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How to Write SEO Articles in Four Easy Steps?

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Being a blogger or internet marketer, you can't ignore the search engine. To rank your website or article in the search engine, you need to work on SEO. In this article Aspire Media will share some of the important tips to help you with SEO.

Again, SEO is having two parts-

  • On-page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO

How to Write SEO Articles in Four Easy Steps?
We have earlier written a detailed guide to on-page SEO which you can check for reference and for off-page; link building is a major factor. You can check the following resources for the off-page SEO-

>> 25 websites for comment backlinks

In on-page SEO as well, content is the most important factor. You need to optimize your content from an SEO point of view to rank higher in the search engine. Although there are around 200 different ranking factors in the search engine, the content is definitely the leading one.

If you have ever outsourced your content writing work from some micro-job portals, you might have found differences in pricing. The major reason behind the differences between pricing is the content type.

The writer who writes SEO optimized content charges comparatively higher than a then normal content writer. Below I have compared two content packages from the leading micro-work site Fiverr and see the pricing differences. When the normal content is getting started from $10; SEO optimized content from $30. I am not saying this is standard but yeah, the SEO optimized content is normally priced higher.
Normal Content Price vs SEO Content Price
But usually, people find it difficult to write SEO optimized content. If you’re a newbie and just starting with it, I would suggest using the WordPress plugin Yoast SEO which analyzes your content and let you know if your content is optimized for a search engine for a particular keyword or not.

Never the less, in this How to Write SEO Articles in Four Easy Steps, I am going to explain the tricks to write perfectly on-page SEO optimized content.

Let’s start and see how to write SEO articles in four easy steps!

How to Write SEO Articles in Four Easy Steps?

Although a detailed guide to writing SEO optimized content can’t be covered in just 4-steps but yeah, I will summarize those. For detailed steps, you can follow our On-Page SEO optimization techniques post.

#1 Choose the focus keyword for your article.

Yes, this is the first work one should do while starting with the SEO optimized content. This is something like while starting any business; you first decide what to start. Similarly, we first fix the keyword while starting with any new article.

For example, for this post, my main keyword is- how to write SEO articles in four easy steps

And I have tried to optimize the content according to this keyword. One thing you should note here is, don’t spam your article with the keyword else there are chances of Google Penalization. Optimization is a good thing but not spamming.

Also, along with your main keyword, try selecting some secondary keywords which can be LSI keywords. The best way to find the LSI keyword is through the related search terms of any keyword in Google as shown below.

LSI Keywords Examples
Especially when you’re writing the long articles, you should select more than one keyword to rank for various other keywords as well. This is the best way to rank a single article for multiple keywords. If you’re new to keyword research, you can start with free Google AdWords or Google AdWords Alternatives.

#2 Frame the content Outline

Now that you have selected your primary and secondary keywords, it’s time to frame your content. It is always advisable to have most of the lead headings in the content (H1-H6).

A typical blog post content outline can be of the following format-

Content Outline Example
Although this is not the only format in which you can write, yeah, it is one of the standard content layouts. You can follow this for reference and frame your own content.

Make sure your title is H1 followed by H2, H3, H4 etc. depending on how deep you’re going. Also, try to use your keyword in the title, first paragraph, one of the subtitles and conclusion. Although this is not necessary but recommended!

As you can see, my main keyword “how to write SEO articles in four easy steps” is following an almost similar pattern.

#3 Write Introduction and Body of the Post

So far, you have done keyword research and decided to outline the content. It’s time to go ahead with the content introduction and body of the post.

In the introduction part, you may want to summarize your content like what the article is all about and bit insight on it. Try to insert your primary keyword once in the introduction part as well. A typical article introduction can be as below-

SEO optimized Post Example
Similarly, in the body section include all the subheadings and explain everything about the article. You can also include images and videos as required. You can also interlink your articles for deep linking. The body section is the lengthiest section of an article and you can use this to show everything about the topic. You can explain each and every aspect of the topic and convey your messages to your visitors.

#4 Write the conclusion paragraph

We have come to the last section of our how to write SEO articles in four easy steps. Here you can summarize the stuff you have written above and appeal something to your readers.

The appeal can be any of these-

  • You can ask your visitors’ thought on your article and ask them to comment
  • You can ask them to share your article on social media
  • Even you can ask them to subscribe to your blog
  • Or any other call to action kind of thing you can insert here

Wrapping it up!

This was all about how to write SEO articles in four easy steps. Hope you got a clear idea to write SEO optimized articles easily. But sometimes writing lengthy content can be difficult if you don’t have an experienced writer. In such cases, you can buy dissertations online easily.

Out of all these steps, keyword research and the content outline is the topmost and one should do this carefully. I would like to know your thoughts on this!

9 Literature Review Writing Tips

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, May 22, 2020
The literature review or a literary review is a scholarly analysis of the origin of a particular subject. This gives a concise summary of contemporary knowledge, which allows you to classify relevant theories, techniques in the present research.

Literature Review Writing Tips
If you are writing your literature review on your MacBook Pro, this process of writing and composing can slow down your MacBook. Here is how to speed up your MacBook Pro.

Coming back to Literary reviews, it consists of the management, publishing, evaluation, and analysis of your topic that relate to your research questions. There are five significant steps in the Literature review writing:

  • Explore relevant literature
  • Evaluation
  • Distinguishing different themes, debates, and methods
  • Arrangement and structure
  • Compose your own paper

The literature review appears at the start of your paper. It is a significant part of your general thesis composition. It is a summary of the ebb and flows arrangements of the field you are writing your paper about. To write a literature review, you have to thoroughly research your subject and make it understandable for your readers.

What should be there in your dissertation literature review?

A literature review does not mean that you have to write paragraphs and give a summary and title to each paragraph. It is more than that. Your literature review should have a subject and a theme. You should thoroughly research the topic before summering it in a review. It must be as concise and accurate as possible. Always put the name of the philosophers and authors in the related field of your dissertation subject.

Using headings and bullet points in your dissertation writing can also help you in clarifying different points to the readers. In this way, you can explain to the readers what would come next in the content you have written and what the reader can expect from your literature review.

How long should a literature review be?

According to the general guide, the dissertation literature review should be around 25% of the complete dissertation. However, this will also depend on the broader structure of your dissertation and the scope of literature available to you. While you consider your composition and exclusion criteria, it is essential to keep in mind the following things:

  • Your literature review should be relevant
  • The content of your literature review should be suitable
  • The content you used in your literature review should be very helpful

In practice, these pointers will ensure that the review remains concisely tailored to the topic discussed. Moreover, if you find that the literature available is sparse or converse, it is worth reconsidering your research questions to develop a more constrained focus on the topic at hand.

9 Great Literature Review Writing Tips

Here are the top nine tips that you can easily keep in mind while you are writing a dissertation. These tips will definitely help you score your goal grade in your class.

