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Elevating Ecommerce Sales with the Help of Analytics

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Within recent decades, one of the most crucial changes to our society has been spawned from technology. Tech has been the most indelible facet of modern society, and it has grown rapidly throughout the past two decades. The Internet and other tech has been incredibly formative for our civilization and has helped to boost various aspects of our world, most notably the economy.

Elevating Ecommerce Sales with the Help of Analytics

Our economy has been greatly influenced by technology, and this has led to the creation of a myriad of new industries; all of which have been rooted in tech in one form or another. 

While there certainly are numerous novel fields that have been created in the past 20 years, ecommerce has become one of the most essential of these businesses. Ecommerce has seen rapid growth throughout the 21st century, and there are now millions of ecommerce stores that exist online. Many of these ecommerce stores never see success, but the way that all of the lucrative ones attain sales has to do with ecommerce analytics.

Ecommerce analytics are extremely important for modern ecommerce enterprises, and learning how to utilize these statistics to improve your enterprise is imperative if you want to have a more profitable ecommerce company.

Google Analytics for Your Ecommerce Store

In order to have a thriving ecommerce company, you need to be able to utilize ecommerce analytics effectively. It is important to utilize the correct programs in order to get the best experience for your analytics, which is why using Google Analytics is so crucial.

Google Analytics is used by a variety of ecommerce businesses to boost sales, and their Enhanced Ecommerce tool helps to ensure that businesses of all sizes can understand the metrics they need. There is numerous analytics that Enhanced Ecommerce has available, including customer behavior, conversion rate, who makes up your audience, and others as well. Learning to utilize these statistics and improving your business model with them is crucial.

Utilizing Analytics to Improve Your Business

In order to upend your competitors, it is crucial for you to recognize what is problematic about your business model. You cannot get sentimental; you need to look at the facts presented to you in the statistics and understand that there are ways to improve your sales by changing your business model.

There are numerous metrics that you should be looking at, such as the number of days it takes to lead to a transaction, total revenue, total number of transactions, how many refunds you are giving, product prices compared to the average, and other as well.

Understanding how these impact your company is essential, and you can then implement change throughout your enterprise in order to improve your customer retention rate, increase engagement by your customers, and improve your customer acquisition rate as well.

Final Thoughts

Figuring out the best way to improve your ecommerce sales is imperative in order to run a profitable enterprise in this industry. Understanding the importance of ecommerce analytics in this process is imperative and will allow your company to thrive.

Upcoming eCommerce Trends to Watch out for?

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, March 6, 2020
Ecommerce can become a source of income for those who are looking to start a side hustle or even turn a simple project into a very sustainable business. So long as they keep up the hard work, continue to learn and keep up with the most recent trends.

Speaking of trends, things do not remain static in the industry for very long. Those who fail to recognize that there are new changes coming end up suffering for this mistake and get left behind the competition.

Upcoming eCommerce Trends

Trends come and go, but where there is money involved, one should look to take every little bit of an advantage and ensure that the outcome is in his or her favor. And knowing about the trends mentioned below is a good start for those in the ecommerce business. Here are some of the top upcoming eCommerce trends to watch for-

Trend #1 – Personalization, Customization, Product Variety

Personalization like personal messages, offers, recommendations of products is not something entirely new in the world of ecommerce. Customers expect to encounter them when browsing through a store or subscribing to a newsletter.

However, a recent survey by Econsultancy has revealed that more than 30 percent of online shoppers believe that brands ought to emphasize personalization even more. The same survey projected that more and more people are going to want to customize products themselves and create something completely unique.

Finally, there is also a demand for new products. For instance, if you are in the apparel business, Printify is a Print on Demand & Drop Shipping Platform | 250+ Products and 90 printing facilities that can be found over the world, as well as over a thousand 5-star reviews on Shopify. Sticking to a well-recognized supplier platform like Printify will ensure quality and variety. And even if you are in a different niche, strive to look for something like what Printify is to print on demand.

Trend #2 – Shopping Directly on Social Media Platforms

It was not long ago that even if you were on social media, shopping would have to be done by visiting a website or even contacting a person and asking whether the product is still available.

Social media plays a prominent role in shaping up retail, and the most recent feature in shopping buttons directly on platforms like Instagram and Facebook is one of the most recent examples of that.

