors to a site follows the radioactive first order decay from 4.001 seconds to 30 seconds. Immediately after four seconds there is a loss of one-third of the visitors who abandon the site.

So, you can understand the importance of blog load time which does not only affect the SERP but also affect your business. So now it’s you who will have to decide whether to reduce blog time or not. I am sure you will definitely want to reduce blog time.

If you are on Blogger then you have bit less option to reduce blog load time but definitely you have great options to reduce blog load time fast if you are with WordPress. In recent days, mine blog’s blog load time is also bit more but I am working very hard and I am sure very soon I’ll get rid of it.

Here is an interesting research done by moz on how blog load time affects the search engine ranking. The ideal load time for any website should be less than 3 sec. As per Google,
A search result for a resource having a short load time relative to resources having longer load times can be promoted in a presentation order, and search results for the resources having longer load times can be demoted.

So here in this article I am going to take you through the complete stuff about blog load time like how to reduce blog load time fast, how to check blog load time and how to test the web page load time. So let’s start with how to reduce blog load time fast.

How to Reduce Blog Load Time Fast

Here are some of the best tips using which you can reduce blog/website load time quickly. Hope after implementing these tips you would be able to reduce blog load time quickly. Definitely these tips are for all the users no matter on which platform you are like Blogger, WordPress or it is coded HTML. You can apply majority of the tricks and can reduce website or blog load time.

1. Remove Unused Plugins

This is really a great stuff to decrease blog page load time. Usually we have regular practice to install and active too many plugins in our WordPress dashboard. Yesterday, I was checking one of my WordPress site and found around 40 plugins installed and when I checked how many I am actually using then it was just 17 so I removed the remaining. Definitely it will help me to reduce blog load time by at least a second or couple.

Similarly you can do it as well. There is no hard and fast rule to keep a fixed number of WordPress plugins but keep only those which you are actually using.

This is still a matter of discussion that how many plugins you should actually use in WordPress but definitely go for those which you use. Also, if you are not sure about that you can keep those inactive. So for better practice, you should follow the below 2 options.

a. Disable Temporary unwanted plugins

Suppose you have installed a plugin which you need right now and may be in future but you are not using frequently then it is good to disable that plugin once the work is over.

For example, you have installed a plugin to hide backlink and after sometime you don’t want to hide those so you can disable it till the further use. By this practice you can definitely reduce blog loading time.

b. Remove Unwanted Plugin

You should definitely remove those plugins which you are not using and not have any plans in near future as well to use.

Ok…honestly tell me how many of you are really using the Dolly plugin that comes by default with WordPress?

I am sure many of us DON’T. And now how many of us keep it as it is? I am sure many of us. But why? 

Remove such plugins so that your blog loading time can be increased.

2. Use a Fast Loading Theme/Template

Theme plays a major role while reducing the blog load time. You should use the fast loading themes for your blog. You can check my detailed article, how to choose effective template for your blog.

If you are a WordPress user, definitely go for My Theme Shop themes as they have really amazing collections of highly optimized themes. Their themes doesn’t have unnecessary codes or files which increase the blog load time. So definitely go with My Theme Shop WordPress themes.

It is the themes and templates which decides how much your website will convert apart from the blog load time. As said, first impression is the last impression and so theme should make an impact on the visitors.

Many times we find that people use some theme which is good for adsense but not looks cool. You should avoid such scenarios as there are multiple adsense optimized wordpress themes which you can use for both design and adsense earning.

3. Use a Good Hosting

This point is applicable to WordPress and other custom website users. Apart from the plugins and themes, it is the hosting which, majorly affect the website load time. In order to reduce blog load time, you should definitely use a high quality website hosting.

We recommend BlueHost for better speed and up-time. BlueHost really provides amazing services in terms of website loading time, customization, security and many other stuff which can reduce website loading time.

For our users, you can get a free domain with 50% off on BlueHost Hosting. So invest some amount while selecting the hosting and don’t go by considering only money as they harm your site. Here are the average loading time for some of the major hosting companies-

You can also try Siteground hosting. Check Sitegound coupon code discount.

4. Use Optimized Codes

This point must be taken care by custom coded sites with the WordPress and Blogger users. You should have optimized codes if you are making any changes to the themes in WordPress or Blogger and of course in custom HTML design.

Also, try to avoid the inline CSS codes for styling. Instead make a separate style sheet in your file manager (in case you are a WordPress user) or in Google drive or any shared drive (in case you are a Blogger user). This affect a lot when it comes to reduce the blog load time.

As we all know there are three kinds of CSS used-

• Inline CSS
• Internal CSS
• External CSS

All of these are having their own advantages and disadvantages. You can check more details about those here. But for SEO point of view, try to avoid much of inline codes.