Content Importance

A typical slip-up in a review is to stall out in detail the substance of numerous books, articles, and reports that you have skimmed. Ensure that the content used in your paper is highly relevant and holds importance in the content.

Essential subjects

It will be essential to understand, describe, interpret, comprehend, and assess the significant subject that originates from the material that you have written. The first section will show your commitment to writing, which will further give you a push to assemble your composing body.

View Analysis

There is nothing in an evaluation that has not been examined, addressed, and unconfirmed. In your review, you have to ensure that the official clarification is expelled, and proper consideration is paid to the underlying investigation. Make convincing problems, contentions, and give motivation to your answer.


Do not start your literature review by investigating the literature before clarifying the research questions that will guide your dissertation. By expressing queries, in the beginning, you can avoid wasting hours in pointless reading. This will help your readers know the issues of concern.

Extensive investigation

To write a satisfactory literature review, you must exhibit your ability to search out relevant material from a wide variety of sources. Scroll online databases for useful dissertations and articles by using their abstracts to consider relevance, use all available university, college, and departmental libraries, consult the web for extra resources, and follow footnotes.

If you feel that writing a dissertation is too much for you, you can always hire a literature review writing service, which can provide you with a completely customized sample dissertation that can help you score your goal grades.


Always make sure that your material is based on some findings. Revolve your literature review around a specific subject to make the analysis of your subject more precise and better.


A useful literature review is the one in which you have categorized all the points in detail. The structure of your literature review is as natural, and it is highly based on reared research questions and theoretical logics, etc.

Hypothesis and theory

When you write material in your research literature review, make sure that your material has a theory based on a central point. It should not be based on assumptions, goals, and aims for the article. The material should be very rational, and it should have theoretical aspects along with the reviewed content.

Reference origin

While writing a literature review, always remember having to provide resources from which you have collected your research material. You have to make sure that the writer that you are getting inspired by is widely authoritative and broadly cited.

Wrapping it up!

A literature review allows the translation of late writing inside the most recent progressions inside the field—these aid in building up the consistency in data and association of more traditional materials. In case of difficulty, you can always get help from the literature review writing service.

The writing survey generally draws close to the start of your abstract or introduction. Your research paper in an academic field leads legitimately to your theoretical system. When you've completed the process of writing and re-examining your writing survey, remember to edit altogether before submitting it.

Content Maturity Model: How Good Are You at Creating Content and Keeping It Visited?

By Ashutosh Jha → Sunday, May 10, 2020
If there’s a desire for significant progress in the field of content creation (copywriting, content writing), one of the ways to accelerate progress in this area is to understand and adopt various methodologies that improve the knowledge of content creation.

Content Maturity Model

Why Is It Important to Know Different Methodologies for Creating Content?

There are a number of methodologies that describe different ways of creating and improving content and this time, the focus is on a methodology that aims to determine the level of knowledge of an individual or company in the context of the effects of content creation - Content Maturity Model also known as Content Capability Model.

If, for example, you often launch new products or services on the market in your company, you should have in writing defined what are all the steps in that business, i.e. which business procedures and which jobs participate in the business of launching new products or services, including the way content describing of the new product or service is created in that case. That written way of doing a certain job is called work methodology.

When you compare your current methodology of work on certain jobs with the methodologies of other companies doing the same job - you should study whether you can do some things differently according to the experiences of other companies in order to improve the results of your work.

Also, starting a website is the technicality that shouldn't deter you from taking a necessary step towards the growth of your business. You need it to reach and engage your customers. After that, it’s how well your website works to meet your customer’s needs and that starts with the web host. Choosing a hosting service will ultimately determine the fate of your website.

There are hundreds, even thousands of web hosts available, from those that are most suitable to small businesses, such as shared hosting, to providers that can secure uninterrupted visibility of your website regardless of the amount of traffic, such as dedicated and VPS hosting. Looking at different offerings, services, and pricing, there’s also MySQL hosting that might be right for your content creation business because it’s based on a freely available open-source relational database management system - MySQL. To be more precise, MySQL is an essential part of almost every open-source PHP application. 

What Does the Content Maturity Model Serve For?

If we look at the level of our knowledge about content creation today, we can ask the following questions:
  • Have we heard of the Content Maturity Model and do we use it in our business?
  • Do we use other methodologies in our work to improve the way we work?
  • Why would I know that when it looks like some useless theory?
  • I’m interested in HOW to improve content creation exactly (step-by-step), and not to read/watch something that doesn’t give me such answers!
When you look at everything under the phrase “Content Maturity Model“ on Google, see the different images that describe a large number of various ways of observing the level of knowledge about the content creation job.

On this occasion, we’ll list the 3 most important reasons why it’s convenient to use this model of determining knowledge about the job of creating content:
  1. #1 When we figure out how much we know our job, then it will quickly become clear to us, for example, why it’s difficult for us to sell content creation services to companies that are creating a website for the first time. Also, it will become clear to us why we sell content at one price and we can’t charge much more, knowing individuals and companies who charge 10 times more for one text than we manage, at the same time.

  1. #2 More importantly - to know what we don’t know in our business, and what’s the next thing we need to learn to significantly improve the results of content creation. This applies to any individual or company, regardless of the level of current knowledge.

  1. #3 The further we progress, the clearer it becomes to us what we need to learn next in order to continue to progress in our job.
Getting started with the Content Maturity Model comes down to finding a few adequate methodologies from the many on offer that can obviously help you quickly understand what stage of content creation you’re at and what you need to learn next. You may be in different stages of development for different segments of content creation - e.g. you know SEO copywriting very well, but you aren’t good at creating sales content.

If you still think that all this is pure theory, in your case there’s still a lot of room for improvement in your business.

How Much Do You Use Content Creation Strategy in Your Business?

The Content Maturity Model is a strategic framework for understanding and improving the content creation business. Some content marketing experts have structured their works in relation to the ability of individuals and companies to understand marketing in accordance with the level of knowledge they have about marketing.

In these pieces of expertise, the digital marketing strategy is described in such a way that over 90% of individuals and companies don’t use the strategy in their businesses because they don’t see the reasons why they would do it. Only up to 10% of individuals and companies in their businesses understand the ways to create and implement strategies that bring significant business results.

For example, if the owner of a company that sells products over the Internet doesn’t understand why he/she would pay € 500, € 1,000 or € 2,000 for higher quality content to achieve more significant sales results - we certainly can’t sell him/her content creation for that price. If that owner has seen, experienced, and understood that better quality content brings in more revenue - then he/she will invest more resources to create the content.

In order to have an understanding of the value of creating quality content, a company must have a practice of good online results that lasts for a longer period of time to convince those responsible that better quality content brings better effects to the company. Only when the understanding of the decision-makers in the company about the value of creating content begins, only then can more serious development and investment in the content start. 

How to Use the Content Maturity Model?

The Content Maturity Model consists of 4 phases of developing knowledge about the business of creating content - knowledge at the level of primary school, high school, college, and practical master’s degree (such as Master of Business Administration/MBA). 

