How I got Google Adsense Approval in First Attempt : Complete Guide
By Ashutosh Jha →
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Hello, Everyone! A couple of days back we received a fully approved account of Google AdSense.
Thanks to you all for giving support. I started blogging somewhere in September'14 as a passion and very soon got addicted to it. Truly speaking till Aug’14 I was not even knowing ‘B’ of Blogging world.
I was an IT professional and were working on a few IT projects like web development, web maintenance, application development etc. Then while reading some marketing tips for one of my clients and I reached out to Harsh’s blog ShoutMeLoud and few other blogs like Harleena’s Aha-Now, Anil's BloggersPassion, Problogger, CopyBlogger and came to know the blogging world closely.
These are the blogs which motivated me towards blogging. Until that time I already had developed around 30-40 websites for my clients and were having few maintenance projects also.
I managed some time and started blogging and all I can say at this point in time is, It’s Awesome!!
In this guide, I am going to share the secret tricks for how to get Google AdSense approval fast.
I am not much successful in blogging till now, and still, I’m a newbie. I have just started this blog a couple of months back and getting approval for AdSense in Just a couple of months, and that too in the very first attempt is an awesome feeling.
So, just wanted to share the experience as to how I got approval for AdSense for a 2-month-old domain and a blog, which had only 20 posts at the time of approval (this is our 22nd post).
I’m not telling getting AdSense approval is a big thing, but at the beginning, I got so many rumors about the Google AdSense. I just want to clear those.
Also, AdSense is not the only way to earn from the blog and a few weeks back I shared a detailed article on How a blogger can earn from their blog or website. Here I listed around 17 real and proven methods to earn from blogs. I would suggest you to please check that post.
Below I’m going to explain the tips taken by me before applying to the AdSense. In this journey, the article that helped me is Alltop9’s AdSense guide. Thanks to Lasya for that.
Click here to buy a .com domain name just at $0.99
Click here to buy a .com domain name just at $0.99
Here I’ve explained each and every step in detail. Mark those points and match with your blog and see if all are good. It’s not that difficult to find a good template. There are so many templates available on the internet free of cost; just you’ve to search it. Also, the navigation on your site should be easy and clear. This helps in making the site more users friendly.
Also, what are your terms and settings about the user who is visiting your site are also important and that can be covered in the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages. So try to include these pages before you apply. This will not take more than 5 minutes as many websites are available online which generates these pages free of cost.
You’ll get an email explaining why your application got rejected. Some of the most common reasons are like not having enough content, too new domain, not decent traffic or so on. So work on the reason they provided and apply again. This will not take much of your time. Don’t just sit idle after getting rejected. You should work on the reason and apply again. You’ll definitely get success.
Friends these were few tips to get approved AdSense account fast. I’m sure if you’ll follow these tips, you’re definitely going to get approved Adsense account. Again AdSense is not the only way to earn from your blog. If you are not getting approval also, there is nothing to worry. You can use other mode of earnings like in text ads, affiliate to earn.
But as AdSense is the best ad network in the world, so everyone tries to have an account with it. If you’re getting rejected frequently check above tips and correct the blog. Also, you can drop your issue in a comment. I’ll surely try to find the solution.
Also Read: 12 Tips to Increase AdSense Earning
Hope this post will help you in getting AdSense approval fast. Please share in a comment if you know any awesome tip on getting approval. If you liked this post, please consider it for sharing this on your social sites. Also if you want to get such awesome tips on Blogging, Internet Marketing, and SEO, subscribe us.
Thanks to you all for giving support. I started blogging somewhere in September'14 as a passion and very soon got addicted to it. Truly speaking till Aug’14 I was not even knowing ‘B’ of Blogging world.
I was an IT professional and were working on a few IT projects like web development, web maintenance, application development etc. Then while reading some marketing tips for one of my clients and I reached out to Harsh’s blog ShoutMeLoud and few other blogs like Harleena’s Aha-Now, Anil's BloggersPassion, Problogger, CopyBlogger and came to know the blogging world closely.
These are the blogs which motivated me towards blogging. Until that time I already had developed around 30-40 websites for my clients and were having few maintenance projects also.
I managed some time and started blogging and all I can say at this point in time is, It’s Awesome!!
In this guide, I am going to share the secret tricks for how to get Google AdSense approval fast.

So, just wanted to share the experience as to how I got approval for AdSense for a 2-month-old domain and a blog, which had only 20 posts at the time of approval (this is our 22nd post).
I’m not telling getting AdSense approval is a big thing, but at the beginning, I got so many rumors about the Google AdSense. I just want to clear those.
Also, AdSense is not the only way to earn from the blog and a few weeks back I shared a detailed article on How a blogger can earn from their blog or website. Here I listed around 17 real and proven methods to earn from blogs. I would suggest you to please check that post.
Below I’m going to explain the tips taken by me before applying to the AdSense. In this journey, the article that helped me is Alltop9’s AdSense guide. Thanks to Lasya for that.
How to Get Google AdSense Approval Fast- Exactly what I used!