The HTML users should use minimal codes that can fulfil your need. Also, you can take help of any external tool to compress your written code. You can take help of Textfixer for such help. I was using this tool when I used to be a web developer :)

Also, there is a plugin called autooptimize in wordpress which helps you to optimize your CSS codes. This is a free plugins and is a great help to keep your codes compressed.

5. Used Optimized and SEO Friendly Images

Here from the word optimized mean, you should use an image which is search engine friendly. Many times we uses may find royalty free images in Google or may be using the free/premium images from stock images sites or the custom images but if we are not compressing or optimizing those images, those are not going to benefit what it was supposed to be.

No doubt images increase the visuals of the web page but should be optimized properly. If you are a WordPress user, you should follow the below three tools before using the updated images in your blog post in order to reduce blog load time.

• Use SmushIt wordpress plugin to decrease the size of the images without losing the quality of the image.

• For PNG images, use TinyPNG to compress without affecting the quality.

• Want to be smarter? Why not? Yes, you can load the images only when users are reaching out to that place else not. You can achieve this using LazyLoad wordpress plugin.

A Complete Guide on Blog Post Interlinking

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Many of us just run behind making backlinks here and there and usually don’t much focus on interlinking blog posts. There may be plenty of reason behind this like you don’t know why you should interlink blog post or why you should do internal linking and what are the benefits of blog post interlinking.

Blog Post Interlinking

So if you are among the above or want to know how to interlink blog posts, then this article is for you. Here I am going to share each and everything of Blog Post Interlinking.

Let me quickly summarize, what all I am going to cover in this post-

1. What is blog post interlinking?
2. Benefits of Blog Posts Interlinking- Why you should interlink blog posts?
3. How to interlink blog posts in Blogger and WordPress

That means I am going to cover each and everything about Blog Post Interlinking. But before that let me ask a simple question-

Benefits of NoFollow Backlinks

By Ashutosh Jha →
If you are an SEO guy or a webmaster or blogger, you must be knowing much about SEO. I am not going into the basics of SEO as you must be having sound knowledge of that. The off page SEO nowadays matters a lot and backlinks are one of the main constituents in off page SEO.
Benefits of NoFollow Backlinks
As we know, backlinks are of two types-

  • DoFollow Backlinks
  • NoFollow Backlinks
It is the “rel” in hyperlink tag that decides whether the link will be of nofollow or dofollow. For example, the first link below is nofollow while the second is dofollow.

  • <a href= rel=”nofollow”>TricksRoad</a>
  • <a href= rel=”dofollow”>TricksRoad</a>

No doubt, to keep yourself away from spams and Google Penalty, you must create a proper ratio of nofollow and dofollow backlinks. We all know the benefits of dofollow backlinks as it helps much in the off page SEO but what about nofollow?

Does nofollow backlink help?

Well, nofollow also helps a lot in SEO. Here in this post, I will talk about the benefits of nofollow backlinks. But before talking about the benefits of nofollow backlinks, let’s see what nofollow backlinks are?

What are nofollow backlinks?

In very simple words, nofollow backlinks are those backlinks which don't pass any link juice. This type of links says the search engine that doesn't follow/count this link. These kinds of links are just for reference purpose but still value a lot.

E.g. <a href="" rel="”nofollow”">TricksRoad</a>

Though nofollow links don't provide any link juice but still much valuable for the SEO and several other benefits which I am going to talk away right now. So here are the advantages of nofollow backlinks.

5 Benefits of NoFollow Backlinks

1. Make your site NATURAL

This is one of the main benefits of nofollow backlinks. Though Dofollow links provide link juice if you will make an excess of dofollow links, Google will treat that as spam and maybe your site can get outranked.

So it is necessary to keep a good ratio of nofollow and dofollow backlinks. Usually, a 50/50 ratio of nofollow and dofollow is considered impressive. More than 10% can be managed, but more than that of dofollow links may cause penalty for your site.

2. Traffic...what else you want?

Traffic is the most important thing for any website. We have talked a lot about TRAFFIC in the past as how it help in blogging or any online venture.

Nofollow links help you to get good and quality traffic. Suppose you have commented on some blog, and you are getting traffic from it. So this traffic will be your targeted traffic as you have commented on the blog which is in your niche and their traffic can be beneficial for you as well.

I remember once I commented on a blog (which had good social signal) and almost every month it was giving me around 500-600 traffic. This was not much but was quite good as I had to do nothing and was targeted. I received it for around 3-4 months.

So this is the power of nofollow links. I am not saying that dofollow can’t bring traffic, but most of the site from a similar niche provides nofollow links, and we should not ignore that.

3. Help You to have AUTHORITY

If you are writing a quality post. Here quality post means the post which has been written for the users, not for the search engines.