Typically, maturity models are presented in 3, 4, 5, and 6 stages of development that can’t be skipped:

Content Maturity Model consists of 4 phases of developing knowledge

The Phase of Not Understanding the Content Creation Function

It refers to 50% -70% of individuals and companies on the web worldwide, which mostly don’t do business through websites but through platforms such as Amazon, Booking, Facebook, Instagram, etc. For these individuals and companies, creating content comes down to creating images and descriptions of products and services.

At some point, these individuals and companies begin to understand that their success on the platforms depends on the quality of the display of products and services, but the question is when that moment happens? A large number of companies operate very successfully in this phase of development and never move to the next phase. 

The Phase of Variable Content Creation Results

It’s characteristic of about 90% of website owners, or a total of 20% to 40% of all individuals and companies that use the website. This phase of the development of content creation quality is visible in variable results of the created content, where there isn’t yet enough knowledge to determine why some content “went well” and some didn’t. Only when the company starts creating content that brings good results on a regular basis, conditions are created for the transition to the next phase of improving content creation.

In order for a company to move from this phase to the next phase, the average time of its duration is between 2 and 5 years - if the company is focused on improving the effects. Most companies never get out of this stage of development. The minimum duration of this phase is about 6 months.

Content Effect Optimization Phase

It’s characteristic for 7% - 10% of individuals and companies that do business online. In this phase, intensive optimization of content in relation to sales and promotional effects, possibilities of informative effects of content, visibility on search engines, etc. starts. At this stage of development, the main people in the company begin to understand the reasons why it’s important to create a content strategy, and then the implementation of that strategy slowly begins.

In order for a company to move from this phase to the next phase, the average time of its duration is between 4 and 5 years - if the company is well focused on improving the effects. Most companies never get out of this stage of development. The minimum duration of this phase is about 3 years.

Content Effects Integration Phase

It occurs in 1% to 3% of companies online and is equally represented in companies that have online sales goals, as well as in companies that have online branding goals. The main feature of this phase is the merging of different proven content creation strategies (integration) and their implementation in relation to the characteristic (specific) classic and online business goals (omnichannel). At this stage, promotional effects are very well known in relation to different content formats, their use through different communication channels, ways of creating different types of content effects, etc.


The better we understand what stage of our own development we’re in, the better we understand to whom we can sell our services and why we don’t need to and can’t do that in some cases.

Stages of Knowing the Characteristics of Own Business of Individuals and Companies

Content creators who are in the first two stages of development very often, through their ignorance, create additional problems for the companies that hire them. So-called “experts” and “gurus” are in the 2nd phase of development, meaning they managed to get good results several times and then, they thought "THAT’S IT!" They are so wrong.

The characteristics of individuals and companies that sell services with a higher level of knowledge of their business (which are in the third or fourth stage of development) are very different from the previously mentioned:
  • In the beginning, they sell their services more expensive in relation to the effects of what they can do.
  • They explain very well what they do, how they do it, and what can be expected of them.
  • They specialize in individual areas because today we live in a time when each segment of content creation is a special science that requires a lot of knowledge from practice.
  • Clients can easily monitor the effects of this work and understand the results of these activities.
  • These individuals and companies are also recognized by the fact that they often don’t have time for new clients (individuals), and companies are rapidly hiring new employees (without firing other employees). This happens because they do their job well.
Companies and individuals from the 3rd and 4th phases of development, who hire content creators, know at the beginning when they should hire, why they hire them, and what they can expect from them. It’s very rare for them to hire individuals and companies who know less about creating content than they do.

The previous paragraph is also the answer to the question of why those who can’t charge much more for their services than the price they charge and know that those prices can be much higher - basically have to improve the quality of their work much more.

5 Helpful Writing Tips for Beginner Bloggers

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, August 26, 2019
A lot of people are looking into blogging as a way to monetize their talent in writing. However, blogging isn’t just about writing and publishing texts on a website, hoping for the best. There’s more to it than just inspiration.

You have to learn about what to write and when to post to entice your readers and make them come back. Don’t forget that you also must be discoverable. That means impressing search engine bots and the algorithms to keep your content on top of search engine pages (that’s SEO).

So, how can you juggle all these? Read on as I show you excellent writing tips for beginner bloggers!

Writing strategically matters the world for blogging, especially with today’s competition. Whether you’re here to monetize, build your personal brand, or you just want to reach wider audiences, spread awareness and advocate for the cause, here are some helpful tips to follow:

5 best Beginner Bloggers Writing Tips

Here are some of the top beginner bloggers writing tips which can help you add some value along with ranking in the search engines.

1. Don’t Fake It and Write In Your Own Voice

The first thing you should know as you start out as a blogger is NEVER to fake interests. Don’t fake love for your blogging niche just because you think it’s a lucrative and unexplored opportunity. Otherwise writing will become a chore and you will end up outsourcing texts to services like MyAdmission, rather than writing inspired opinions in your own voice.

Instead, find a niche you’re truly passionate about, be it car design, health and fitness, or anything else! The niches and industries are limitless and you can write anything your heart desires while still having a target audience interested in your work. What you should do, however, is to find a unique focus.

Once you’ve settled with a niche, always write in your own voice. Don’t copy someone else’s style, otherwise, you risk becoming just another generic droplet in the sea of competitors.

2. Write Freely, Optimize Later

When it comes to writing, it’s better to let the words flow freely. While you do need to edit your piece according to SEO requirements and clear formatting, that can wait for later. These factors can get in the way of writing in your natural voice, which affects the content quality.

Write as you would speak, without any restrictions. Once you’re done writing your piece, make sure that you edit it for grammatical correctness and structural elegance to improve your audience reading experience. When that is done, you can begin tweaking it according to SEO and other requirements.

3. Headlines and Meta Descriptions Are Important

First impressions matter and what’s the first thing your readers see? Headlines and meta-descriptions from search engine results!

Users often skim through content, reading only headlines and short descriptions to see if the text is worth reading in full. That’s why it’s important to come up with catchy headlines and attention-grabbing descriptions. However, avoid clickbait tactics, when your title is misleading and your text has only a loose connection to it.

4. Mind Your SEO

Content is king when it comes to attracting readers and improving your SEO ranking alike. The trick is to make these two work together. Ensure that you optimize your content according to what works both for SEO and for readers.

Do your keyword research, create a good, readable text with a clear structure, add inbound links to your own texts that readers might find useful and outbound links to quality resources out there. Don’t neglect meta-tags and image descriptions – when done properly and according to guidelines, they can boost your search ranking as well.

5. Get Feedback and Adapt, Rinse and Repeat

It makes sense not only to write new material regularly but also to update your previous posts adding fresh and relevant information to spruce up your content.

Ask for feedback to see what interests your audience and how else you can improve and grow as a blogger. Don’t be afraid of constructive criticism and adapt to if needed. Apart from improving your content, it can also enhance your relationships with readers.