According to Avionos, about 55 percent of online shoppers have made a purchase on a social media website in 2018. If you have not started to promote your products and services on social media, doing so should be one of your priorities.

Trend #3 – Augmented and Virtual Reality Experiences

One of the reasons why some individuals prefer brick and mortar stores to e-stores is the inability to see what the product is actually like when shopping in the latter.

However, things are beginning to change thanks to virtual reality. Online shoppers can see how furniture looks when they place it in a room using a simulation. Or even try out the clothes and find out whether they look good or not while wearing.

Trend #4 – Voice Search Optimization

SeedProd has conducted a survey at the end of 2019 and expects to see that 50 percent of internet searches will be done via voice. Thanks to devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home, we see innovation right in front of us. And with how much easier it would be to do shopping just by using one’s voice, more brands ought to pay closer attention to this trend.

Trend #5 – Real-Time Conversations with the Buyers

People appreciate good customer support and offering availability 24/7 is rather difficult because finding enough people to fill all the time slots is not always a possibility.

However, with the recent rise of chatbots (BusinessInsider reveals that at least 80 percent of businesses are already using chatbots or plan to use them in 2020). And implementing them not just on the website’s live chat but social media platforms will strengthen your standing in the eyes of customers as well.

Trend #6 – Customers Are Becoming More Aware About Environmental Problems

Concerns regarding our planet are rising. Global warming as a problem continues to gain more momentum. With that, customers are becoming more aware and are looking to support the planet. So if a brand offers to plant a tree for every sale they make or offer to ship products in environmentally-friendly packaging, they will appeal to customers who are more conscious about the state of our planet.

Trend #7 – Potential Threats to Cyber Security

With all the benefits of running an ecommerce project, one cannot keep in mind that there are some threats out there as well. A store should be safe because any data breaches will cause a plummet in reputation.

Given how many different security threats are out there, like malware, trojans, ransomware, phishing, and DDoS, spending some resources on your ecommerce store security is a must.

How To Pick The Right Social Platform To Grow Your Sales

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, December 27, 2019
Knowing which social media platform is the best one to use for your business and the one that will bring the most sales in is of the utmost importance for your company’s growth. Many digital marketing companies suggest to their clients that they should first realize who is their target audience. When they obtain this information, everything else will be much easier.

How To Pick The Right Social Platform To Grow Your Sales
Finding a digital agency Dubai within the UAE shouldn’t be a problem since the UAE has a significant number of successful digital marketing agencies throughout Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all other major cities. Finding an appropriate marketing agency for your needs shouldn’t be a problem within the UAE.

What Should You Focus On?

There’s a lot of things you must know before you decide which social media platform to use for growing your sales. Every digital agency will be glad to help you choose the right one, although you must consider that not every business can benefit from social media as some might.

Find the social media platform that may be beneficial for your business, and focus all your energy on that platform. Here, you can find crucial information about how to achieve higher sales by implementing social media into your marketing campaign.

Focusing On One Platform Is Not Always The Solution

Try and find the data you need. With the help from digital marketers you’ve hired, you’ll have the necessary data sooner than expected. The things you need to know are all based around the target audience.

Who’s the target audience you should place your focus on? What age group does your target audience belongs to? Is there a preferred gender? Where do they live, and how can you gain easier access to them through social media? We’ll talk about all these questions and provide you with answers within this article.

Growing Your Sales Won’t Happen Overnight

If you still have no clue who your target audience is, consult your digital marketers and let them collect the data you need. They’ll investigate the open market based on your company’s needs, and they’ll successfully discover which audience belongs to your company. That way, you’ll know who and how to target.

If your target audience is teenagers, you’d want to discover which group of people uses this social media platform the most. All digital marketing companies are able to help you understand how to find your target audience quickly and how to act accordingly.

Instagram Users Are Usually Younger Generations

Groups of people that use Instagram are more or less younger generations, and by knowing this, you can focus all your effort on this social media platform in case your products and services are made for younger people.

Instagram users by age

All Target Groups Use Facebook

With well more than 2 billion active users, Facebook is among the most used social media platforms in the world. With this social media network, you’ll be able to target several audience groups. This is a perfect solution for companies that have a more comprehensive range of people to target. If you're wondering how it can help you, check the below stat about buy & sell by Facebook.