For example, you have written a high-quality post, and it has been linked my few sites so just think about how much referral traffic you will get. Also, as some good site will link you so, it will also help you to increase your authority which is very much necessary to be in the game. These are very powerful tips to increase links and hence authority.

4. Increased PA and DA

As we know Google has stopped updating PR and so a couple of things those have come into the picture to estimate the quality of blogs/websites are-

Now advertisers check the quality of the site through Alexa rank and DA. Lower the Alexa and higher the DA, the high is the quality of your site and the more amount you will get on advertising something.

So by getting recommended by some of the authority blogs through a link, you can increase the domain authority of your website easily.

Also, through blogger outreach campaign you can increase nofollow links and referral traffic.

5. You will never get penalized

This is another beauty and benefits of nofollow backlinks. If your domain has 100% nofollow backlinks also, you will never get penalized. This is due to the reason that the search engine considers nofollow links as just a reference and doesn’t pass any link juice and so no harm to your website.

However, if you have 100% dofollow backlink, you will undoubtedly get hurt from search engines.

So, it’s safe to have nofollow backlinks.

Over to you
No doubt both dofollow and nofollow backlinks have their importance and benefits. Dofollow helps you to rank well in search engines whereas nofollow gives you several other benefits as explained just above.

So you should make a good ratio of dofollow and nofollow backlinks. I hope I was clear enough to explain the benefits of nofollow backlinks.

If you have any other benefits of nofollow backlinks, please share with us.

List of Dofollow Forums to get High Quality Backlinks and Traffic

By Ashutosh Jha → Sunday, December 1, 2019
A single high-quality Dofollow backlink is better than 100 nofollow backlinks. So you can estimate the importance of Dofollow backlinks in the success of any blog or website.

The blogs or websites or forums which provide dofollow backlinks uses dofollow attributes which boost the traffic as well as a ranking of the blog. If you have got links from few high PR dofollow forums, you’ll get decent traffic, as well as your page rank, will increase. Indirectly you can say dofollow backlinks plays a significant role in the success of any blog.

How to increase dofollow backlinks
Today we’ll be talking about, how we can increase the dofollow backlinks using online forums. Remember you should not use the unethical way like auto link building or link buying method to increase backlinks. Because nowadays, Google or any other search engines are so intelligent that it’ll identify your blog and can ban you. So be cautious while building backlinks.

Also Read: How to increase links by commenting on CommentLuv enabled site

To increase dofollow backlinks, first, you’ve to visit these forums and register yourself and then need to participate in the discussion because most of these forums allow links in your signature. So the more you'll take part in these forums, the more links you’ll get. By doing this, not only you’ll increase the links, but you’ll also get decent traffic as well as you can establish your blog as a brand too.

Also Read: Top 3 Most powerful ways to promote your blog for free

Now the Question is how to get these dofollow links?

It’s simple. Don’t worry all forums are free and you don’t have to pay a single penny for it. What you’ve to do is, visit these sites and register yourself. Then complete your profile because many forums allow your website details in the profile section too. So just by completing your profile, you’re going to get one links.

Now go to the Introduce Yourself section and let the other members know about yourself and about your blog. This is the best way to start in a forum. Later move to the other section of the forum and check the threads and the question which you feel comfortable, answer that. And if on your blog, if you have any article related to that question, share your link.

By this way, you’re going to make decent traffic as well as quality backlinks too. But starting this method to increase backlinks and traffic, I would suggest you to first read forum policies and the below points carefully-
  • Don’t ever try to spam any forums. They’ll simply block your profile.
  • Don’t try to put unnecessary links in the post section on any thread.
  • Focus on QUALITY, not on QUANTITY
  • Reply to the threads indecent manner and try to solve the problem.
  • Try to make an image for you and your blog
  • Use signature in each and every post
Using these ways you’ll never get blocked from any of the online forums, and you’ll manage to get maximum benefit from those.

List of Top 20 High PR Dofollow Forums

1. SiteOwner Forum
2. Search Engine Watch
3. CNET Forum
4. V7N Forum
5. MySql Forum
6. 5 Start Affiliate Program
7. Sitepoint
8. HTML Forum
9. PHP Forum
10. File Sharing Forum
11. Web Hosting Talk
12. Joomla Forum
13. MyGame Builder Forum
14. Microsoft Answers
15. Videolan Forum
16. Chronicle Forum
17. Flicker Forum
18. Geek Village Forum
19. Book Forum
20. Cpanel Forum

Also Read: 5 Killer tips to generate traffic without SEO and Social Media

So, friends, these are the 20 best high PR Dofollow forums. Frankly speaking, it’s not possible for anyone to be active on all the forums. At most, you can be on 4-5.

Even I’m active on the only couple of forums. So it doesn’t matter how many forums you are on, be active and try to participate in the maximum discussion. By this way, most of the members of those forums will know you. Isn’t this is what you want? Yes by this way, if you do these regularly you will manage to get maximum promotion and extra traffic to your blog.