Last but not least, finish your content with calls to action, encouraging people to share your piece with their contacts on social media. Be patient, as becoming an experienced blogger with a large readership base does take time!

Wrapping It Up

Blogging isn’t just a job or hobby, it’s a lifestyle! So I hope that these tips on writing as a beginner blogger helped you to get some idea of it. If you have any questions or want to share your own blogging tips – comments are welcome below. Your thoughts are much appreciated!

5 Tips on How to Find Affordable Essay Writing Service Online

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Essay writing is not as easy as one may think. Besides putting pen to paper, there is a lot that goes on in the background. You can find many Singapore essay writing services if you look in the right places. There was a time when these services were exclusive to those who could afford it, but it is more affordable now.

[Image Source: Third Party]
With that being said, there are still very expensive writing services out there and if you are not prepared, you could easily fall into that trap. In order for you to get the best deal, you can start by applying the following tips.

1. Know your budget

Before we can even bargain with anyone, we need to understand what financial limitations we have. Make sure you approach a writing service with a budget in mind. This way you will be able to know if you can afford it or not. It is easy to commit to an outrages price when you have not set the limits yourself. If the writer is out of your budget, it may be time to move on and find something more reasonable. This also puts you in control of the situation, which is important.

2. Shop around

You do not have to go with the first writer you make contact with. Simply inquire about what services are offered and what the cost is. This is the first steps to take. You can always engage more after you have determined that it is a possibility for you financially. If you need a Singapore English essay, you shouldn’t have to pay a fortune.

The internet is a great place to start your search. You may feel bombarded with all the options at first, but you can quickly eliminate a few. It is all about having variety and choosing the best one for your needs and your budget.

3. Ask questions

Do not be afraid to ask important questions when engaging with potential writers. We all have different essay needs and this is where you can determine if the writer is capable of completing the job. Ask about timelines, experience and anything else you want to know. Always keep in mind that you are the potential customer and that comes with some power. You don’t want to find yourself in a position where you committed too early.

4. Reviews

The most expensive writing services does not always equate to high quality writing. This is where you have to be very careful. Always look for reviews on the writer or ask for customer testimonials. A professional writing company will already have this in place as it is easy marketing tools. Have a look at what the previous customer have said about the writer.

You want to look for testimonials within the genre you need your essay done. It seems like a lot of trouble, but it would serve you well going forward with this process.

5. Quality

It is important to get the best deal, but you want to make sure you also get high quality writing. Even if you find a very affordable writing service, it does not mean you have to compromise on the quality. If your essay is on famous best friends in history, you need research to go into it.

The writer should not take shortcuts and give you information that is false. You are still entitled to get fantastic writing. Your score depends on this essay, so you cannot compromise on this one.

Final thoughts on affordable essay writing services

The internet is full of businesses trying to market themselves. You can find any type of services you want on the net. Writing is actually a very popular service and there are thousands to choose from. Be sure to know what you want. Know what you are willing to compromise on and what you won’t.

Stay in control during the process, but also allow the writer to use their experience to help you. It is a fine line, but it can be reached. At the end of the day you want a reasonable price, but you also want quality work. This can definitely be achieved.

For more such writing tips, please check this!

3 Ways to Make Students Write a Good Story Ending

By Ashutosh Jha → Sunday, May 19, 2019
The best stories start with a bang and end with the same. Too often, though, most students achieve only the former, neglecting the latter at worst or struggling to wrap things up at best. But a good ending to a story is a must—not necessarily a happy ending, but a proper one. It essentially ties up the entire story, making it one cohesive whole.

3 Ways to Make Students Write a Good Story Ending
Thus, whether the princess dies or she runs away with her prince to a secluded forest, ask your young students to give their narratives a good ending. Here are the best strategies to help them do that:

Discuss the different types of ending

To your students who have been struggling with writer’s block for days now, tell them the good news: there’s a formula to a good ending. Here are some words you can use as story ending-
Story Ending Words

In fact, they can choose among different types. For one, they can have an explicit ending, in which they will wrap up all loose ends. For example, they can reveal who the princess’ real mother is or how the prince defeats the evil witch.

They can also have an implicit ending, wherein their readers will be the one to make sense of the events.

For example, the supposed mother and the princess have identical heart necklaces. It’s also good to use a twist at the end, introducing an unexpected element.

Dedicate time for reading short stories and discussing each of their endings so that your pupils will be more familiar with the different ways of wrapping up their narratives.

Encourage pupils to make a story outline

There’s a good quote that goes, "Begin with the end in mind." Your students won’t have much trouble writing their ending when they already plan how things will turn out at the start.

Hence, in your freewriting session, let them write a story outline, filling in the beginning, climax, and ending. The rule of thumb is that the beginning should give a glimpse to the character’s usual routines or ordinary life, and then the climax should have an extraordinary thing happening, disrupting the protagonist’s life.

Finally, the ending should have the character responding to that change. With all these important elements in place, the students will just have to fill in the details in between each phase to make the story more interesting.

Use creative writing worksheets that feature templates for story outlines. There are some that you can access online or through software. Take advantage of these technologies to make writing easier for kids.

Ask students to envision their readers

If the class can’t really pin down the exact, concrete details of their ending, perhaps taking the abstract approach can help. Let them imagine their readers and ask them what it is they want these readers to feel.

Happiness? Longing? Fear?

From there, it’s just a matter of filling in elements that will contribute to bringing these emotions out. Take note that the exercise of thinking about readers isn’t just helpful in drafting endings.

It also inspires students further in being really serious about their craft. If you can make it real for students to have their pieces of writing read at a book launch, do it. It doesn’t matter if your students are still in second or third grade.

Having their story read publicly will have a huge impact on their writing journey. Ending a story can indeed be a tough challenge for young writers. Here is a summary of types of story ending-
types of story ending
However, there are plenty of ways to bring them into it. Don’t let them give up—wrap the story up.

The key reasons why Protranslate is a Certified Translation Expert?

By Ashutosh Jha → Saturday, May 11, 2019
Once you make a decision to hire a translation specialist, you will definitely realize that there are lots of providers that you can decide on for certified translation services. The majority of them may claim to offer high-quality professional translation services. Every one of them provides successful translation solutions, but it is important to note that not every one of them is trustworthy and credible like Protranslate operates on Protranslate.Net.

The key reasons why Protranslate is a Certified Translation Expert?
Picking a translation provider to tap the services of can be a little bit challenging since there are tons of obtainable possibilities. Nonetheless, you can turn anything much easier by taking into consideration crucial criteria. You have to ensure that your hired professional translation company coordinates professional translation tasks so the concluding result satisfies each of the goals. It obligates an analysis of some essential aspects concerning the translation provider you go with.

Just one of the things you really should examine is the number of years they've remained in the business market. Experience isn't only important considering that translations could be of better condition, but additionally experienced service companies just like Protranslate have faced various sorts of papers so they can understand your needs correctly.