Facebook buy sell data

LinkedIn Is The Best Business Social Media Platform Today

Many social media networks are used for leisure and fun, but LinkedIn is something else. With LinkedIn, you can connect with companies or freelance professionals. This social media platform is mostly used for business. Whether you want to find someone to work for your company or if you’re looking for a job opportunity, LinkedIn is a perfect place to achieve all this.

When recently, a survey was conducted by Foundation Inc. for business asking which platform is generating leads for their business, 59% said, it's LinkedIn.

Linkedin Leads Data
Advertising your products or services is essential, and LinkedIn can help you achieve your goals through its fantastic ad solutions. Also, through LinkedIn, you will be able to successfully grow your sales if you find the appropriate method to advertise your business throughout the platform.

Sometimes One Platform Is Not Enough

Digital marketing professionals will help you understand the importance that social media networks have today. In some cases, implementing one social media platform within your ongoing marketing strategy is not going to be enough. Depending on your target audience, using several social media platforms may be required.

Depending on how big you want your outreach to be, you should consider all the options before you start using any social media networks. It’s worth mentioning that some social media platforms are free to use and advertise through, while others will charge you advertising fees. Create a bulletproof plan for your marketing campaign with the agency you’ve hired, and you’ll be all set.

There’s No Easy Pick

You won’t be able to pinpoint a perfect social media platform for your business before you investigate the market, and before you realize which audience groups are an ideal match for your business. When you've obtained all the details, you can choose the social media platform that suits your needs the most.

The Future of Ecommerce: 2019's Hottest Trends

By Ashutosh Jha → Saturday, April 13, 2019
Ecommerce is the number one way for companies to grow their business. In this competitive marketplace, there were over 1 billion online customers in 2017. This number will increase to over 2.14 billion by 2021.

The Future of Ecommerce: 2019's Hottest Trends
If your company is considering tackling this trend, then this article is for you! Check out this helpful guide on the current trends that are shaping the future of ecommerce. Follow these trends today and watch your sales skyrocket past your competitors!

What is Ecommerce?

Ecommerce refers to selling and buying products and services using the internet. Ecommerce also involves transferring money and data to complete these transactions.

Ecommerce makes products easier to find and buy through online marketplaces. Both small and large companies have benefited from ecommerce. Retail ecommerce sales worldwide will reach $4 trillion by 2020.

Future of Ecommerce

As we advance through 2019, here are some emerging trends shaping the future of ecommerce. These trends include:

Personalized Customer Engagement

Customer engagement refers to how a company creates ongoing customer relationships. These relationships build customer awareness and brand loyalty.

Social media outreach and other marketing campaigns can build customer engagement. Ecommerce trends today include personalizing this engagement to the shopper’s own interests.

Online companies use customer page visits and search queries to recommend specific products. Companies can then use this data to customize their websites.

Personalizing websites makes them more accessible. People soon learn that they can spend as little time on it as possible when they shop.

You can learn more here on some of the best ways to optimize your online presence. Take these skills to create a portfolio of products with the right price and the right benefits. That way, you’ll be able to meet your customer’s immediate needs.

Artificial Intelligence Assistants and Chatbots

Other trends in ecommerce include using artificial intelligence assistants and chatbots. Artificial intelligence (AI) assistants operate on specialized software. This software can complete a task in response to a verbal command.

Chatbots use similar software to conduct an actual conversation. Chatbots can replicate how humans would respond in an actual conversation.

A virtual intelligent assistant can perform tasks or services based on verbal commands. These assistants can do receptionist duty or manage inventory. They can help with answering public questions, which lets you manage the business.

Interactive Product Visualization

Customers still expect to interact with the goods and services they plan to buy. Online reviews or expert opinions won’t be enough to convince them of the quality of products on the market. That’s where interactive product visualization steps in.

Interactive product visualization allows companies to display their product features with 3D animation. Virtual and augmented reality technology supports interactive 3D imaging.

Product visualization allows customers to interact with the product before they buy it. Customers can turn the product at different angels to see it from their smartphone or laptop. This visualization technology helps remove the doubt from any buying experience.

Ecommerce Brick-and-Mortar Buildings

Many ecommerce businesses are opening up physical, onsite locations to sell their goods. Some of these onsite stores are temporary pop-ups or are permanent storefront locations. Other eCommerce brands will attend special events or festivals to market their wares.

Ecommerce brands have noticed many benefits of establishing brick and mortar locations. These physical stores help them engage with their customers. In person sales also helps to enhance the customer’s buying experience.

