Many times you will find that people spend lot of money but fail to get the targeted audience and success. Have you thought the reason for the same?
The main reason is the promotion. They don't promote their event or if they do so, not to the correct audience. So In this guide I will be talking about How to promote events free. Using these 5 basic but very powerful and most importantly FREE methods you would be able to promote your event successfully.

Suppose you are organizing an event or to be simple suppose you want to organize a webinar on Affiliate marketing where you will promote your Paid course on affiliate marketing. Now what you will have to do to promote that event?
Event promotion can be done in couple of ways- Paid Method and Free Methods.
Paid methods can include Facebook, Goggle ads etc. but if you don't want to spend or if you don't have initial budget (many of us have this situation) then this article on how to promote event free will help you to get success with the events.
How to Promote your Event for Free
Here I am going to share the 5 basic ways to promote but believe me these are at most powerful and will give good ROI.
1. Ask Suggestion
Here what you will have to do is put the status on your social profile like Facebook/Google+ etc. about your event and ask suggestion. Now suppose I am organizing the webinar on affiliate marketing so I will write on Facebook something like-
"How many of you are interested in earning $$$ through Affiliate marketing on auto pilot mode. I have done this and want to share my experience with you all. Want to join?
Also, suggest the date and time when you would like to have. Thank you!"
So this is a very simple post but it will attract the visitors. There are many punches I have used like-
• I have asked Questions. People love to answer and share their thought on social media.
• I have thrown the ball on the user's hand that when they want me to organize the webinar? - This will create a connection with the user and it feel that the organizer really cares for the members.
• I have marked about the earning and also have written that I have earned--means? I have done and they will believe me.
So using these types of posts, you can get good number of engagement.
2. Use Twitter Hashtags
The 140 characters will help you a lot. Yes use the #tag and promote your event. If it is a big event, use #eventname in the #tag else use your site name or whichever thing is famous.
You can also; take help of retweet sites where for some credits other will retweet your tweet and you can target larger audience.
3. Instagram
Instagram is very famous social site in terms of images. Around 40M pictures are getting shared each month on Instagram every month. It is the popularity of Instagram that attracted Facebook to buy.
To promote your event on Instagram, all you have to do is - create an awesome image for your event and promote on Instagram using hash tags. The impressive your image would be, the better it will reach. Also, share your Instagram image link on your other profiles.
4. Newsletter
If you are in blogging or any online activities, you must be having good audience. So what you would have to do is, prepare a good email template which should include a brief about your event and shoot out email to all your subscribers.
Remember to include the details about the event like why your subscribers should attend your event, what you offer etc. It should be a perfect sale copy.
This method will convert the most because all your subscribers already trust you and it won’t be difficult for them to decide whether to attend or not.
5. Do Guest Posts, ask friends to share
Guest post still works if you are not doing just for backlinks. Find the blogs from the niche in which you are organizing event and approach the admin for a guest post. As you are not asking for backlinks so admin will not have a problem at all.
Now suppose I am organizing event on affiliate marketing so i will identify blogs on Blogging Niche, tech Niche, marketing niche etc. and will approach the admin.
Over to you
These are the basic ways to promote the events free and I see most of the people not using these effectively. If you are using these methods to promote your events, I am sure you can get good number of attendees. I hope this post on How to promote events for free will help you to promote your events in an efficient manner.
Which method you use to promote your events?
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