You ought to also establish how innovative a translation provider. You may like to capitalize on genuine translation project monitoring networks for tasks as well as gain from each one of them. You could also like to see if they offer support or education to translators when demanded.

If a translation expert offers 24/7 service, it's a really good hint that it is adaptable with the projects they intend to handle. They want to help as many consumers as possible with their translation requirements and prepared to provide the assistance they need for a translation job or any issues related to it.

There are numerous things you should remember when trying to find a translation specialist. What makes Protranslate unique is that it has very good credibility and has been giving translation services for quite a while. As a Certified translation service provider Protranslate, you can guarantee excellent translation services at cost-effective rates.

Services by Protranslate

Protranslate offers a number of services in the content space which help you to get the work done.

You can get the translation, proofreading, editing, and rewriting services by the experts in the industry. All these are being done by the 150 expert translators who have scored over 85% in all the assessments done by the platform.

Professional Translation

The experts available at Protranslate has the required expertise in the areas of legal, academic, technical, engineering and medical where accuracy is utmost important.

Notary Translation

The team can also help you with the sworn or notary translation services in legal or commercial scale. The team also take care of quality control.

Paraphrasing and Editing

Here the team can help you rewrite the content with different phrases but maintaining the same meaning and emotions.

Quality Control & Proofreading

Here the team takes care of the quality and accuracy. The source and target quality control are being taken care of. The target file is checked for any kind of errors before delivery.

Features of Protranslate

Protranslate is one of the leading platforms to find the certified translation expert. Over 150 certified translation experts are available here to get all your work done. Here are some of the features of the platform Protranslate-

Quality services

Protranslate offers quality services in the areas of translation, proofreading, notary translation, etc. The best thing is, the source file is being checked for any kind of errors here.

Fast delivery

The team also ensures on-time delivery. Your time is valuable and so the Protranslate team ensures the delivery is being done on the agreed date and time.

Dedicate Support

Protranslate offers dedicated support for all the customers. Their team is available 24x7 to help you with any issue and query. Protranslate offers support via live chat, email or phone.

Wrapping it up!

These were all about the certified translation expert services by Protranslate. We discussed the services and features of the Protranslate. And so, if you’re also looking for the expert translation service, Protranslate is there for you. For more such contents, please check this section.

What we're Learning From Online Education?

By Ashutosh Jha → Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Online education!

This is something that more and more people are doing each day. Something that wasn’t available a couple of years ago. Making use of online education for getting the best possible education that you can get.

From online homeschooling to online college learning. And, then we don’t even mention the online assistance that you can get to do my homework for me. Especially when it comes to essays and term papers. But, what did we learned from online education in general?

Getting an education is at everyone’s reach

It doesn’t really matter where you are living. It can be in a large city with numerous colleges and universities. Or, it can be a small town that barely has schools. With online education, everyone can get the education that they deserve. There are a huge variety of subjects and courses that you can do online. That you couldn’t do a couple of years ago. And, it is all thanks to the online education system.

If you have the time, the internet connection and a reliable computer, you can get the same education as the person that could go to university. Making sure education can get to everyone. There are homeschooling options for children from the lowest grade to finishing high school. Online they can get their assignments, getting graded and writing exams. Giving them the best education, even if it is out of reach for most of them, because of living expenses.

It is getting easier to get assistance in schoolwork and homework

With the online education options, it is getting so much easier to get assistance in schoolwork and homework. You don’t need to struggle for yours. You can even ask to do my homework for me so that you can have time to study or for having a social life as well.

Struggling with your work, not understanding it anymore can be prevented. Ensuring good grades and understanding everything so much easier. Not all the children are equally clever and those children that are learning harder can struggle with sitting in a class and not get to their homework. Or not understanding their work, but too afraid to ask. For them, online education is the solution that will give them the opportunity to get just as good grades as the other children.

Online classes can still give the in-classroom feeling

There are many online classes that are still giving the classroom feeling to a student. This can be a school child that is doing homeschooling, or this can be a student that is learning online for starting his new career.

There are many parents that are saying that they are afraid that they take the classroom feeling away from the child or student. But, with some of the latest online education sites, you can have the best of both worlds. The best education with keeping the feeling that you are still in the classroom.

Getting individual attention for assistance to work you don’t understand

Some learners and students are struggling with understanding their work. And, because the classrooms are so large, it is hard to get the individual attention that they need for assisting them with their homework.

With online education, this is getting easier for everyone to get the individual attention they need for getting good grades. This just assists them so that they don’t ask “do my homework for me because I don’t understand.” Now, they can go online, get one on one attention and getting it explained in a way that they will understand. Something that can’t be done without online education.

Free courses are giving everyone equal rights to education

We all know that getting a higher education costs a lot of money. Money that not many people have. This can lead that some people don’t get an education, because they don’t have the money to learn. Even, if they are really clever and can become anything they want.

With the free courses that are available online, is giving everyone equal rights to education. Now everyone can get an education and start a career. It doesn’t matter where they are living and how much money they have. Making it possible to let dreams come true.

We don’t always think about online education. This is because we are so used to going to real schools, real colleges and universities. However, there are so many reasons why you should consider online education. This can be a great assistance to those that can’t afford the best schools and colleges or asking for assistance with homework. Or, give assistance to those that don’t understand their school work.

This is a great alternative that is giving us the freedom of getting the education that we deserve. And, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. It is just a click away!

You may check our content section for more such articles.

How To Maintain Balance Of Content Generation and SEO

By Ashutosh Jha → Monday, April 1, 2019
Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to technical measures that are taken to increase traffic to a website. Content marketing refers to brainstorming and content creation to increase user engagement and drive profits. Now, content marketing is a part of SEO. If a website has good content, it is likely to have a good search engine page rank (SERP). However, there’s more to SEO than just content. Tare other factors that contribute to a website’s overall search engine visibility.

How To Maintain Balance Of Content Generation and SEO
Below are some tips on how to maintain the right balance between content creation and other marketing strategies when it comes to improving a website’s SEO.

1. Invest in creative content

SEO content is created keeping search engines in mind. However, marketing departments tend to forget that their customer base is not searched engine bots but actual humans. Content that fails to engage its audience’s attention is not really doing its job. Moreover, even search engines prefer fresh content that is engaging and adds to debate. If the content is excellent, it is indexed faster.

Good content should be creative. It should be built around the audience and its interests. It should answer queries that people have regarding a product. However, the information provided should be factually accurate and based upon research. Consumers are quick to spot marketing gimmicks.

It should be optimized with meta descriptions and keywords using a tool such as Google AdWords. However, it should not be bland and structurally awkward. It must entertain the target audience while giving them new information about a particular niche.

Plagiarism is a no-go. Search engines give low page rank to content that may appear to be replicating the content of another website. Even copywriting should be original and unique.