Voice Search

Marketing researchers estimate that 50 percent of online searches will be through voice search by 2020. This trend is a significant opportunity for ecommerce. Voice search allows customers to conveniently buy products.

Voice search queries are conversational as opposed to only one or two keywords. That's why ecommerce companies are creating content written in a natural tone. This helps companies rank high with long-tail keyword searches.

Micro Markets

Another new ecommerce trend is the explosion of Micro Markets. Micro Markets are custom-designed vending machines that have their own self-checkout technology. These vending machines sell a selection of food and beverages in controlled coolers.

Micro Markets are an attractive business model. They don’t need any onsite staff to serve customers or take payments.

They also have advanced inventory capabilities to track products. As a result, Micro Markets are becoming a primary source for large employer’s work-site food.

Hyperlocal Ecommerce Businesses

Hyperlocal ecommerce businesses represent the future of online shopping. These companies can deliver food to you, for example, within an hour of ordering online. UberEATS and GrubHub are two examples of businesses using this business model today.

These companies have supply warehouses close to their customer base. This helps them to make fast deliveries possible.

Hyperlocal ecommerce companies compile a list of all local suppliers within their territory. They then team up with targeted resources to deliver goods in the quickest time possible.

Next Steps

Are you ready to tackle the future of ecommerce on your own? The good news is that you can start this revolution today.

Invest in virtual assistants who can screen customers or answer questions. This will free you up to take command of the direction of your company’s future.

Optimize your product portfolio to enable voice searches and harvest customer online data. Not only will you enhance sales, but you’ll have a road map on creating a great digital strategy.

For more business insights, don’t forget to check our website. We’re here to help you reach your goals and make sure your business becomes the success we know it can be.

10 Simple Tricks To Boost Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

By Ashutosh Jha → Thursday, April 11, 2019
A quick glance at your website analytics shows that your site visitor count has skyrocketed. Your PPC and SEO efforts have really paid off and you’re generating a lot of interest in your business.

You take a look over at your conversion rate, however, and it’s a very different story. It has completely flatlined. It might even have decreased. What’s the deal? Why isn’t anyone biting?

Boost Your eCommerce Conversion Rate
Does this sound familiar to you? If so, we have compiled this list of 10 simple tricks to help you out.

10 Tips to Boost eCommerce Conversion Rate

Follow these tips and take full advantage of your rising leads, successfully converting site users into paying customers, helping you to make a real return on your investment!

1. Air your authenticity

Building trust in a B2C context is achieved in starkly different ways online vs offline.

Retailers with physical stores immediately emanate legitimacy. The store, its wares, and the employees are physically visible to the consumer. There is little question whether the transaction will result in you receiving the product you desire when you are actually carrying it to the checkout yourself.

Customers will not put blind faith in an eCommerce store when deliberating a purchase. There are few signals to indicate that the store owners are credible, so customers are prone to abandoning their carts in fear of being scammed.

Boost your eCommerce conversion rate by airing social proof. Integrate your unfiltered customer testimonials from third-party review platforms to clearly show browsing customers that you will follow through on your promises.

2. Get social

Your conversion rates will suffer if you present yourself as a faceless brand, devoid of any personality. Customers are looking for more personal experiences with the companies they purchase from.

Managing active social media accounts is an effortless way to build this connection, engaging directly with your audience by sharing tidbits behind-the-scenes at your company, showing the people behind the brand.

Laying this foundation will help you strengthen your relationship with your target customers, encouraging them to convert.

3. Call them to action

Your website interface should guide your customers seamlessly through the conversion process. The user experience should be clean and informative and should end with a bang with a fantastic call-to-action (CTA).

Not all CTAs are effective, however, so be mindful about your choice or words and your placement. Work out what suits your target audience and your customer journey best.

The CTA should:

  • Clearly communicate what you’d like your target customers to do
  • Evoke curiosity and radiate positivity
  • Have a sense of urgency about it
  • Express the benefits of taking action

Neil Patel has written an excellent CTA construction resource to adapt to your particular needs.

4. Carefully craft copy

In the absence of a trained salesperson to walk you through the features of a product, your website copy needs to do the talking.

Your product listing copy should tell a story as well as outlining all of its basic, practical information. It should strike the right balance between emotive seduction and promoting its tangible benefits.