Here are some of the tips I used to get Google AdSense approval fast and in my first attempt. I am sharing those so that you can also follow these and get AdSense approval very fast.1. Get a Custom Domain
Now a day almost all the bloggers have their custom domain. If you don’t have and you’re using the free services of Blogspot or Wordpress, please get a custom domain for your blog, and it doesn’t charge more than $1. You can check our article on How to select a best domain name for the good name and 5 best domain name registrar to select the right company to register your name for online business. This is the important step friends as there is hardly a blog which gets approval through BlogSpot and Wordpress extension domain now. No doubt these are the best free platform to start blogging and you need not to spend a single penny for it.Click here to buy a .com domain name just at $0.99
2. Use Top Domain Extension
This also effects in the approval process. If you’ve read our article on How to select the best domain name, you must have read a point where I’ve explained the need for the top level domain. We should use a top level domain like .com or .org. Avoid registering country specific domains as this indicates you’ve started blogging for just that particular country.Click here to buy a .com domain name just at $0.99
3. Domain Age
Domain age plays a crucial role in the approval process especially for the accounts in Asian Subcontinent. As per AdSense policy, your domain age should be a minimum of 6 months, but it’s not mandatory in this subcontinent. As you can see, my domain age is just a few days more than two months. So I believe a domain with age one and half month is sufficient for the AdSense approval.4. Blog Layout & Navigation
Yes, blog design is also an important step in the approval process. In fact, blog design is the main aspect in the success of the blog itself. We’re in 2014 and 2015 is just a few days ahead; so please avoid using the design of 1999. Give your blog a professional look. This will help to attract readers as well as an advertiser on your blog. You can check my article on how to select the best template for the blog or website.Here I’ve explained each and every step in detail. Mark those points and match with your blog and see if all are good. It’s not that difficult to find a good template. There are so many templates available on the internet free of cost; just you’ve to search it. Also, the navigation on your site should be easy and clear. This helps in making the site more users friendly.
5. Average Daily Page views
This is the most common question a newbie blogger ask before applying to the AdSense. How much traffic really it needed to get approval? There is no exact answer to this question but as per my experience and what I read about this till now is 100-page view is decent to apply for AdSense. And you will agree with me, 100 daily page views are not too much right? You can take help of social media or blog promotion or even blog commenting method to get this much traffic daily.6. Number of blog post
This is also one of the common questions that bloggers or webmasters usually ask. Generally, it’s seen that many bloggers have received approval with even 12-13 post and there are a plenty number of bloggers who are still getting rejected with over 100 posts. But it’s a good practice to start with 15 blog post.7. Blog Post Length & Quality
This is very much important point in the approval process as well as for the success of your blog. It’s always advisable to write a long blog post and not to write a blog with less than 500 words. But this does not mean we should compromise on the Quality of the article. You should never copy anyone’s article else Google will detect easily and can reject your application and even can find your blog. So always try to write a quality article and try to have at least 350-400 words in each article. Google or any other search engines love lengthy and quality blog posts.8. Add a few necessary pages
Add a few important pages like About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages in your blog. At first instance, this will not feel you much important, but from a business point of view, this is equally important as the articles. One should know about yourself, about your blog and the peoples behind you and so about and contact page is vital.Also, what are your terms and settings about the user who is visiting your site are also important and that can be covered in the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages. So try to include these pages before you apply. This will not take more than 5 minutes as many websites are available online which generates these pages free of cost.
9. Take care of content and Language
Please don’t put objectionable content like adult content on the site. Google will never approve these types of sites. Also, you should only use the English language on the site.10. Follow the AdSense Policy
This is the general step. You should follow the policy of the company to which you’re going to apply. So I would suggest reading the Google AdSense policy before applying to it. This will not take your much of time. Anyway, this contains almost all the points that we covered above.11. What if disapproved in the first attempt?
This is also one of the most common questions that most of the bloggers and webmasters ask. As AdSense has revised their policy, it’s getting a little bit difficult to get approval in the first attempt or so on. What to do in that case? Whenever AdSense reject any account, they send the reason for this.You’ll get an email explaining why your application got rejected. Some of the most common reasons are like not having enough content, too new domain, not decent traffic or so on. So work on the reason they provided and apply again. This will not take much of your time. Don’t just sit idle after getting rejected. You should work on the reason and apply again. You’ll definitely get success.
Final Words
Friends these were few tips to get approved AdSense account fast. I’m sure if you’ll follow these tips, you’re definitely going to get approved Adsense account. Again AdSense is not the only way to earn from your blog. If you are not getting approval also, there is nothing to worry. You can use other mode of earnings like in text ads, affiliate to earn.
But as AdSense is the best ad network in the world, so everyone tries to have an account with it. If you’re getting rejected frequently check above tips and correct the blog. Also, you can drop your issue in a comment. I’ll surely try to find the solution.
Also Read: 12 Tips to Increase AdSense Earning
Hope this post will help you in getting AdSense approval fast. Please share in a comment if you know any awesome tip on getting approval. If you liked this post, please consider it for sharing this on your social sites. Also if you want to get such awesome tips on Blogging, Internet Marketing, and SEO, subscribe us.