2. Focus on readability

Moreover, the content should be easy to read. This is not to mean it should follow basic grammatical structures. Instead, it should be well formatted. You can put a lot of hard work into brainstorming regional ideas and curating content, but if you do not know how to present it, then it’s kind of a waste.

Modern consumers lack the patience to read long patches of text. They want to skim through a text. Hence, content should be broken into small paragraphs with liberal use of bullet points, line breaks and highlighted elements.

Header and title tags also make it easier for users to read the text and since they are a part of a website’s code, they even interact with search engine robots. This makes it easier for them to crawl a webpage.

3. Build backlinks

The content on a website and its optimization are called on-site SEO. On the other hand, there is an off-site SEO that refers to backlinks. These backlinks can be purchased but search engine bots are quick to catch on to such tricks. This can lead to a website being blacklisted. Instead, these backlinks should be developed organically through guest-posts and collaborations with bloggers and influencers.

In case a company wants to devote its efforts to other departments, off-site SEO can be outsourced from digital marketing companies such as Healthy Links. They get in touch with bloggers who are offered incentives for promoting products on their website and social media channels. This way, the blogger’s credibility drives traffic to a site and increases the revenue of a company. Inbound links are also effective. The content within a website should be connected through hyperlinked sections of text. This highlights keywords and helps search engines crawl webpages.

4. No compromise on user-friendliness

Search engines care about the mobile-friendliness of a website. Look around your social circle, and you will realize that most of the people use their smartphones to surf the internet and search for their queries. Now, if a website doesn’t have a format that is compatible with smartphones, then it will result in negative votes. If users rate their experience on a site poorly, then it may also get low page rank.

Moreover, the user experience of a website also depends upon its loading time and effectiveness. Nobody likes advertisements and popups that open in the background. They may interrupt someone’s stream of thought and are considered a major turn off.

From a graphic design perspective, the text on a website should be written in a simple font. Widgets and plug-ins shouldn’t give an appearance of clutter, and the overall design should be minimalistic. Fancy themes may be attractive, but they jeopardize clarity and in turn, the overall user experience.

5. Break text with images

The text is often broken using images. In fact, social media users are more likely to click on a link if its image preview is attractive. Sure, headline matters but a powerful image has a better chance of catching people’s interest.

However, any old image won’t do in content marketing. The images featured on a website should be of good quality. No blurry or copyrighted photographs. They are considered bad for the website SEO. If no good quality image is available, then a representational image can be purchased from image repositories like Getty Images and Shutterstock.

To optimize them, images should have meta descriptions and tags included to interact with crawlers. They should always be named to indicate what they show rather than given a random name comprising of odd numbers. These tricks give pointers to a search engine what a content page is about and how to rank it.

6. Don’t forget the technical optimization

The URLs on a website should also be optimized. This can be done by making the slugs (the part that comes after the .com) concise. This facilitates search engines in categorizing parts of a website according to their relevance.

A sitemap is also a valuable SEO tool. In basic language, this is an XML file that lists all the URLs on a website in a hierarchical manner. The functionality of a sitemap is that it makes the job easier for website crawlers which improve the SEO.

Your Ultimate 2019 Website Content Strategies Guide for Businesses

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, February 26, 2019
The presence of a web content strategy is becoming more and more important. Whether it be blog content, video posts, or social sharing, having a bonified strategy for producing and releasing content is essential.

Content leads to brand awareness, search optimization, conversions, and downloads. Really whatever your online goals are, they'll be improved by the presence of a good content marketing strategy.

Website Content Strategies Guide for Businesses
We're here to give you a few tips on how you can improve your 2019 website content strategies. 

Tips for Website Content Strategies For Business

Content marketing has a lot of facets. You could experience success in any number of areas from subscribers to page views. Things like app downloads, conversions, social media shares, and more can all be viewed as measures of success.

It's easy to just enter into your content marketing strategy from the ground up and try to find growth whatever way you can. It's important to know what measure of success you will use in your content marketing strategy this year.

Which content marketing element will mean the most to your business? Each one has slightly different methods by which you can try to generate growth. Knowing this will allow you to really hit home and see some results in 2019.

#1 Understand Your Content's Purpose

Whatever the nature of your site or your product, there's definitely one objective that you're seeking with your content marketing. Sure, growth and profit are always at the end of the road, but what happens just before those things?

If you're looking for brand awareness, what's the last step that leads to a user knowing about your brand and telling their friends? If you're going for app downloads, where do you need to be to get those downloads started?

Think of the final destination of your content marketing. The importance of this kind of thinking can't be understated. You have to know where you're trying to get to and tailor your content to that ideal place.

The alternative is creating content that checks all of the boxes but doesn't really have an organic fit to the type of success you're trying to see.

Additionally, you have to think about your audience. Not only do you need to create content that will lead people to make the kind of conversions you want, but you need to get that content in front of the right people.

#2 Review Your Target Audience

You may have done some demographic research back in 2018, but things change fast. Take a look at the market research and see where your customers and target demographic are spending their time online.

Understanding who these people are and what respond to is a huge help in making the decision to take your content marketing in a certain direction. Maybe your audience is interested in reading niche publications -- that means you may have to put adds out in those publications and see if your resources will allow you to potentially get a spot in them.

Your audience may have switched to a different primary social media platform, meaning that all of your digital marketing dollars could be going to waste.

Alternatively, you may have an audience that needs to be reached in person first. This will be primarily local audiences. Read more here to find out about products you can use to promote your brand in person.

#3 Utilize Keywords and Google Analytics

One extremely effective way to keep up on what your users are interested in is through keyword research. Understanding what people in your customer niche are searching is essential in knowing what kind of content to produce next.

Image: Google Analytics Sample Dashboard
You can glean a lot from what people search. Additionally, you should use Google Analytics to peek into the demographics of the people who use your site. 

At the very least, you'll be able to see the age and gender percentages of your user base and take that information into your strategy. Further, you'll be able to see where your users are coming from. Geographical information can be extremely useful, as local searches are becoming more and more important.

#4 Create Content That Wants to Be Seen

You're going to want to ride the keyword research all the way to content ideas. By monitoring what is popular and what your users are interested in online, you can know what sort of content is desired.

You should identify popular keywords and phrases that aren't experiencing a lot of competition from other sites within your niche. In other words, if you're a car salesman, don't try to rank against keywords that Ford and Buick already have optimized for.

Sticking to keywords that you'll actually be able to compete for is the way to go. The important thing here, though, is to make your content specific to the popular keywords while working your product or brand in well enough to generate conversions.

This can be a difficult task, though, and not everyone has the content creation skills to do it.

#5 Hire a Content Creator

You don't have to take on the entire burden of your content marketing strategy alone. There are professionals out there who are chomping at the bit for opportunities to write, create, and market your content.

These are people who will work under your guidance and create well-written, optimized content for your site. Bloggers are everywhere, but other kinds of content are required in a lot of cases, too.