General information like its uses, dimensions, and material used will help the customer determine if it meets a practical need and including customer stories will heighten its affective appeal.

To brush up on your copywriting skills, eCommerce experts Shopify have compiled a neat resource on writing effective product descriptions.

5. Strike up a conversation

Whether you integrate a live chat or chatbot feature into your eCommerce website, your customers will appreciate having access to instant communication.

In the past, conversion rates would often falter when customers became frustrated with the slow communication lines with retailers. Long waiting times on phone lines with awful elevator music or emails that are responded to within 2 or more business days just weren’t good enough.

The instantaneous responses that come with chat widgets have streamlined and sped up the process of responding to customer queries which in turn helps to boost conversion rates. Customer concerns are allayed in real-time whilst they sit on the website pondering whether to purchase something from your eCommerce store.

A fantastic example of this in practice comes from popular online-only fashion retailer ASOS who launched a shiny new chatbot in 2018.

‘Enki’, as it is referred to, takes customers by the hand through the conversion funnel. Enki’s individualised approach to each customer allows it to act like a personal shopper, massively increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Don’t leave your customers alone and in the dark. Be there for them 24/7, capturing sales at all times of the day.

6. Flexible returns

Often, customer expectations don’t align with reality. Whether they’ve overlooked a product detail when they purchased it or the online photo looks marginally different to the received product, there is an element of risk involved in eCommerce.

This potential risk is enough to put your potential customers off following through with a purchase. Promoting a free returns policy can allay their concerns, providing them with a safety net should they change their mind.

Include a returns policy section on your eCommerce website which outlines all the necessary FAQs, like how long it takes to process a refund and how to send the product back.

7. Be our guest

Imagine the length of queues and the time you’d waste if you had to fill out a detailed registration form every time you wanted to buy a product in a store. You’d probably react by limiting the number of times you purchased something, wouldn’t you?

If you have an inflexible purchasing process on your eCommerce store which forces customers to create an account and fill in field after field of personal details, you’re likely to see a dip in your conversion rate.

Adding a guest checkout option will cater to customers who are in a rush, allowing you to capture extra sales.

8. Away with discouraging delivery costs

Have you ever looked with despair at your shopping cart abandonment rate? Would it comfort you to know that the average rate of abandonment is a staggering 70%?

One of the most influential factors pushing customers to quit before they pop in their card details is the shock of added delivery costs.

Luring customers in with what appears to be a decent deal, and then whacking on shipping costs at the end, can make them feel betrayed, forcing them to exit your eCommerce store out of principle.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you need to cover shipping costs yourself. Instead, incorporate them into your original product price so you’re being fully transparent up front.

Despite the overall cost being identical in both cases, customers are more likely to convert when there is consistency and honesty throughout the purchasing process.

9. How far to go?

A sure-fire way to deter customers from converting is to design a long-winded customer journey with no indication of how far they have to go to reach that final confirmation screen.

One of the main attractions of purchasing online is the swiftness of the transaction. There’s no need to trek out to the brick-and-mortar store. No need to hunt around the racks and rails looking for the product. No need to wait in a queue while a frantic sales assistant rings up order after order. There’s often no way of estimating how quickly you’ll get in and out of the store.

With this in mind, your checkout process should be transparent, upholding the attraction of online shopping versus visiting a physical store. Demanding that customers go through multiple stages in the checkout process on your site might be necessary but it’s incredibly off-putting.

A simple way to combat this is to implement a progress bar.

A progress bar serves a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it shows them exactly how far they have to go to complete their purchase, giving a clear signal that the process will end and outlining exactly what steps they need to do.

The second benefit is nicely summed up by Brian Dean of Backlinko: “It sounds simple, but a progress bar motivates people to finish what they started.” It stands to show them just how far they’ve come already, giving them that push to keep going or face wasting time.

10. Extensive payment methods

Modern digital consumers are accustomed to an array of weird and wonderful payment options, and if your eCommerce website doesn’t support their favoured method, they’ll instantly exit your website.

Basic credit and debit card payments were formally sufficient, but newer methods like PayPal and Google Pay are becoming more dominant.

The world of debit and credit card processing has come a long way in the past decade in particular,” notes Stephen Hart of Cardswitcher. “There is at least an astounding 200 alternative payment methods in the UK alone. With so many bases to cover, if you don’t have an extensive payment support offering, your customers won’t convert.”

