Making your home more energy-efficient can help you save money, teach your family a valuable lesson, and is suitable for the environment. When we think of being able to make a more efficient home, spending money to save money may be something that comes to mind.
However, in the era of smartphones, IoT, and innovative technology, we find more ways to save with small to free activities that are easy to do as well.
Replacing windows, like with appliances, is a costly action and doesn’t have to happen all at once, but when the time is right, you will see the difference in how the windows help out your home’s efficiency.
Not only will you have more efficiency, but you can also connect the latest HVAC systems to the latest technology if you want, and the most updated technology has controllable apps from your phone. This information means that there will be a chance for you to regulate your home’s temperature when you aren’t even there.
The good news is that any electricity you don’t use that has been stored in your battery power you can sell to your local electric company, who will then use it for their other customers (or whatever needs they may have). So, you are being efficient, helping out in your community, and earning a little money to go with it.
Insulating your attic will help keep your house warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, so your hot or cold air doesn’t leak out and cause your AC or furnace to run more often.
However, in the era of smartphones, IoT, and innovative technology, we find more ways to save with small to free activities that are easy to do as well.

3 Ways to Make Home Energy Efficient
This article has a list of big and little things you can do to make your home a more efficient place to live.The Small Things
There can be various things in small things like-Sealing Your Windows
Sealing your windows and unused doors in the wintertime can save on your heating bill. There are kits you can buy online or at any local store when seasonal products change from summer to fall products. The seal can be easy to use as well, adding the plastic to the windows and using a hairdryer to help the only tools you’ll need.Turning Your Lights Off When Not in Use
While this action may seem like a no-brainer, many people (and especially children) can forget to turn lights off when they leave the house or leave a room. Turning the lights off in the home can reduce your electricity bill up to 20%, and as a bonus, you cut down on your carbon footprint, which is good for the environment.Turning Your Water Off
Like turning your lights off when you leave the room, turning your water off, even when you brush your teeth, is an oldie but a goodie on the efficiency front.Changing Your Filters Regularly
Changing your filters in your heater will help improve the way your heater runs. When you have a dirty filter, the heater has to work harder to force warm air through and runs more frequently.Make a Compost Pile
Discarding your food in a plastic bag that will take eons to decompose doesn’t make sense when the food is so decomposable. Creating a compost pile can save trash, lessen piles at the junkyard, and give you some excellent fertilizer for a small or more significant garden.Place Appliances Away from the Thermostat
Making sure to have your appliances away from the thermostat will help it run less in the hotter months. If the thermostat thinks it is warmer than it is, it will run more often.Use Dishwasher and Washer After 6:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. is the peak time when everyone is washing their dishes. Turning the dishwasher on after 6:00 p.m. will reduce the amount of energy it takes to run your dishwasher and reduce the strain on the residential power grid.Use Natural Light Whenever Possible
Natural light is a great way to see the world, and when you use it, you aren’t spiking up your electrical bill either. Finding the right place to use natural light during any sunlit hours will help create a more energy-efficient home.Change Your Light Bulbs from Incandescent to LED
Changing the kind of light bulbs you use, especially changing your bulbs to LED, can severely diminish your carbon footprint. LED bulbs are more costly than any incandescent bulbs. However, they last longer and use less energy. In the end, getting them is an easy fix for a cleaners NYC lifestyle.Unplug Any Unused Battery Chargers
Unlike lights, when they are turned off, anything plugged into an outlet still burns electricity. When you unplug the battery charger from a battery-powered object you aren’t using, you are stopping the power from going anywhere. When you leave the charger plugged in, you’ll find your electricity bill is higher than when you don’t have them in.Turning Your Computer Off When Not in Use
Like the previous statement, turning off your computer and laptop when it’s not in use will also give you a more energy-efficient home. Unplugging your laptop and computer when you aren’t using it will save on electricity A will, and if your laptop is powered down, it will save on the battery of your laptop as well. This means you won’t have to charge it as often.Make Sure Your Attic is Insulated
Having your attic insulated will stop the heat from going out of the house and will allow your furnace to think it isn’t as cold inside. It will help your furnace run less. Insulation will work for air conditioning, as well. The less these larger appliances run, the longer their lifecycle will be, and the better the environment will be too.Plant Trees and Shrubs
Planting trees and shrubs around your home will help shade your house in the hotter months and keep your house warmer in the cooler months.Some Bigger Things
Schedule an Energy Efficiency Inspection
Although the time for tax breaks for energy efficiency is no longer an option, finding out where you could create more efficiency in your home is a great way to get some ideas. A trained and licensed inspector can come to your house to do this. It will cost you some money and some time, but afterward, you will have a better understanding of how you can reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.Purchase High-Efficiency Appliances
Each year, new appliances with higher efficiency come out. And while we cannot replace our appliances every year (that would lead to another mess and headache we wouldn’t want to even think about), it’s still good to consider which energy-efficient appliances we can buy next. Labels will certainly help you find the highest efficiency ratings around.Fill in All Cracks and Holes
While this action won’t be quite as costly as the others in this list, it will take some time to find all the cracks and holes that may be hiding in your corners and around your house. Filling in these cracks will help keep heat and energy in and will save the furnace from running extra when it doesn’t have to.Replace Windows
Like with new appliances, new windows are a great way to save energy and create efficiency. The latest models of windows can seal up the nooks and crannies better than windows of ten years ago. Some models work with the heat of your home that is insulated with unique material to keep cold and hot air inside, as well as several other grand updates that someone may not think about when it comes to windows.Replacing windows, like with appliances, is a costly action and doesn’t have to happen all at once, but when the time is right, you will see the difference in how the windows help out your home’s efficiency.
Replace the Desktop Computer with a Laptop
Laptops can use up to 80% less energy than a desktop computer. The national average says that people replace their computers every four years. Now, that can add up to a lot of money spent, especially when you are trying to save money through energy efficiency, but remember, with each year comes new technology and new ways to save on energy and create a more streamlined method of energy usage.Enhance your HVAC System
So this one can be a doozy of payment because, not only does enhancing your HVAC system include getting the most up to date/new air conditioning unit and furnace, but it also includes rerouting your ventilation system. The great news is that once you update your system things can move cleanly and efficiently through your home.Not only will you have more efficiency, but you can also connect the latest HVAC systems to the latest technology if you want, and the most updated technology has controllable apps from your phone. This information means that there will be a chance for you to regulate your home’s temperature when you aren’t even there.
Get Solar Panels
Like the HVAC system, turning your house into a green palace with solar panels will save you money in the long run, but will cost you money upfront. The bulk of the pricing comes when you add panels to your home and re-route the energy to a battery on your property.The good news is that any electricity you don’t use that has been stored in your battery power you can sell to your local electric company, who will then use it for their other customers (or whatever needs they may have). So, you are being efficient, helping out in your community, and earning a little money to go with it.
Add Insulation to Your Attic
Not to double up on advice (from "The Small Things" to "Some Bigger Things"), but adding insulation to your attic will help save you a lot of money, and it’s probably the least expensive action to do on the "Bigger Things" list we have for you.Insulating your attic will help keep your house warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, so your hot or cold air doesn’t leak out and cause your AC or furnace to run more often.
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