Outsourcing the creation of your content can free up your mind to focus on the bigger picture of your content strategy in addition to giving you time to focus on other aspects of your business.

Writing consistent, quality, optimized blog posts can be a difficult task. When you have a million other aspects of your business running in your mind, writing a keyword-optimized post is the last thing you want to do.

Want Help Making Your Business Successful?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking out help for your website content strategies. In fact, it would be crazy if you didn't!

Visit our site for more tips and tricks for your content strategies.

5 Reasons You Should Add a Visual Element to Your Content

By Ashutosh Jha → Saturday, February 23, 2019
In a recent survey by Venngage, 88 percent of marketers stated that they used visuals in over half of the articles they published.

What are visuals, exactly?

Visuals can be stock photos, infographics, charts, graphs, or videos. Adding a visual element to your content improves visibility and brings more traffic to your website.

5 Importance of Visual Content

Here are five scientifically backed reasons that visuals improve your content. Learn why you need to start using them immediately. Let's start and see some of the top importance of visual content.

1. Visuals Make Content Easy to Remember

Humans are visual creatures. Visual images help the mind retrieve and remember information better. The way we take in and retain information with visual learning is one reason visuals resonate more with readers.

An infographic helps to visualize the point you're making in your blog post, for example. And a graph is a simple way to showcase statistics in an easy-to-understand way.

Adding visuals is one of the best ways to use social media or your blog to promote your business.

Visuals Make Content Easy to Remember

2. Images Are Attention Grabbing

Visuals are easy to digest. This makes them perfect for the majority of readers that have a short attention span.

Many people get bored and leave a web page after a few seconds if they don't find the information they want. According to an eye-tracking study, users take less than two-tenths of a second to generate a first impression of your site.

Content images grab their attention, which keeps them on your page longer.

3. Quality Visual Content Drives Traffic

Visual content is more likely to be shared. More people click on your link and visit your site if it has a graphic or video to entice them.

Great visual content also demonstrates you know what you're talking about. This helps build credibility and trustworthiness. People are more likely to subscribe to your blog or revisit your site if they know they can find good information.

4. Visuals Increase Your Followers

Building on the last point, if you share your content on social media you'll attract more followers with visuals. People will want to follow you to discover more quality content in the future.

Visual content is also a great way to increase your subscribers and customers as well. Drive sales by funneling social media converts to your products or services.

5. Adding a Visual Element Creates More Visibility

With so many ways to search for content now, it's more important than ever to use visuals in your content. Posts with visuals tend to do better and are more likely to be seen in varying search results.

Adding a video, for example, tends to create more backlinks. Not sure how to get your amazing videos to rank well? z420 Marketing Solutions has solutions to help improve your visibility and rankings.

Improve Your Content with Visuals

Boost your content with visuals to give them even more impact. You increase your visibility on search engines, drive more leads, and increase followers.

Adding a visual element can be as simple as including a stock photo or as personalized as creating a video.

Visuals and content marketing images are just one way to make your business more profitable. Get a free consultation to learn how to improve your marketing strategy and increase conversions.

5 Tips To Creating a Custom Journal

By Ashutosh Jha →
Writing in a journal is a helpful activity which allows one to reflect on things that they have been going through at work or school and in various aspects of their lives. Custom journals can be obtained in two ways, for one, you may order one online where you are granted the freedom to specify exactly the design and features that you want for your journal. The second way is by developing your own custom journal, taking into consideration the tips described below.

5 Tips To Creating a Custom Journal

5 Tips Creating Custom Journal

Let's start and see some tips to creating custom journal. These will help you plan and decide your custom journal in an efficient and better way.

1. Get inspiration

Check out various personal custom journals online and get to see the type of designs that people use in their journals. Lots of people all over the world engage in forms of art such as painting, sculpture and DIY projects, such as, in this case, creating a custom journal. Looking at their work may grant you inspiration which you can use to develop your own journal and make it as cool and fancy as you like. Inspiration is key to get any work done and therefore, get started on social platforms for instance, where most people are likely to have posted their work.

2. Figure out your design

Once you feel inspired, get down to the details and sketch exactly what you would love in the design of your custom journal. Some of the factors to consider include, for example, what kind of material you want for your cover, for instance, leather. Other factors include color, decorations, and embellishments such as glitter and the font or calligraphy used in or at the top of your journal.

3. Be as creative as you can

This is your journal, and you have the freedom to get as creative and adventurous as you wish while developing it. Do not shy away from trying out bold colors, cool patterns, and all types of extra snippets that you can add to take your journal to the next level. If you do not like something, you can always change it and replace it with a thing that sits well with you. The beauty of creative paperwork is that it is easy to redo as compared to other forms of art. Take advantage of this to make your journal perfect.

4. Prepare adequately

To develop a custom journal, you require basic supplies such as glue, stickers, and other forms of stationery to ensure that you have an easy time. Getting all of these beforehand is advised so as to avoid being in the middle of development and realizing that you lack one important item.

5. Acquire all the help you can get

Two minds are better than one. Therefore, when it comes to the design and development of your custom journal, consider asking your friends and family for help. They are likely to have creative insight and input which you might not have thought of by yourself.

Also Read: 5 kids Writing tips to make kids best at writing

Doing this will ensure that your end product will be a journal that you are proud of since it will be the result of a number of creative minds put together. Working on a project together with your friends will also be advantageous since it will create a perfect bonding time for you all.

5 Creative Techniques to Help You Find Your Writing Flow in Blogging

By Ashutosh Jha → Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Struggling to find your writing flow? It's a common issue that every writer occasionally experiences.

Some days, the words seem to pour forth from your keyword with little effort. Other days, you feel like you're recreating the wheel itself while pushing it uphill.

Even so, you know that every minute spent with writer's block is wasted and unproductive.

Let's look at some ways you can find your writing flow state and give your writing your best efforts.

What Is Flow State?

Before we jump into specifics, let's look at what a good flow state looks like.

Think of it as "writing nirvana," the point where your words form naturally and effortlessly like water from a fountain.

Flow state is a dream many writers chase, but few take the necessary steps to achieve it. If you're too busy to improve your writing, you won't get the results you expect.

It doesn't happen on its own, but rather through concentrated efforts that will transform and inspire a little at a time.

Remember, little steps can go a long way in nurturing your creativity. Eventually, it will take less effort for you to turn your thoughts into a whirlwind of words that achieve your greatest desires.

Achieving Writing Flow State in Blogging

Finding your flow state looks different for every writer. We all dream, think, and act differently, and must find what works for each of us.

These tips can provide a starting point to find your writing nirvana:

1. Detox from Distractions

Forget about Facebook, IG, and email. When it's time to write, you need nothing getting in your way.

Leaving your smartphone in a different room will make you less likely to pick it up every time you get a text or email.

Consider using a distraction blocker to prevent you from accessing websites that have nothing to do with your project.