Let the conversions roll in…

Optimizing your eCommerce store for conversions is a finicky process. Seemingly small issues can take a major toll on your sales.

If you know what to watch out for, you can revise and refine the user experience on your eCommerce store and firmly send leads down the conversion funnel with ease.

These 10 tricks can do wonders for your website - can you think of any other tips?

About the Author

Laura Fields is a writer, lover and dreamer, based in drizzly London town. A freelance journalist, she's recently escaped from the topsy-turvy world of magazine journalism to write about home, travel and lifestyle on the web.

10 Essential Services You Can Sell Your Products Through Online

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, January 18, 2019
Selling online is now widely recognized as probably the most efficient and potentially lucrative way of growing your business and that is why you need to formulate an e-commerce strategy that gives you the best chance of success.

Here is a look at some of the main selling channels you should be looking at for your e-commerce business and what key points you need to consider when designing your business model.

10 Essential Services You Can Sell Your Products Through Online

Getting started

In order for your business to have the best possible chance of being successful, you will need to formulate a business plan and an e-commerce strategy that lays the groundwork for that success.

A big priority should be to work out whether you will be selling solely online or covering more bases with offline options such as a physical store.

It is also critical to decide on a product range that you think will generate plenty of sales and work out whether you are going to sell a diverse set of items or concentrate on developing a reputation for a specific niche.

Get your shop window right

In just the same way that a physical store will need to dress their window in an attractive way to entice shoppers inside, you should try to apply the same logic to your online store.

Picking the right e-commerce software to work with can make all the difference and picking the right one for your business can prove to a big influence on how well your venture performs in such a competitive online environment.

If you are just starting out, the good news is that there are a number of simple-to-use online shop templates that you can easily adapt to your business and hit the ground running in no time at all.

You may want to evolve and design something a bit more complex and bespoke as your business progresses but as a starting point, shop templates like Shopify, as just one example, are designed to do everything you want without needing a specialist knowledge to set it up and start marketing.

How will shoppers find you?

One of the biggest challenges facing a new e-commerce business is making themselves visible in such a crowded online marketplace.

It often pays to consider how search engine optimization (SEO) works and that means gaining a basic understanding of the way you will need to structure your site and pages so that Google and other search engines find you in their search results.

If you not sure how to do this, it might be worth getting someone with SEO knowledge who can guide you through the ways to help you become as visible as possible when people are searching for a product or service that you sell.

Choosing the right sales channels

There is little doubt that the online behemoth known as Amazon has got some serious marketing clout and if you can sell your products through someone like that, it can help improve your chances of increasing your sales as word spreads and you gain more exposure.
One option is to consider when looking at the various channels is whether you are going to use a fulfillment center arrangement like Amazon to save on your own storage and warehouse costs.

You might want to read more about how this works so that you can decide whether this is a good option in addition to analyzing which sales channels, such as eBay, and Amazon, you want to sell your products through.If you want to further know like how much you can earn by selling on Amazon, there are many Amazon seller calculator. You can enter the details here and estimate your earnings.

Selling on eBay

One of the standout points about eBay, in particular, that is always worth keeping in your mind is the fact that many shoppers seem to arrive on the site with a specific purchase idea in mind, rather than just generally browsing.

If you have a niche that you want to develop a reputation for, eBay can prove to be a useful ally in helping you build an audience in your chosen area of specialism.

Amazon is so often the default option

Marketing feedback would suggest that more than half of online shoppers will commence their online product search with a visit to Amazon.

You simply can’t ignore a site that can give you access to such a huge audience and it also helps that Amazon does tend to make it easy for you to start selling through them.

Etsy might be a good fit

It might prove relevant to mention Etsy if your business sells handmade or bespoke craft items, as this is a platform that has developed a strong reputation amongst shoppers as the go to site for something a bit different or unique.

Don’t ignore the usefulness of social media platforms

Although you may not be selling your items directly through sites like Facebook and Instagram, these social media sites can prove invaluable in helping you find customers and driving customers to you so that they can make a purchase.
You should take the hint that so many multinational brands have such a strong social media presence, as they already know what a powerful sales tool these sites can be.

They also give you the opportunity to build brand loyalty and gain valuable feedback from your customers.

Other specialist channels

Amazon is the dominant general marketplace for all sorts of different products but there are a number of selling channels that could prove highly relevant to your business, depending on what you are selling.