Once people have confidence on you, on your words definitely they will rush to your blog.

Final Words

Forums are one among the top ways to get a maximum promotion. I already talked about how we can promote our website or blog using online forums. It’s time to get benefit regarding traffic, backlinks, page rank and SERP. So I hope you’ll join some of these forums and you will start participating in discussions. If you’re not doing this, believe me, this is the best method to get an identity in the blogosphere.

Also, you should remember these forums frequently changes their policy and guidelines. So keep checking these. Hope you enjoyed reading this. So why don’t you share this with your friends? Maybe one of them needs this type of articles. If you know any other high PR forum which provides dofollow links, do let me know in comments. I’ll definitely include that in our list. Thanks for reading. Keep visiting!!

How to Add Star Rating in Blogger Post

By Ashutosh Jha → Saturday, May 18, 2019
A couple of days ago I was having communication with one of the clients for the review post and after finalizing everything he asked whether I will rate their product or not. As TricksRoad is on Blogger platform so I have many limitations. But I started searching for it and finally, I am able to implement it. That review post will be live in a few days where the first time I’ll add star rating in blogger post.

add star rating in blogger post
After adding a star rating in blogger post, it looks quite nice and so I am sharing the details as to how to add star rating in blogger post so that you can also do the same. Till now I have published many review posts but no one demanded the rating so never worked on it but it’s well said-

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

But before going through the simple method to add star rating in blogger post, let me tell you few benefits about adding star rating in blog posts.

Benefits of adding Star Rating in Blog Post

There are many benefits of adding a star rating in blog posts. Below I am listing few of those.

• It increases the faith of your visitors on the product
• While reviewing you provide a rating (Usually 1-5) so the users simply can estimate how much that product worth of without reading the whole review.
• Increases traffic to the site
• Provides value to your clients

Now as you know the benefits of adding a rating system in blog posts, let me tell you how to add star rating in blogger post.

How to Add Star Rating in Blogger Post?

As we know adding star rating in WordPress is damn easy due to its rich plugins but in blogger, it is a bit difficult. Here difficult mean just it is not possible directly but with just a couple of minutes of work, you would be able to add star rating in blogger post as well.

Once you’ll add a star rating, it will look like the below in search engine.

add star rating in blogger post
To add the star rating in blogger post, just follow the below steps and within a minute you’re done.

Step1: Go to the blogger post in which you would like to add star rating and click on HTML view.

add star rating in blogger post
Step2: Now at the end of the post, add the below code.

<div>  <span> <span>Post-Name</span><br/> </span> Reviewed by <span>Reviewer-Name</span>on <span>August 25 2015 <span title=”YYYY-MM-DD”></span><br/>  </span> Rating: <span>Your-Rating</span></div>

Step3: Just change the items listed in bold in above code write post name (you may write product name if you are reviewing a product), Reviewed by, date and rating. Enter these values as per your convenience and hit the publish/update button of a blog post.

That’s all. Once your article is crawled, you can check the star rating in Google search engine.

Hope you liked this article, how to add star rating in blogger post. Do implement and let me know how it works. Also, please share this with your friends.

10 Most Profitable Niche to Start Blogging

By Ashutosh Jha → Thursday, December 6, 2018
Starting a blog on some profitable blog niches is something like money in hand. If your niche is good and money making, half of the things are already done and you have to just do the other half to get complete success. You can find thousands of bloggers making $2000-$3000 per month easily with just a small niche site.

What is the reason behind the success?

They must have selected some good, searchable and profitable blog niche and have worked in such a manner so that the blog fills their pocket. So you should be knowing how to find a profitable niche to blog and most profitable blog niches.

profitable niche to start a blog

But before you start a blog, I want you to do a small exercise. Yes, I am not joking :) Take a simple exercise and evaluate yourself, whether you are ready to start your next blog or not. Check the below article and try to answer the questions given in the articles.

Niche will be your main product and well you can say the income potential of your blog depends on your niche. So give enough time while selecting a niche.

So, before you start posting any contents on your blog, think once whether it is going to make you money? You just can't start a blog on anything and can expect money to roll in your account. So if you want to be successful in blogging and want to make money out of it then select a good niche first.

Don't worry if you are still confused about the niche. Here I am going to list 10 Most Profitable Blog Niches to Start Blogging. These niches are trendy and have great potential to make money. Also, traffic is quite high on these niches so if you are ranking for just a few keywords then also, you can make big money.

Also, let me clarify one more thing. Here with a most profitable niche to blog doesn't mean I am only talking about income from Google AdSense. But here I am considering wide ranges of income sources like-
  • AdSense
  • Affiliate
  • Direct Advertisements
  • CPA Offers
  • Sponsored Posts and much more

If you want to know the different source of income as a blogger, you can check this guide. Here 21 methods of earnings have been explained.