Force yourself to work solely on your writing so you can focus on your great ideas and worry less about interruptions.

2. Improve Your Typing Skills

When the words are coming strong and fast, your only limit is how fast you can type. Focus on improving your typing speed and accuracy so you never miss a good idea.

You can learn more here about courses that improve your typing. Also, you should try keeping the word count at least around 600+ to get a good response from the search engines. Although the word count is directly showing in the Microsoft Word file but still if you need help, there are many word count tools available online. You can take help of those and craft your content.

3. Skip the Caffeine

Caffeine provides a much-needed crutch for writers fighting to stay focused. But stimulants could be doing more harm than good.

Too many sodas or cups of coffee can leave you feeling jittery and unfocused. Plus, drinking too much in a short time will mean more bathroom breaks to take you away from your work.

4. Take Breaks

Breaks aren't as counterproductive as they seem. If you find yourself unable to focus, you likely need to clear your head.

Take a walk and get in touch with nature. Go somewhere that inspires you to spark creativity.

Find Your Inner Inspiration

Experiment with the above tips to find what triggers your writing flow. Take note of what works and doesn't work in your process so you can tweak and refine as you go.

Are you ready to take your writing to the next level? Find more insights and inspiration in our Start a Blog section.

Trying to Write Good Articles? 9 Tips to Writing an SEO-Friendly Blog

By Ashutosh Jha → Friday, January 18, 2019
I'm going to tell you a secret. Are you listening?

The secret to growing any successful online business is a blog.

Really, a blog?

Yep, a blog. Now before you click that back arrow, hear me out. I'm not talking about the home-make blogging that was happening 10 years ago. These days, blogs can be a very valuable asset to your marketing plan.

Things like SEO, keywords, and quality content will make your blog easy to find on those search engines. And at the end of the day, that's what we want.  

So let's get started. Thinking of starting a blog but don't know how to write good articles? Follow these 9 tips to write an SEO-friendly blog!  Keyword Research

1. Keyword Research

First thing first. Before you even start to think about content, you must do some keyword research.

If you want good results when posting your blog posts, you need to figure out what keywords your audience is actually searching for. These are the topics you should spend your time writing about. 

Sure. You might be passionate about finding goldfish leashes, but unless other people are searching those exact keywords, your blog is going to be hard to find.

Think of keywords that an average person might type in. Then use those keywords throughout your article.  Here are some tips to keep in mind when searching for keywords:

  • They are related to your blog
  • Simple phrases that would be used
  • Has a low competition rate
  • About 2 - 3 words in length

Using Keywords is a critical part of making your blog SEO-friendly. But, we get it. If you aren't familiar with SEO and keywords it can feel overwhelming to try to understand how it all works. You could always consider turning to an SEO company for some help.

2. Write for the Reader

Ok, now that we've talked about the technical stuff, let's talk about the fun stuff. The writing.

After all, you wouldn't be thinking of starting a blog if you didn't have some great ideas and content that needed to be shared on the world wide web.

The first thing you need to remember is to write for the reader, not the search engines. It can be tempting to try to write articles that search engines will find and send to the top of the list, but if your articles are full of genuine content, your blog will not last long.

Remember, there is another human reading what you write. It must be natural, easy to read, and to the point. I mean, we aren't really known for our lengthy attention spans.

3. Solid Structure

Good blog posts follow some simple structure guidelines. We all remember 3rd grade writing, right? Introduction, body, and conclusion.

Your blog posts should more or less follow the same format. But, because we are writing for the average reader, here are some tips to keep your writing relatable:

  1. Don't use big long technical words or phrases. These will turn the reader off and they'll look elsewhere for their information.
  2. Uses short sentences and short paragraphs to make the article readable.
  3. Use heading to break the text up and so information is easy to find. 

Once you've found a structure that works for you and your readers, stick with it. It's good for your readers to know what to expect when they come to your blog.

4. Length Matters

While there is some flexibility for how long your blog posts should be, there are some rough guidelines to follow. Let's consider how a search engine crawls an article.

Basically, search engines crawl articles looking for keywords and clues of what the article is about. In turn, the search engine will send the user suggestions based on their search.

Anything less than 300 words is not enough length for search engines to get an idea of what the content is regarding. But, anything longer than 3,000 words and your readers will most likely quit before getting to the end.

Most would agree that anything between 500 and 2500 words would suffice. So, as a writer, you just need to find your sweet spot.

What length can you deliver good quality content while keeping your reader engaged?

5. Link to Links

It may seem contradictory to add links to other websites to your blog. But, this is actually recommended in order to have the best SEO possible for your blog.

These outbound links should be relevant and informative to what you are talking about. Adding links to authoritative and trustworthy sites creates a better experience for the user. It also helps search engines know that you're sincerely want to inform your readers. This will boost your SEO ranking.

If you've already written a similar piece, be sure to an internal link. Internal links will make your blog post stronger because it shows that you are somewhat of an expert on that given topic. It also allows search engines to get a better idea of your site and what you are about.

6. Post Content Regularly

I don't care if you've written the best blog post the world has ever seen. If you're not providing quality on a regular basis, no one is going to ever read it.

That's because search engines recognize when blogs are updated frequently. To them, it means that the information posted will be up-to-date and relevant to modern readers.
Once a week is usually a good place to start. If you get going and have more information to share, then posting 3 to 4 times a week would be ideal.

And again, readers love to know what to expect, so be consistent. Let them know they can count on you to deliver great articles weekly.

7. Organization Rules

Yep, even your blog needs to be organized.

Organize your blog by using categories and tags. These allow readers to connect with articles about the same subject that have already been written.

Here are a few organization rules to keep in mind:

  • Use keywords for categories
  • Have no more than 20 categories total
  • Each post should be in 3 categories
  • Tags are not the categories and should be named differently
  • Use 5 to 10 tags per post

A well-structured blog can boost your blog's SEO. So find a system that works for you and use it religiously.

8. Keyword Placement

Yep, we're back on those keywords.

You've found your keywords, and you've written a great blog post, so how do you incorporate the two?

Just like everything else, there are guidelines to follow when using keywords. Your keywords for your article should be included in the title, at least one heading, and one image description.

They should also be placed sparingly throughout the article. We like to suggest once in the introduction, and again in the conclusion.

Be careful not to use the keyword too much. This raises a red flag with search engines and they may mark your blog as spam.

Also, be sure the use of the keyword is natural and readable.

9. Share Share Share

Just like you learned in preschool, sharing is caring. When you've posted a new article, share it on your other social media platforms.

Share your article and encourage your readers to share as well. This sends search engines signals that your content is high-quality and they will send more readers your way.

You Can Write Good Articles

By following our guide, you will be able to pump out good articles that will entice the reader and track the attention of those search engines.

All it takes is a little research and some practice and soon you'll have an engaging audience at your fingertips.

Still have questions or concerns? Come check us out. We'll have you up and running in no time.