Sites like Newegg, which is a sales channel for selling electronics, gadgets, and hardware, and Rakuten, which is one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the world, are platforms that should be on your radar if they are a good fit for your target audience.

Putting it all together

Draw up a list of all the sales channels you want to use and also evaluate which payment processing systems would be suitable to use on your chosen platforms.

Once you have everything in place and you have formulated a strategy that you are confident will give you the best chance of success, you will be ready to tap into a global marketplace and start selling your products online.

Improve Sales with These Visual Merchandising Tips

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, January 14, 2019
Sales associates have a high turn over rate because their jobs have an ever-growing list of responsibilities. It used to be that a shop employee just had to sweep the floor, handle simple returns, make sales, assist customers, and maintain a good attitude.

But in today's retail space sales associates have even more responsibilities while they work. They have to sign people up for email mailing lists, try to convince them to get credit cards, and still find time to stock the shelves.

Improve Sales with These Visual Merchandising Tips
That's why it's so important that you provide your sales associates with merchandising tips to make the most of their displays and limit the impact it has on their workload. Continue reading for guidance and make visual merchandising a part of your marketing plan for 2020.

1. Use a Mobile Merchandising App

Mobile merchandising apps are designed to allow managers and company representatives to visually audit sales displays using an iPhone or tablet. They can help you hold your employees accountable for your displays at all times.

There, retail associates can interact with the app and it will show them how the display is supposed to look and it will also allow you real-time visibility to ensure it stays looking nice. View here for more information about apps.

2. Make Use of Your Store Entrance

Some stores have very empty store entrances, but this is a mistake. Your entrance is the first impression you make on a customer and you should use this space to highlight some of your newest and most impressive items.

To really create an impression, make sure you have products at different heights so that your customers can interact with your display without messing up too many other items. Also take care to put your most exotic items on display up front.

3. Use Shelving to Create Ambiance

You may have thought that shelving was just meant to hold your products, but you should put much more thought into it than that. You need to consider how high you want your shelving units to be, how many products you want to stock on them, and where in the store you want to put them.

By purchasing smaller shelving units that don't go all of the way to the ceiling, your products will be more accessible for your customers to pick up and investigate. Plus you have the bonus of having a more open and visually appealing store.

4. Make Use of Product Groupings

When you have holiday and promotional items, you need to make sure that you get rid of them quickly and during the season. Don't put these items all over your store. Instead, make use of product groupings so that people who are searching for those items can see everything that you have all at once.

When you are putting together your product groupings, make sure you wait until all of the merchandise comes into the store before you begin to put it out. You want your customers to feel the full impact of your display.

5. Highlight Impulse Items

Have you ever wondered why they put the milk and eggs all of the way in the back corner of the grocery store? It's because if you are highlighting the items that your customers are looking for when they come in, then they won't have any reason to walk around the store and see what else you have to offer.

Take a helpful hint from grocery stores and use this same tips for your merchandising efforts. Think about what your customers are most likely coming in to buy and locate those items in the back of the store.

This strategy also works for sale items. Many retailers will put their sale section in the back of the store so that customers have to walk through the full priced items in order to get to the sale.

6. Create Visual Cues for Customers

When someone walks into a store, they shouldn't have to ask an employee which way to go to head to a certain department. You need to clearly define the areas of your store and create signs that show where they are.

The better your signage is, the more your customers will feel like they want to explore your store and see if you have any other items they need.

7. Rotate Your Merchandise

If your merchandise displays stay the same for more than a month or two, than your customers will think that you don't have anything new in. Make sure that you update your window displays and move older styles to the back of the store as new fashions come out.

Then, you will know when it is time to put items on sale since that section of clothing that came in together will all be ready to retire from the shelves once enough new products have come in behind them to replace them.

8. Make Your Customers Feel Something

When customers are in your store, they want to feel relaxed and like they have time to look around. Take care to create displays that stir their interest and provoke emotions.

Try to get your customers to forget about the work involved in shopping and help them get caught up in the experience. Then they are more likely to stay longer, and in turn, buy more items.

More Merchandising Tips and Advice for Businesses

The merchandising tips mentioned in this article can help you create the optimal store environment to appeal to your customers and increase purchases. These tips will help you improve sales of any merchandise like rain jackets or winter jackets.

For more advice and articles to help your business grow, check out our blog today.