So now let's start with 10 Most Profitable Niche to Start Blogging.

1. Health Care Niche

If I will talk about the complete health care domain then it would be a big blog so just think some sub-niches from this domain and start working. Healthcare is one of the most profitable blog niches currently and it will be in the coming days as well.

Also, the most beneficial thing with this domain is the income source. You can earn great not only from AdSense but from other above-explained sources as well.

As I said, Health Care is a vast domain which consists of thousands of small niches like Weight loss, Nutrition, Diseases, Some particular trendy diseases like swine flu etc.

These all are most profitable niches and if worked properly, you can make most out of it. If you are fine with this domain then you can start a blog with any sub-niches. The most popular sub-niches of Health Care niche are-
  • Weight Loss
  • Diet Blogs
  • Nutrition Blogs
  • How to Blogs in any Sub-Niches
  • Exercise Blogs etc.
Also, if you are still not sure which you should follow, visit amazon once and you will find many ideas and pick the one as per your interest. Please let me know if you have any doubt in the comment.

2. Technology Niche

Even though this is one of the competitive niches available but still there are lots of scope in this niche. There are thousands of sub-niches in Technology niche and you can pick as per your interest.

Though you will not get much from the Google AdSense but there is a great scope to earn from Sponsored posts and affiliates. By giving useful information about the newly trend in technology, reviewing gadgets and products you can earn a lot. You can check the list of tech blogs here.

Must Read: 5 Components to Make a Blog Comfortable to Read

There are quite large lists of sub-niches in technology on which you can start a blog right now and can start earning. Few of the most popular sub-niches under technology niche are-
  • Gadgets and Products Review
  • How to guides
  • Android-IOS blogs
  • Laptops and Mobile blogs
  • Trending technology
  • Newly product release and much more.
Even though the competition is more in this niche but still as technology is growing every second, there is great potential to earn.

3. Blogging Tutorial Niche

This is one of the most profitable blogging niche currently and competitive as well. A tutorial is a great source of learning. From a tutorial niche, by providing great tutorials about Blogging, SEO, Content marketing, Coding etc., you can help newbie a lot and in return, you can make a good number of loyal readers for your blog. These readers will help you to earn more from an affiliate.

Through blogging tutorial niche, though the earning through AdSense is a bit less as most of your readers would be bloggers, webmasters or the one who know about all these.

So, they easily know which is content and which is an ad. So these readers usually don't click on ads. But there is the great potential of earning through Affiliate, Sponsored review, and direct advertisements.

Blogging tutorials are also a big niche and if you want to focus on one particular area, you can target sub-niches like-
  • SEO Tutorials
  • Internet Marketing Tutorials
  • Content Marketing guides
  • Making money online guides etc.
As this niche is very profitable so competition is much and if you want to get success, you have to come up with unique contents and with the one which readers are looking for.

4. Business Niche

These types of blogs are very profitable for the upcoming entrepreneurs. By providing the relevant information like-
  • How a newbie can start business
  • How they can get success
  • What are the risk and how to deal with those risks?
  • How to get money to start business
  • What is business plans etc.
By providing unique and real information, you can get lots of success in this niche. YourStory, StartUp Class, and onstartup etc. are blogs in the business niche.

To start a blog in this niche, you should be well prepared and should write only real methods which can help the growing youths.

The source of income in this niche is quite high and you can earn from many sources like AdSense, Direct Ads, Sponsored posts etc.

5. Insurance Niche

Insurance is one of the most profitable niches if we talk about earning from Google AdSense. Even you can get a CPC of $50-$60 from this niche. But at the same time, this is one of the highly competitive niches where you have to work really very hard to rank your blog.

So if you are ready to invest time and can work hard, this niche is for you. Again there are multiple sub-niches in Insurance niche-
  • Health Insurance
  • Automobile Insurance
  • Property Insurance etc.
Google AdSense is the best source of income for these sub-niches even though you can earn from other different niches.

I am also working on one blog in Insurance niche and I will share my journey soon here.

6. Education Niche

Education is the basic necessity of any person. Since the evolution of technology, people tend to focus online for any education and so make this niche hot for online earning as well. You can start a blog on any sub-niche like-
  • College and Universities’ information
  • Courses information
  • Syllabus and study materials.
  • Tests and e-books etc.
This is one of the easiest niches to start. Here you can also do micro niche like a blog on the specific results. For example, Medical results, TISS results, engineering examination, etc.

7. Forex Trading

Forex trading is a trading currency from different countries against each other. For example, the currency of India is in INR and in the US it is Dollar. So the example of Forex trading would be buying dollars while selling rupee simultaneously.


Let me show you one example for better understanding. Like in 2014, one dollar was somewhere around 60 INR. If you could have bought 1000 dollars which have coasted you around 60k INR.

