5 Tips to Hiring a Professional Copywriting Service

5 Tips to Hiring a Professional Copywriting Service

By Ashutosh Jha → Last Updated on Monday, November 6, 2017
Copywriting is often looked upon as an easy task. However, that is not necessarily the case as it does require a high skill set to perform copywriting tasks. If you are running a business, it would be foolish of you to not use the expertise of a copywriter to help market your brand. However, seeing you here, it does appear that you are considering hiring a professional copywriting service. Without beating around the bush any further, here are 5 tips to hiring a professional copywriting service.

Tip 1: Say no to SEO Pro

You must always prioritize hiring a solid copywriter with SEO knowledge over an SEO Pro who writes. An SEO Pro would always emphasize on keywords. Thus, their content will lack the creativity to bring in visitors. However, a copywriter will be able to produce captivating content while still keeping a few keywords in mind. In order to have quality content, you, as a business owner, shouldn't hog tie your writer with a long list of SEO requirements.

Tip 2: Know what you are seeking for

Before hiring a copywriter, you should know what you are seeking for. You shouldn't make the mistake of hiring someone that claims to do everything. You should instead focus on specialists. So, what do you need your copywriter to do? Do you need him/her to tackle abandoned cart emails or do you need your copywriter to wax lyrical about your product? Copywriters are just like doctors—all of them have their own area of expertise.

Tip 3: Request for previous work

It is advisable for you to ask for samples before hiring a particular copywriter. Doing so will give you a better idea of the copywriter´s writing style. You will then be able to judge better and identify if the copywriter is a good fit for your company.

Tip 4: The copywriter must be able to adapt your voice

Every sales piece of a business has a voice. While some focus on being professional, there are other brands that claim to be energy efficient and kind to the environment. Hence, if you, as a business owner, have a general idea of what you'd like your business to represent, the copywriter you intend to hire must be able to adopt your voice. A good copywriter will help you connect better with your target audience by making your message easy to understand.

Tip 5: How skilled do you need your copywriter to be?

You don't need to hire the services of a top-rated professional copywriting service all the time. Not all writing gigs require the inputs and expertise of a proficient copywriter. And, for one-off projects, you will be better off if you hire the services of a contract writer or a freelance copywriter. However, we wouldn´t stop you from hiring someone full-time either. After all, the copywriter who works with you the longest will have a better idea of your brand's identity.
Ashutosh Jha

Ashutosh Jha is a professional blogger, Blog and IT Consultant. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Making Money, Internet Marketing and Web Design.
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