Currently, one dollar costs around 63 INR so if you have decided to sell those dollars, it's value will be 63k INR. So your profit is 3k INR. This is just an example.

The Marketer who does Forex trading keeps on finding the profitable market and currency and they easily earn $5k-$10k a month. Now let's get back to the point whether we should consider this as a blogging niche or not?

Forex trading is also good to start with but again this is a bit difficult to rank like Insurance due to huge competition. But if you are able to do so for a couple of keywords, you can easily earn a lot as the CPC for these keywords is quite high.

Also, you can get lots of advertisements and Sponsored post on such niche. So if you are all set to work hard, this is the niche for you.

8. Website Design, Domain & Hosting

To start any online business, you need primarily three things-

1. Web Design- This can be either hard coded or themes or customized themes.

2. A Domain Name- You can buy a domain name even for $0.99 or if you want to start with free, get a subdomain on BlogSpot/WordPress.

3. Hosting: To host a website/blog, you need space and hosting provide that space. You can even start with free hosting on Blogger/

Now you can start a blog on this niche. But as this is a very big niche so you can take any sub-niche from it and can start. Few of those sub-niches may be
  • Website Design Tutorials
  • How to buy a good domain name/how to find expired domain etc.
  • Best Hosting for websites/Best WordPress hosting etc.

These are some of the sub-niches in this niche and are highly profitable. But here I would like to suggest you is, if you are ranking for this niche, don't use AdSense.

Because if you are getting clicks on the ad, you will earn somewhere around $0.5-$1.0, which is not much for a niche like hosting. Better use affiliate marketing here. Select any hosting company, Hostgator, BlueHost etc. and promote their offer.

If you are making any sell, you will earn at least $50 per sale, which 50-100 times of an AdSense click.

9. Social Media

You will agree with me here! Social media has become the need of one's life. Right? Yes. Daily Billions of people access the different social network all across the globe.

So, now I am sure you can judge the potential of this super niche. This is a vast niche and you can target one or two social platforms and can start a blog. Like you can target Facebook, G+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit etc and can start a blog where you can post the details about these social platforms. The details may include (considering example of Facebook)
  • How to best use Facebook
  • How to promote your business through Facebook Free
  • How to do paid advertisement through Facebook.
  • How to earn from Facebook
  • How to use Facebook API on blogs/websites
  • How to make post viral on Facebook
  • Tips and Tricks related to Facebook etc.
These are the kind of contents that you can post on such blogs. Again there are different ways to earn from these kinds of blogs like AdSense, Sponsored Posts, CPA Networks etc.

10. Listen to your Heart

Last but not the least. In fact the most important one! Listen to your heart. Because if anything is done from your heart, that must get success. Decide which is that area where you are good and start on that. No niche is bad. If work properly, every niche can earn good amount of money. Let me tell you how you can select a niche from your interest.

Also Read: 5 Social Media Mistakes that Every Blogger should Avoid

Take a pen and paper and write down all the area which you like. This may include Entertainment, cricket, game etc. I am sure you will write 5-10 topics. Now think which is the area among all which will not bore you even if you will be with it for a whole day. I am sure you eliminate 3-4.

So, almost you are having 4-5 now. Now make a column for all 4-5 topics remaining and start writing the blog post topics, plans etc. And by the end of this select the area where you found the majority number of ideas.

By this way, you can select the niche which you really like and this will go forever. You will never get bored of it and easily success will come to you.

What about you?

These are the 10 most profitable niches to start blogging as per me. You may differ with me but I would love to know your opinion. Please do let me know which niche you think is most profitable?

If you liked this article, please share it.

5 Killer Tips to Generate Traffic without SEO or Social Media

By Ashutosh Jha → Sunday, November 4, 2018
After looking at the title of this post, you must be thinking is this possible?

You want traffic, and you must have heard that SEO/SMO is the necessity to get traffic. I’m not declining this fact, but SEO/SMO is the best way to generate organic and continuous traffic. But we can also get enough traffic from other sources.

Getting traffic on your website/blog without SEO is of course possible and the main thing is – It is quick, easy and less time consuming and of course FREE.

So now you must have been thinking, how? Today in this post I am going to show you the 5 killer ways to get instant traffic to your blog just by spending few minutes per tips.

Blog Commenting Method

I’ve put this method at the top because of its popularity and importance. Blog commenting is the best way to generate traffic for your website. What you have to do is to make a list of blogs (of course select the one which you like) and whenever you write a post, visit those blogs and leave a meaningful comment.

Now suppose you have added only 10 blogs in your list and you left comment on all 10. At the worst condition at least you’ll get 20 unique visitors (I’ve considered only two per blog) on your blog. Now suppose each user are only seeing 3 pages of your blog and so you will have -

10*2*3=60 Page views

This is the minimal page views you’ll get. I’m telling you my experience. At the start I commented on one blog around a month ago and till now I’ve received more than 100 page views from that URL. This has not been done in a single day but of you are getting 100 page view for one comment, isn’t it’s a great source of traffic?

Also if you want to generate even more traffic from this method, you can include the CommentLuv enabled blogs which shows your latest blog post along with your comment. You can find the high PR CommentLuv enabled blogs here.

Also Read: Tips To Check Keywords Ranking on Google

Search and Pull Method

This is also one of the best methods to pull traffic and the easiest one. In this tricks all you have to do is find the popular NICHE and bring the already existing traffic back to your blog/websites. This seems to be easy and exciting right? Yes, it is. Just you have to follow the below two steps and you’ll be able to drive good traffic-

  • You have to find the popular blogs with relevant posts as soon as they are getting published. Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to find this. Google Alert will do this task for you. Yes you heard it right. It’s a free service provided by Google. All you have to do is set up a Google alert for the topic you want to have the traffic. Suppose I’ve written a blog on how to start a free blog, then I will set up a remainder something similar to ‘start a free blog’. And whenever Google will find the similar topic on any popular blog, it’ll send you an email on your registered email id. You can set up a Google alert by this link and can set up the alert like below-

  • Now whenever any post will come on the internet, Google will send you a free alert right in your inbox. As soon as you receive that, visit the blog, read it and leave a meaningful comment. Now once a user will visit that website which is already very famous, they’ll also read comments and as you’ve left a good comment they’ll definitely visit your blog.

Tip: Never provide your home page URL while commenting. Provide the address of your particular post and also use recent post widget to engage users more.

For this subject line, I’ve created a Google Alert and I usually get 3-4 alerts a day. That means you’ll comment on 3-4 good blog. Suppose each blog is sending you only 5-5 users and each user is seeing only 3-3 page, so total number of page view will be-

4*5*3=60 Page Views

As your comment will be the first/second so chance of getting traffic with this method is more.

Link others in your post

Yes! You heard it right. This is one of the most common mistakes that a blogger. They always hesitate while adding other’s link in their post. But you do it. Suppose you’re writing any good post and you know someone has written a good case study about that, link that. There is several benefit of it-

  • When that person will find, you have linked his/her post, they may share your post in their social profile. Now just imagine if a blogger having good social profile shares your link on their profile, how much traffic you can get?? This is the usual case. At least in return they’ll tweet you.

  • They can even link you back on their post in return. Isn’t this awesome? If above 2 conditions are not happening, nothing to worry. Open your email account and write a cool email to him/her. You can simply write the following-
Hi, Mr./Ms. …

Good Morning !!

I am a blogger, blogs at so and so blog (provide URL here) and while writing this post (name your post), I found your case study (provide URL) very useful for my readers. I’ve put a link to it in my post (provide your post URL).

It will be very kind of you if you can visit my post and provide suggestions and if you’ll find it interesting, kindly tweet.


If the first two-point will not work, I am sure the third is definitely going to work. So now you have great traffic and a good network with a good blogger. I’m considering only 100 page views through this method. But be sure you’re going to get far more than this count.

Use signature in your emails

Let all the emails that you send with the work headers, link your blog. Now a day peoples are so crazy and busy in their life that they don’t have much time to search your blog or put manual effort to type URL. So the best way is to put a link to your blog and enable the LAZY :) people to access your blog with a single click.

How many work-related emails you send daily? 20 for now. Yes, I’m considering only 20. Provide a link to your blog in your signature. Now suppose only 10 of them have clicked on your link and have seen only 3 pages each, you are going to get-

3*10=30 page views.

How much time this method cost you? Hardly 1 minute and that too a onetime investment :) Isn’t this a killer method to generate traffic.

Use Intro method to get traffic from forum

This is also one of the best methods to get traffic. People generally use the forum to answer and ask questions. In the answer by providing the link to your blog, you are going to have couple of benefit-

  • Good Traffic
  • Backlinks. This is going to increase SERP and DR of your blog.

Now it’s time to start another trick in these forums.Start a new thread for discussion for your newly post. Just write ‘I’ve written a good article on this topic and wanted to share with you all. Let me know your view on this’. If this is a popular forum and has 1000s of the user a day then there is a chance that at least 100 will visit your link. I’m considering only 2 page views per user in this case because they have to write about your post in the forum soon. So total page views will be-

2*100= 200 page views

But remember all forums don’t provide this facility to start a new thread for your post. So before doing this read their T&C.

Final words

So, friends, these are the best 5 methods to pull the best traffic to your blog and that too without any SEO or social marketing. I’ve given the least estimated traffic you can get as a newbie from these sources.

So in total, you will be having 200+30+100+60+60=450 page views and think how much time it cost you, hardly an hour? Again this is the least traffic you can get. You’ll get much more than this. And if only 5 of them will share your content on their social profile, you are going to get massive traffic again.

So start using these methods and let me know which tricks you are using to get the traffic on your blog apart from SEO and social marketing. Also, do let me know if I’ve missed any great source over here. Thanks for your time and kindly share this post, if this has helped you!!

7 Best Places to Advertise your Business Online in Budget

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, September 28, 2018
As we all know advertisement is essential to grow any business. You have to reach out to the potential customers first. Later your business may run on recommendations.

If I will ask you what are the places where you can advertise for maximum benefit?

I am sure many of you may come up with two or three places like Google, Yahoo or few more. But do you know there are plenty of places available online where you can promote your business effectively?

Also, one thing you should not that not every advertising method works for all business. So you should have a good number of alternatives in order to handle any situation. So today I am going to talk about 7 best places where you can advertise your business online for maximum benefits.

One of the recent surveys on online advertisement has shown that global display advertising is growing by more than 36% each year and this is the best way to reach out to your potential customers.

Also Read: 11 Tips to Take your Blog to Next Level

Also, many of the below companies offer few FREE credits for new customers. So you can just do bit search and you will get free credit initially. Later if that advertising platform worked for you, continue with that else switch to other. But give some time to understand the model before switching to another platform.

7 Best Place to Advertise Business Online

1. Google Adwords:

No doubt Adwords is one of the best and widely used online advertising companies owned by Google. As Google own majority of the search engine market so advertising on such a great platform will be very beneficial for all.

Adwords worked on PPC (pay per click) model and you have to pay once someone will click on your ad. The price varies depending on various factors like keywords, Location, Audiences and much more that you are targeting. One click may cost you even $0.01 or it can also cost you $400. So it totally depends on the niche, Target Audience, and Locations. They provide different types of advertisement solutions like Text Ad, Display Ad etc.

Setting up a campaign is not that difficult in Adwords you can do in 5 minutes also. The one thing that you should take care is the Keywords. Select the best keyword that describes you and can earn you maximum benefits.

2. Microsoft AdCenter:

Microsoft AdCenter uses their search engine, Bing, to display advertisement. Bing is the 3rd largest search engines after Google, YouTube (again a Google Company) and is very famous in the US.

Also Read: 3 Most Powerful Method to Promote Your Website

Here also you have almost all the features of Adwords. The benefit that you will get in Bing is less cost. For the similar campaign, you will feel less cost compared to Adwords and so you have to invest less money.

3. Facebook Advertising:

The biggest social media giants Facebook also advertise different brands and business and are gaining lots of popularity these days. Facebook can be the best advertising solution for small business owner. Their advertising system is also somewhat similar to the above two but the mega benefit that you will receive here is you can even display an image along with the text. So even people are not clicking on your ad, still, you get lots of exposure.

4. Twitter Advertising:

Twitter is also one of the best ways to advertise. There are 143,199 tweets per second are getting tweeted on Twitter. So you can estimate their large audience. Twitter mainly promotes profiles, tweets, and hashtags. But now they have also started other advertising platform. So it can also be one of the media to promote your business online.

4. City Search:

CitySearch does not have their own search engine but they have an association with many major search engines where they promote your business. They manage your daily result and do ad placement on MSN, Google, Yahoo etc. The idea is again the same PPC. They offer two paid plans- The Web connect and Call connects.

5. Stumble Upon Ads:

This is still unknown to most of the people but Stumble upon is one of the best and very economic advertising solutions. Stumble Upon has an advertising platform known as Paid Discovery where you have to spend somewhere between 0.05 cents to 0.25 cents. You can see how economical it is. They charge you when someone stumbles your ad. I personally love this network.

6. Niche Blog Advertising:

If you are targeting to potential customers from some particular niche then advertising on niche blogs can be the best idea. You can ask the admins to either write a review about your business/products or you can do banner advertisements as well. This is one of the most effective means of reaching out to targeted audience. Even they charge very less compared to other big advertising companies. if you want to advertise on our blog TricksRoad, just shoot us a mail.

7. Online Directory:

The online directory is also a good way for promotion. There you can either do free promotion or paid promotion. if you are going for free then depending upon the review they display any profile at top while in paid, you can get the top slots. This is very effective way of promotion as even in paid advertisement you have to pay somewhere around $2-$30 per month depending on the directory. So even a low budget companies can do advertisement on these directories.

Over to You

I can certainly tell that online advertising works great. I am an internet marketer and from the above list I have personally advertised on many platforms and some of those have given a great result for me. So if I can get the result why not you?

Do try today itself and let me know your success stories. Also if you are facing any issue do let me know in comments. I will definitely help you to get out of it. You can even shoot me a mail and can be assured for the solution.